After Transmigrating Into the Book, Prime Ministe…
Chapter 54 Table of contents

There are no walls that can’t be penetrated in this world.

Recently, a rumor has been spreading like wildfire among the upper class in the city of Beiliang. It is said that the current prime minister, Wen Jian, experienced extreme sorrow after his wife left home, but found happiness in the arms of another man.

“Is such a thing even possible?”

“It must be fake!”

“How could it be fake? If you don’t believe it, that’s on you. Let me tell you, my cousin was on duty at the detention center that day. He personally heard that Prime Minister Wen spanked General Ji’s butt for a whole day and night. The next day, the emperor ordered the release of Prime Minister Wen and General Ji. General Ji couldn’t even walk, and it was Prime Minister Wen who carried him out…”

For those who still didn’t understand, someone approached and asked, “What did he use to spank him?”

The person rolled their eyes and stared at his crotch, saying, “Damn, what do you mean ‘what did he use’?!”


This is scandalous!!!

Ji Sang sat in a corner of the tavern, lazily propping up her head, listening to the scandalous stories about Prime Minister Wen. Her lazy eyes squinted slightly as she recalled the man who had an inexhaustible energy in his body that day, as if he had a motor installed. Once again, she experienced the feeling of being so thoroughly satisfied that she couldn’t get out of bed…

“Ji Sang, are you even listening to me?” Li Juer waved her hand in front of Ji Sang’s absent-minded face, looking anxious.

It had been three years since they last met, and Li Juer had finally gotten married. She married Gu Chi’an, a proud disciple of Minister Li. The newlyweds had been married for a short time, but Li Juer’s expression clearly lacked the honeymoon bliss.

Ji Sang was dizzy from Li Juer’s hand shaking and reached out to hold her hand, nodding in response, “Hmm, I heard you.”

“Then tell me, what did I just say?”

Ji Sang’s face remained calm, and her tone was as usual, “You said that the emperor wants to demote Wen Jian from his position.”

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is. It’s a dire situation, yet Ji Sang can still remain so indifferent!

Li Juer anxiously said, “Yes! He wants to demote him. I heard it from my father. Wen Jian is to be demoted from prime minister to Prince’s Tutor directly, demoted to the second rank! What did Wen Jian do to incur the emperor’s wrath? The emperor used to trust him so much.”


What did he do?

Ji Sang’s eyebrows furrowed in contemplation.

Wen Jian climbed up from the seventh-rank Changshi to the position of Prime Minister step by step. Along the way, he was involved in too many matters, from the production of paper to the development of firearms, not to mention the vast military power he held. And let’s not forget the tens of thousands of fertile land he obtained unintentionally during the three years of water conservancy construction.

The emperor was a good emperor who cared for the people, but he also experienced the heavy pressure of the decentralized power that Zhu Sima had initially faced. He was too afraid of power being scattered, so he became an emperor with an extremely suspicious mind.

Due to Ji Sang’s departure and his negligence in maintaining relationships with the officials in the court, he found himself in the current isolated and unsupported situation.

The emperor had gained weight, indicating that he was about to get rid of Wen Jian’s influence…

When a ruler wants a minister to die, the minister has no choice but to die.

This has been the truth since ancient times!

Ji Sang could imagine what Wen Jian was thinking. He was incredibly clever and naturally understood. However, she believed that Wen Jian could handle everything.

She looked at Li Juer with an expression of extreme concern in her dark eyes and suddenly changed the subject, “Juer, how is your new husband, Gu Chi’an, treating you?”

The topic changed too quickly, and Li Juer blinked in surprise, her face blushing. “Just… he treats me fine.”

Showing respect to each other.

Shouldn’t that be considered good?

But compared to Mr. and Mrs. Ji, it’s a bit different.

Ji Sang said, “Jiuer, you don’t have to worry about Wen Jian and me. Instead, you and Gu Chi’an… You’re newlyweds, and you… should focus more on your own little home.”

Li Juer’s gaze flickered, and she murmured, “…Little home.”

After finishing lunch, Ji Sang and Li Juer each returned to their own homes.

The butler was happier than anyone else when he saw Madam.

Having accompanied Lady Wen for many years, he naturally knew what was on her mind and how difficult these years had been for her.

“Lady, the master is in the study.”

