Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 522.2 Table of contents

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Good Treatment in Prison (2)

Jiang Wan Li was living comfortable days in prison. Towards the situation outside, he also didn’t question. After all, he’d just entered officialdom, not knowing much. That’s why, the best way was to just not think about it, else one would just bring trouble to oneself, looking to suffer. Since he can have this kind of days in prison, then it was obvious, the matters outside further don’t need him to go worry over. What he needed to do now was to just patiently wait. Once the matter was settled, he naturally can just go out.

Speaking of Rui Qinwang’s side, when plotting this matter, the situation at first was still considered satisfactory, preparing to let this matter ferment further. After all, it was still very far from their final goal. Jiang Wan Li, just an insignificant top scorer, truthfully speaking, really wasn’t taken seriously by them. A person, no matter how outstanding, having just entered officialdom, not having the slightest real power, this kind of person, completely wasn’t worth fearing. Never mind one, even if ten or a hundred, abandoning, he also won’t heartache. Furthermore, for someone that very much valued talented people, towards the up-and-coming youngsters of the enemy faction, that was just wishing to eliminate immediately.

However, the situation right now wasn’t within their expectations. In their plans, this matter should be handed to the Judicial Court. The Head Magistrate of the Judicial Court although was a stubborn and inflexible old fella, but the entire Judicial Court’s interior wasn’t really a complete iron plate. It was mostly perceptive and tactful people that had ambitions, so Rui Qinwang had plenty of people inside. As long as Jiang Wan Li gets detained in the Judicial Court, he can let him easily die inside, even able to turn into a case of ‘committing suicide to escape punishment’, leaving behind a bloody letter and so on. Then, the matters afterwards, even those forged evidences, will also because of this get solidified as facts.

However, at present, Jiang Wan Li nevertheless got taken away by the Black Clad Guards. The Black Clad Guards were a true iron plate, completely controlled in Li Su Yan’s hands. They these people didn’t have any leeway to insert a hand. Although it’s said that the Black Clad Guards’ prison was for the most part a place of no return, but even if Jiang Wan Li dies inside, this chess piece won’t produce the proper effect either. Furthermore, without Le Cheng Emperor’s decree, Jiang Wan Li at most would just be a bit crippled. Additionally, Luo Pei Shan seemingly wasn’t affected in the slightest. His three grandsons also merely just got their Hanlin Academy exam temporarily put on hold. Never mind getting detained, to not set a single foot out the door, outsiders simply weren’t able to come in contact with them, so even if wanting to do a bit of something, there was no way of going about it.

This wasn’t the situation Rui Qinwang and them wanted. And the longer this matter was dragged out, the more likely something will go wrong.

Just as expected, Rui Qinwang’s side picked up their pace, and their method was naturally just stirring up the scholars’ anger. As long as this matter’s ruckus is enough big, increasing Le Cheng Emperor’s pressure, the investigation below will just speed up.

However, what Rui Qinwang didn’t know was that the more he did, the more evidence was left behind, because his every step was all grasped in Li Hong Yuan’s hand, the invisible pit getting dug deeper and deeper, even going to be the one to bury him.

The matter indeed intensified more and more, especially for certain scholars, practically just like a certain time in the past, wanting to blockade the Luo family. However, this plan ultimately was given up on. Regardless whether it was towards the Head Minister of Appointments, or the Great Scholar that had disciples all over the country, they all had misgivings. That’s why, they more or less still had a bit of rationality.

However, things did get even more intense. Moreover, the already deceased Eye of Notice (2nd place) also got dragged out and pulled through the mud. The best proof was just that Eye of Notice having repeatedly failed the exam. Some of his essays prior to the metropolitan exam also got flipped out, proving that he far didn’t have the ability to become the Eye of Notice. Jiang Wan Li was because of his abilities exceeding the mass, while the Eye of Notice was because of lacking in abilities. Speaking of which, it was really ridiculous, but some just believed it.

Le Cheng Emperor also headached very much, having the matter handed to the Black Clad Guards to investigate and handle, yet after several days, there weren’t any results, so he naturally had Li Su Yan called over to question.

“Your Majesty, the matter is more or less investigated already. In reality, it is indeed as how it was said in the very beginning. Nine times out of ten, it’s someone causing mischief. Right now, just short of catching the mastermind behind the scenes. At most, in another two three days. More than enough to let the truth surface.”

Le Cheng Emperor nodded his head, “Su Yan, you’ve worked hard. All in all, quickly have this matter settled.”


That’s why, not touching the Luo family, just ‘arresting’ Jiang Wan Li, one was for protection, and two, it was just for pacifying the people. But now, with those scholars repeatedly causing trouble, Le Cheng Emperor was also angry. To get instigated this easily by others, it can be seen that one didn’t have any subjective views. This kind of person, how can they become a good official? Le Cheng Emperor directly let someone go have the bunch that made the most noise dragged out, not taking away the scholarly honors, just directly banning from the imperial exam for thirty years.

Thirty years, not everyone was able to last this long. In thirty years, some perhaps will already be buried in the earth.

To kill the chicken to warn the monkey as such, the effect was very obvious. The people causing a scene instantly just calmed down.

They these scholars, exactly what were they striving for? Wasn’t it precisely wanting to become an official. Regardless of whether it was for the sake of power or interest, or for the sake of bringing honor to the ancestors, or really harboring the world in one’s heart, all in all, need to enter officialdom first. If the path all got severed, then all the thoughts will all become empty. That’s why, regardless of how discontent they were inside, they could only pull back.

TN: All

The great majority of the officials also finally felt that Le Cheng Emperor did something decent.

However, that night, Rui Qinwang met with the current Head Minister of Rites. This Sir Su directly got to the point, letting Rui Qinwang quickly pull back. He was very certain, this matter absolutely won’t succeed. If it continues like this, Rui Qinwang will only expose himself before Le Cheng Emperor. To stop when needing to stop, the previously prepared scapegoat can also be sent out at this time.

“Sir Su, please give this prince an explanation.” Rui Qinwang was displeased inside, but right now, he very much relied on him. That’s why, he more or less gave a bit of face.

“Wangye, on this matter, Luo Pei Shan’s behavior is a little too quiet. Not only him, there’s also the other faithful officials of the court, and even his Majesty. It can be seen, between them, perhaps there’s something we don’t know. In fact, it’s possible that from the start, it just got detected by someone.

Previously, I’d already told wangye, Jin Qinwang, this person, must not be underestimated. Although we weren’t able to find anything, but the most abnormal point is that for someone like Jin Qinwang, it’s impossible to not have the slightest ambition. That’s why, it’s better for us to believe that he’s just hidden too deeply, then to be deceived by the mask he’s currently displaying. Thus, it’s better to be on guard more. If there’s nothing, then it’s naturally for the best. But if there’s something, we won’t be caught off-guard either.

Pulling back at this time, to a certain degree, can also sound out Jin Qinwang.”

Rui Qinwang was discontent inside, but in the end, he wasn’t someone that was unwilling to listen.

And two days later, he was very glad that he listened.

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