After Transmigrating Into the Book, Prime Ministe…
Chapter 17 Table of contents

It was during dinner that Wen Jian mentioned the profits from today’s paper sales to Ji Sang.

Ji Sang was about to ask when she heard him speak, immediately becoming interested and eagerly listening.

Wen Jian said, “I didn’t sell the paper at the market. Instead, I took it to a private school and also brought the bamboo slips I copied earlier to the master. When the master saw the paper I brought, he was surprised and asked if it was paper. I confirmed it. He became interested and said he wanted to see it. Can you guess what the master said?”

Ji Sang listened attentively and asked, “What did he say?”

Wen Jian met Ji Sang’s gaze.

Ji Sang’s dark eyes were incredibly clear, like the warm sun of a winter morning. Although her eyes were exceptionally clear, they inexplicably reminded people of the phrase “bewitching.”

Wen Jian’s breath became slightly heavy, and after taking a deep breath, he continued without further suspense:

“The master is knowledgeable and has only seen this kind of paper in the homes of high-ranking officials. However, the paper I sell is not as fair, and the texture is not as delicate. He immediately took a brush and wrote a few characters, praising it, saying that it didn’t hinder his writing at all. I was still thinking about how to sell the paper, but the master bought all of it and said to inform him if there is more next time.”

“Compared to bamboo slips, this paper is much lighter.”

“He really likes it.”

After Wen Jian finished speaking, he took out a string of silver coins and handed them to Ji Sang, saying, “These are the silver coins he gave me.” After pondering for a moment, he took another string of copper coins from another pocket and handed them over. “These are the coins I earned from copying books.”

Ji Sang wasn’t familiar with the currency circulation of this era, but Wen Li’s exclamation had already expressed her surprise, “So many?!”

So it means there’s a lot.

Certainly, it’s a lot!

Wen Jian had only sold firewood for the afternoon, earning only five or six copper coins. This string of copper coins was equivalent to about one or two silver coins, to put it bluntly, it was almost their family’s expenses for several months.

Ji Sang’s eyes were bright, and she felt especially happy. She remembered from historical records that paper first appeared during the Western Han Dynasty. Those early papers were quite rough, mainly made from hemp and silk waste, with an uneven surface. Even using them as toilet paper would be uncomfortable. But based on what Wen Jian just said, it seemed that paper already existed.

However, paper was too precious and could only be used by high-ranking officials and nobles.

The paper she produced this time had very cheap raw materials, with the main investment being labor. She had never expected such good results. However, she needed to think about how to further improve the craftsmanship.

Paper had a wide range of uses.

Lost in her thoughts, a large hand suddenly appeared in front of her as Wen Jian handed her the copper coins.

“For you.”

“Uh, why are you giving them to me?”

Wen Jian smiled gently. “In our Wen family, the women handle the money.”

Ji Sang quickly glanced at Wen Zheng and Wen Li.

The two of them looked at Ji Sang, and then at each other.

After contemplating for a while, Ji Sang reached out and divided the coins in half, giving half to Wen Li. She immediately said, “Mother, now that Wen Jian and I are married and living off the family, we should contribute a portion of our earnings to improve the household’s meals. As for the rest of the money… let’s save it for Wen Jian’s studies.”

Then she turned to Wen Zheng and continued, “Father, since the paper can be sold, how about we continue cutting bamboo and making paper starting from tomorrow? When I return to my room later, I’ll think about how to make the paper whiter and finer.”

Wen Li looked at the sudden appearance of the string of coins in front of her and was momentarily stunned. She already felt somewhat guilty towards Ji Sang. When Ji Sang married into the family, the dowry she brought with her was secretly taken by Wen Li. Now, taking this money, she couldn’t bring herself to accept it.

“Ji Sang… keep it for yourselves.”

But Ji Sang was determined about this matter. “Mother, please take it. Otherwise, Wen Jian and I would feel embarrassed to live off the family’s resources.”

Wen Li glanced at Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng nodded, and only then did Wen Li reach out to take the money. “Well… I’ll keep it for you for now. Let me know when you need it.”

However, Ji Sang said, “Mother, don’t hold back. We have hands and feet; we can earn.”

