The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 424 Table of contents
  1. The Ravaged Turban Shell Ranch


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<<<Th-This is…>>>


Kobdalian was speechless at the sight of the devastation before him.

Accompanied by several warriors, he had come to the Red Kobu Tribe’s turban shell ranch, built on a plateau a little distance from the village.

Turban shells are a valuable source of nutrition for the Kobudai.

The Red Kobu Tribe had been focusing on turban shell farming to secure food ahead of other tribes, and they owned several ranches.

The largest of these ranches is this ‘Red Kobu Turban Shell Ranch No. 1’.


This Ranch No. 1 was famous for raising high-quality, brand-name turban shells, allowing them to graze stress-free in a vast area.

This ranch, where a gentle breeze always blows, making it a comfortable place… is also a place dear to Kobdalian’s heart, where he has memories of coming to play with his “older sister” when he was still a young girl.


And yet, look at it.

What happened to this terrible sight?


The turban shells, which had been peacefully grazing, were all haphazardly eaten, their shells lying bare.

The precious ‘white rocks that serve as fences that turban shells hate’, dug out from the cliffs, were all shattered and thrown down the plateau.

The berries that serve as food for the turban shells were all uprooted, leaving the soil exposed.


<<<Did… the Black Kobu… do this…? >>>


Kobdalian, desperately trying to suppress his boiling rage, squeezed out a trembling voice…


<<<Yeah…! Those bastards, while our warriors were away fighting, they did as they pleased! Our precious, brand-name turban shells…! >>>


The young Kobudai in charge of ranch management muttered, clenching his teeth in frustration…


<<<So… we were tricked by a diversion… This was their main target…!>>>


Kobdaroze said flatly, but with resentment.


<<<But… to target the ranch… what are they thinking? >>>


On the other hand, Kobdaold, a veteran warrior who came here with Kobdaroze as Kobdalian’s escort… unlike the young Kobudai, who were consumed by anger… was trying to calmly analyze the situation.


<<<Until now… we’ve never targeted anyone… other than warriors. That was an unspoken rule… regardless of tribe… Red Kobu, Black Kobu, Blue Kobu… >>>


Hearing the old Kobudai’s mutter, Kobdalian came back to his senses and reassessed the situation.

And then, a bead of cold sweat trickled down his face.

What the Black Kobu Tribe did…

…Is a truly atrocious act… and a dangerous act that could even cost them their lives.


Until now, although the Kobudai have been fighting amongst themselves, as the old Kobudai said, they have never targeted anyone other than warriors.

It was strictly forbidden as a shameful act, by unspoken agreement.

Because it was clear that doing so would only lead to an even worse hell.

Let’s say, even though it’s possible to deal a significant blow to the enemy, they attack Kobudai other than warriors of the opposing tribe.

If they do that, there will definitely be retaliation.

…Against Kobudai who aren’t warriors.

What will happen as a result is an endless, ruleless massacre.

And in the end, all the tribes will be exhausted and collapse.


<<<And yet, the Black Kobu Tribe did something close to that this time…>>>


Kobdalian, his face pale, desperately tried to think.


What are they thinking?


It can’t be that they’re not thinking anything.

‘Kobdarok, the Black Rock’, the Clan Chief of the Black Kobu Tribe, is a cunning man.

This isn’t a desperate attack.

Although the Red Kobu Tribe has been winning against the Black Kobu Tribe lately, they shouldn’t be that cornered.

It’s not a rogue attack by his subordinates, either.

Kobdarok would never allow such a thing.


If that’s the case…


<<<In other words… they’re serious about destroying us. Everyone except the Black Kobu Tribe… Even if it means breaking the taboo…>>>


It was at that moment.

Kobdalian’s mind, which was about to be completely absorbed in thought… was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.


<<<And that… is proof… that they have acquired something… that allows them to do so.>>>


It was a quiet, but clear voice, a voice that conveyed deep intelligence.

Kobdalian turned around… towards the source of the voice… behind him.


Then, what emerged from the fog were several Kobudai with slender bodies.

But their body color was neither red nor black… but blue.


<<<Who are you!!>>>


Kobdaroze and Kobdaold instantly assumed a fighting stance, jumped in front of Kobdalian…

They fiercely threatened these mysterious Kobudai who had suddenly appeared.


<<<We apologize for visiting without notice. However… the matter is urgent.>>>


But a blue Kobudai swam forward, ignoring their threats.

His body length is one and a half meters.

Not as big as Kobdalian, but still a large body.


<<<My name is ‘Kobdacleva, the Wise’… the Clan Chief of the Blue Kobu Tribe.>>>


And after saying that, Kobdacleva stared straight at Kobdalian.


<<<What did you say…? >>>


Kobdaroze was confused by the sudden turn of events.

The Clan Chief of the Blue Kobu Tribe, while known as a wise man, is also famous as a “frail coward” who never appears on the battlefield, and this is the first time Kobdaroze has ever seen him.

Why is he here…?


<<<I presume you’re the Red Kobu Tribe Clan Chief, ‘Kobdalian of the Raging Flames’.>>>


<<<That is correct. What’s your business? >>>


Kobdalian also pushed past Kobdaroze and the others, and stepped forward.

The two Clan Chiefs glared at each other at close range.

Their 【Intimidation】 clashed, making the air crackle.

Just feeling it, Kobdaroze could clearly tell that not only Kobdalian, but even Kobdacleva was a powerful being he couldn’t compete with.


(What ‘frail coward’… Today is really one thing after another… It’s getting ridiculous.)


Kobdaroze clicked his tongue inwardly.


Now, the two giant Clan Chiefs, glaring at each other…

The tension continued to rise, and it felt like a fight would break out at any moment.

Everyone present thought so.




<<<My, my, to be so strong at such a young age…>>>


Kobdacleva suddenly smiled and released his 【Intimidation】.

After a slight delay, Kobdalian followed suit.


<<<You too… Rumors are not to be trusted.>>>


Kobdacleva was just testing him.

Kobdalian was convinced of that, during their clash of 【Intimidation】.

Because there was almost no killing intent in this Blue Kobudai’s 【Intimidation】.


And so, the “greetings” were over.

Now, it’s time to get down to business.

Kobdalian, once again emitting a weak 【Intimidation】, questioned Kobdacleva.


<<<But, again, what’s your business? For you, the Clan Chief, to enter our territory without notice… You said ‘the matter is urgent’, right?>>>




Kobdacleva made a bitter face at that question.


<<<…Is it about the Black Kobu…? >>>


<<<That’s right.>>>


Kobdacleva said to Kobdalian in a clear voice…


<<<The Blue Kobu Tribe wishes to request a meeting with the Red Kobu Tribe… as soon as possible.>>>

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