Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 132 Table of contents

"...My goodness."

"What in the world..."

The superhumans, who were growing weary of the endless swarm of spiders, noticed something unusual.

A girl had appeared just as they thought they couldn't hold on any longer.

Around her, the spiders were being shredded at an incredible speed.

As they approached her, it looked as if the spiders couldn't get close, their bodies sliced apart like tofu.

"...Is it thread? She's laid out thread so that anything approaching gets cut to pieces!"

"Everyone, stay away from the girl! Unless you want to cry over a lost limb!"

The superhumans cheered at the arrival of someone with such an appropriate ability for the current situation.

"If we use the area around her as a refuge...! We can quickly get treated if we're injured!"

"It's possible! We can hold them off here!"

The threads extended around the girl, attaching to the rubble of collapsed buildings and creating traps.

Though the threads began to lose effectiveness as the bodies piled up, more threads spread out from the girl.

This seemed to reduce the number of spiders swarming in, giving a glimmer of hope that they might hold out.

At that moment, they heard a howl.


"A wolf? A beast? Damn it, not now..."

"No! It's not a beast! Look over there!"

Crunch, crunch.

Even superhumans couldn't avoid injury if bitten by those spiders.

A single bite and the momentary pause could lead to a swarm attack.

That's why the front line was pushed back, to ensure maximum safety.

But that wasn't the case for the figure in front of them.

A wolf walking on two legs like a human.

Several superhumans gasped in shock.

"Wait. I've seen that in a book. Isn't that a werewolf...?"

"...What? A werewolf? Didn't that species go extinct hundreds of years ago?"


Ignoring the shocked superhumans, the werewolf howled.

As if to say that such minor injuries couldn't harm it.

Unlike the front line, which moved back with the wave's pressure, the werewolf advanced.

And soon, dark fluid began to ooze from within the wave. It was likely killing the beasts inside.

To crawl into such a dreadful place.

"...It doesn't seem to have any reason. Is it really an ally? Could it just be a coincidental beast?"

"Don't worry. It's an ally. That's a transformation ability of a superhuman."

"What the...! You scared me...! Where have you been all this time...!"

"I had some things to take care of. But it seems to have brought about something good, hasn't it?"

"...Did you bring those superhumans?"

Specialized in mass slaughter, just as promised.

They built walls with their abilities to fend off as many beasts as possible, moving and building walls again when they were broken.

Unlike those who had gradually grown weary as the front line was pushed back, these superhumans didn't need a front line.

One was impervious to attacks, and the other couldn't be approached by the beasts without dying instantly.

"Thanks to you, we're saved. Even though there are only two of them..."

"There aren't just two."


"Over there."

Following Hyul's gaze, they saw a woman with a snake's lower half, sobbing and cursing.

"Why do I have to be in this state...! Why am I in this state...! I'll curse you, curse you, curse you...!"

"...Is she alright?"

"She tends to exaggerate, so she'll be fine."

"AAAAAAAHHH! I almost died...!"

Perhaps she hadn't noticed the approaching spider.

Her hair got caught in its mouth, but she managed to escape with only a few strands lost, avoiding serious injury.

"Hey, she should be sent to the rear. It's too dangerous here."

"Don't worry. Though she's not very reliable, exaggerates a lot, doesn't listen, and is always a burden...she's useful."

...Is she really alright?

Despite Hyul's harsh words, the snake woman blushed, perhaps feeling humiliated by the attack.

"She's still useful."

"How dare you try to kill me...! I'll never forgive you!"

Her eyes glowed yellow, her pupils briefly becoming reptilian slits.

The spiders in her gaze turned gray, their texture changing as if turned to stone.

"...Is that stone?"

"She can create barriers with her attacks. It's a good ability."

"Yes, she can turn anything she focuses on into stone. However..."


As they admired her ability, their curiosity was piqued.

Was there a drawback?

"If she uses it too often, her eyes hurt, so she can't use it frequently... And she has to keep her eyes open to use it continuously..."

"AAAAH! My eyes...! Why won't you disappear?! SAVE ME!"

Despite her powerful ability to turn spiders into stone, she was now rubbing her eyes and fleeing with her tail.

"That's what happens."

"...It's impressive, but..."

"Yeah, but..."

"Don't worry too much. She'll survive. She's always managed to."

Just like with Übermensch, Hyul thought but didn't say.

There was no need to delve into that.

"Still, I didn't expect things to get this much easier with three more joining."


"...Can I correct one thing? It's not three."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because there's me. Four of us."

"What? But you can't..."

Before he could finish, Hyul disappeared into mist.

He had previously complained that his ability was only useful for evasion against beasts.

He couldn't effectively fill the large beasts' lungs with water.

...And only then did they realize these were the younglings.

"...Do spiders have lungs?"

"I don't know. But they must have some respiratory system. And the younglings are much smaller."

As if confirming their thoughts, the mist settled in the middle of the wave.

The spiders, inhaling the mist and rushing towards the superhumans, foamed at the mouth and collapsed.

"Damn, that's terrifying."


But even such a fearsome ability was on their side.

With four superhumans joining, the burden noticeably lightened.

It wasn't just a feeling; the difference was clear.

The number of beasts drastically decreased.

"Finally, things are getting easier."

"Yeah, we've been through a lot. Just a bit more..."

"Stop chatting and fight! We have a time limit! Finish this as quickly as possible!"

"...Damn it. A time limit. I thought we'd finally catch a break."

The superhumans' faces fell at the mention of a time limit.

What new information had the old man received to push them so hard?

"...No choice. Let's finish quickly and rest."


They knew the commander had a reason for pushing them.

There must be a reason.

That old man was the only one who truly cared about them.

"Ugh... AAAAAH!"

"...You seem to be in a lot of pain. Are you alright?"


"Sorry, I can't grant that wish. I promised someone special I'd return to them."

Fire shot to burn me, arms swung to crush me, and water lashed out to cut me in half.

But I evaded with minimal movement. The more I moved, the harder it would be to endure.

It was cruel, but Siwoo had no intention of dying for the girl.

To keep his promise to the girl he loved.

"...Hmmm, how many more hours until the others arrive? Want to bet?"

"Why... Why can't I hit you...!"

Siwoo didn't answer her frustrated question.

If she paused her attacks, it was good for him.

But her frustration didn't last long.

Realizing I was the cause, she attacked more ferociously.

She must have thought I was predicting and dodging her moves.

She started attacking wildly.

When I evaded all her attacks, she began to growl.

"...What's this now."

Where had it come from?

A nameless beast was now beside the girl, glaring at me.

The girl, realizing she had an ally, smirked.

"...Fine. Let's see how long you last."

Siwoo discarded his calculations of enduring all day.

Two of them.

It would be harder than he thought.

But he didn't give up.

He would return to Arte.

That was his promise.

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