Ji Sang nodded in acknowledgment and said, “Oh, alright, I’ll go find him.”

The butler quickly added, “It seems like a letter has arrived from the countryside, saying that the elderly lady is seriously ill.”

Ji Sang’s steps faltered for a moment as her face wrinkled. “Mother is seriously ill?”

The butler nodded, “Yes, Madam. In the three years you’ve been away, the elderly lady’s health has not been good. We have called many doctors, and they say it’s due to worries.”

Ji Sang pondered for a moment, furrowing her brow, and then headed towards the study.

The study faced south, and at this moment, the sunlight from the setting sun fell perfectly on half of the hall. There was a winter plum flower placed on the desk, blossoming at its most beautiful.

Wen Jian, dressed in white, sat behind the desk, his slender fingers holding a letter, his gaze fixed on a spot, lost in deep thought.

Ji Sang walked in, but Wen Jian didn’t hear her.

It was only when her hand rested on his shoulder that Wen Jian snapped out of his reverie. A smile curved on his lips. “You’re back?”

Ji Sang responded with a soft “Mm.”

Wen Jian pulled her into his embrace.

Ji Sang asked, “How is Mother?”

Wen Jian furrowed his brows slightly, let out a sigh, and didn’t answer. Instead, he brought up another matter. “Mother mentioned your three-year agreement with her in the letter.”

Ji Sang blinked, her dark eyes turning towards him. “…She didn’t mention it to you earlier?”

Wen Jian pursed his lips and remained silent.

Ji Sang cupped the man’s cheek in her hand and lightly caressed his lips with her fingertip. “Wen Jian… Even without a three-year agreement, you would still be like this…”

“It’s not the same.”

Wen Jian let out a deep sigh. “Sangsang, I know what you’re going to say.”

“One is distant despair, and the other… is hope.”

“She is my mother. How can she just stand by and watch her son suffer?”

Ji Sang listened quietly. The most difficult problem in the world was the issue between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. She chose to leave initially because she didn’t want to make things difficult for Wen Jian, and of course, she didn’t want to live in difficulty herself. She thought time could solve many problems, but upon her return, she realized that three years had only been a form of escape. The substantial problems hadn’t been resolved. Instead, Wen Lishi couldn’t accept it and became seriously ill despite her young age.

A sense of guilt enveloped her heart.

“Tomorrow, I’ll go back to the village and see Mother.”

Wen Jian’s heart skipped a beat. He held her hand and gazed at her tenderly. “Sangsang, you don’t blame Mother?”

Ji Sang thought for a moment. “Aren’t we doing well? Why should I blame her? She’s just an old lady who wants to hold her grandson. What’s there to blame? If we want to blame anyone, it’s only my stubborn belly.”

Wen Jian held her tightly, a soft laughter escaping his throat. “How can this be your fault? If we want to blame… it’s only me.”

“What are you blaming yourself for?”

“Blaming myself for not being able to live without you.”

Ji Sang lowered her head and kissed him lightly, then playfully stuck out her tongue and licked her lips in front of him, savoring the moment. “So sweet.”

The next day, in the afternoon, the sunlight was intense.

The butler arranged for a cart and loaded it with several boxes of luggage. Ji Sang sat at the front of the cart, bidding farewell to Wen Jian.

Afternoon of that day.

Wen Jian was demoted to the position of Third Class Imperial Secretary. As an Imperial Secretary, he no longer had the authority to enter the gunpowder factory, but he had to hand over his duties to Gu Chi’an, the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture.

No one could have expected that the gunpowder factory would explode that day.

Wen Jian was injured in the explosion, and his face was severely disfigured.

Two days later, he passed away from his injuries.

The Emperor mourned deeply, lamenting the loss of such a valued minister, and gave him a lavish burial in the name of a senior statesman.

Early September, the hint of autumn was in the air.

In the village, in front of a conspicuous two-story building, a tall man climbed up a tree, picking the loquats that his beloved wife loved to eat. This year’s loquats had grown exceptionally well, although they were small in size, they were abundant.

His doting wife was six months pregnant, her belly had grown bigger, and it was the perfect time to indulge in loquats…

[The main story is complete.]


[Author’s message:]


Next, I will write a modern side story. It won’t be long, rather short.

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