Hearing her words, Wen Li felt even more uneasy.

After finishing dinner, Ji Sang and Wen Zheng went out. Only then did Wen Li secretly say to Wen Jian, “You should treat Ji Sang better from now on.”

Wen Jian helped Ji Sang pour steaming hot bathwater and then left, closing the door behind him.

When Ji Sang finished bathing and went outside to call Wen Jian to empty the dirty water, she realized that he wasn’t home.

She asked Wen Li, only to find out that Wen Jian had gone out but would be back soon.

As for where he went, Wen Li had no idea.

Suddenly, Ji Sang remembered the murderous expression on Wen Jian’s face earlier, and her heart tightened unconsciously. She was about to walk towards the gate of the courtyard when she saw the man returning with a package in his hand.

She had just finished bathing, her hair was disheveled and fell loosely on her shoulders. A gentle breeze blew, causing some strands to flutter on her small face.

Her dark eyes were bright in the night, and her voice carried a hint of unnoticed anxiety as she spoke, “Wen Jian, where did you go?”

Wen Jian seemed to have sweated a lot, as he took a step back when she approached. “I walked a distance, and I’m all sweaty. Don’t get too close.”

Ji Sang looked at him suspiciously.

But then she saw him handing over the package he was carrying. “Here.”

Ji Sang was taken aback. “What is it?”

Wen Jian reached out and flicked her nose. “Didn’t you say you wanted to eat loquats?”


Wen Jian smiled. “In the afternoon, when my father and I went to the town, we passed by Xiao Liu’s house. They have several loquat trees, so I thought I’d try my luck. I didn’t expect to find some. I was already thinking of going there after dinner. Let’s go home and try them… Are they sweet?”

Ji Sang didn’t expect him to remember this, and she couldn’t help but smile in surprise as she looked at the package wrapped in oiled paper. “Wen Jian, you actually remembered…”

Wen Jian reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“We are truly husband and wife now. I will remember everything about you.”

Wen Jian helped her take the loquats to the kitchen, but Ji Sang’s mind was still in a daze, filled with his last words.

Ah, oh my…

Could this be considered falling in love?

Is it necessary for falling in love with a paper person to be this sweet?

Ji Sang sat in front of the bed, lost in thought. She forcefully shook her head. No, she needed something else to distract her attention. Suddenly, she raised her gaze and focused on the bookshelf across the room…

When Wen Jian returned to the room, he saw Ji Sang standing on a chair barefoot, exerting force with her round toes, reaching for the bamboo slips on the top shelf of the bookcase.


That position…

Wen Jian’s ink-colored eyes dimmed for a moment, and he asked, “Ji Sang… What are you looking for?”

Suddenly, a noise came from behind, startling Ji Sang, who was completely focused. Her feet slipped, and she fell backward. She let out a scream, “Ah…”

Oh no, she was about to fall off the chair!

The expected pain didn’t come. Instead, Ji Sang fell into a solid chest, enveloped by a scent unique to him from behind… The smell of alcohol made her head a bit dizzy. She opened her tightly closed dark eyes and met the excessively handsome face of the man.

Her face turned red, and she quickly pulled away from his embrace, stood upright, and glared at him disapprovingly. “Wen Jian, can’t you walk without making any sound? You scared me, and I almost fell from up there.”

She was petite, only reaching his shoulder. Her expression when she glared at him with her eyes resembled that of a small wild cat. Wen Jian couldn’t help but want to hold her in his arms and gently stroke her fur.

“What were you looking for?”

Ji Sang sighed softly and pointed to the label on top of the bamboo slips. “I was waiting for you and got a little bored. I saw some mini books in this bookshelf and wanted to take them down and have a look.”

“Mini books?” Wen Jian asked, confused.

Ji Sang tapped her head. How did she bring modern vocabulary into this conversation? “I mean… those kinds of books…”

“The books that kill time in the morning?” She added, afraid that Wen Jian wouldn’t understand.

“You mean whimsical stories?” Wen Jian summarized.

Ji Sang nodded. “Yes… and not entirely. Well, let’s just call them whimsical stories.”

It was better than having random thoughts in her head.

Wen Jian looked at her for a moment and suddenly said inexplicably, “So, you like this.”

Ji Sang???

Wen Jian continued, “If you like it, we can study together.”

Ji Sang: “Ah?”

Wen Jian reached up and took down two stacks of bamboo slips, handing them to her. After a moment’s thought, he quickly withdrew his hand. Ji Sang looked at him in confusion, and he said, “You go wait for me on the bed. I’ll come study with you after taking a bath.”

After speaking, he put the bamboo slips back in their original place and quickly went to fetch water in the outer room.

Ji Sang was utterly baffled.

What does he mean?

What is there to study?

She recognized the characters and could read on her own.

There really weren’t many forms of evening entertainment in ancient times. She just wanted to read the mini books to pass the time.

But, since Wen Jian rarely suggested studying together, Ji Sang thought it sounded nice.

Wait a minute, she couldn’t read here… She was illiterate.

Studying together meant he would read to her.

With this thought, Ji Sang’s mood became bright again. She placed the lit candle on the chair and carefully carried the chair to the bedside.

The candle cast a dim, yellowish light on the entire bed, but it was still considered bright. It couldn’t be compared to modern lighting fixtures. Ji Sang knew that there was a type of lamp oil in ancient times. Once she could sell the paper she made for money, they would have to switch to lamp oil in the house so that Wen Jian’s reading wouldn’t strain his eyes so much…

After contemplating for a while, Ji Sang saw Wen Jian entering from the outer room with bamboo slips in his hand.

He was only wearing a loose undergarment, loosely tied around his waist. Although he was a scholar, he had an excellent physique, especially the lines around his chest and abdomen. There was some muscle definition, but it wasn’t the kind that looked overly bulky. From his strong waistline, it extended downward… His slightly damp ink-black hair hung down on his shoulders. Holding the bamboo slips, he approached with broad steps, as if a celestial being had descended from the heavens…

Ji Sang was stunned. Her heart raced uncontrollably, and she unconsciously swallowed her saliva.

The sound of her swallowing seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet environment.

Wen Jian glanced at her meaningfully, and she felt his intriguing gaze. Her cheeks immediately flushed, and her dark eyes began to wander…

He stood by the bed and saw that she almost occupied the entire space. Opening his mouth, he said, “You sleep inside, I’ll sleep outside.”

His voice was dark and deep, even though it was just a simple sentence.

But Ji Sang unexpectedly became moist…

When she felt the moisture on her undergarments, she was shocked!

How did she become so sensitive!

Ji Sang slowly shifted her position inside and lowered her head, quietly listening to the sounds of Wen Jian climbing onto the bed.

His body was warm, and when their arms accidentally touched, Ji Sang was burned by the heat emanating from him. She quickly moved away.

Wen Jian didn’t pay much attention and pulled her into his embrace with his long arms.

Ji Sang’s nose accidentally bumped into his shoulder. “Uh…”

She touched her nose.

A light laugh escaped from Wen Jian’s throat, and then he spread the bamboo slips on his legs and flipped through them. “Come here, let’s read together.”

Ji Sang rubbed her nose and looked at the bamboo slips…

Then, her entire spine stiffened!

These were… erotic paintings?!

The bamboo slips were filled with explicit depictions of naked men and women entangled together. The details were incredibly lifelike. The section that Wen Jian had opened happened to depict a woman on all fours on a table, while a man firmly grasped her hips, thrusting forcefully…


She abruptly covered her eyes. “Wen Jian, what on earth did you show me?!”

Wen Jian glanced at her from the side. “…Wasn’t this what you wanted to see?”

Ji Sang: “…”

Ji Sang: “???”

When did she say she wanted to see this?

Wen Jian looked at her sideways, his gaze fixed on her face.

Her skin was fair and delicate, unlike the girls who worked in the village. Her chubby cheeks had a slightly plump look. From his perspective, he could easily see her long eyelashes, her wide and bright eyes staring with fiery anger. Her lips were unintentionally pursed in annoyance, giving her a somewhat adorable and naive appearance.

“Didn’t you just say you wanted something to pass the time in the morning?”

Ji Sang: “Yes!”

“Well, isn’t this something to pass the time in the morning?”

Ji Sang: “!!!”

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