Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 3 Table of contents
  1. It’s About Time We Talked



Good morning. This is a message to inform you that my time is temporarily stopped.


I woke up, and guess what? At point-blank range, there was literally a breathtakingly handsome man sleeping right in front of me.





I let out a strange shriek that woke Onii-san up in an instant. I was startled, but I remembered what had happened yesterday right away, so I greeted him good morning. Well, it’s only natural since I’m a working adult. Greetings are essential.


“Ah… Good morning.”


And then the handsome man returned my greeting with a small smile! Even though his expression had barely changed since yesterday! And a handsome one at that! A smile! At point-blank range!

Ahh… What a treat first thing in the morning. Get a move on, time!


As I was spacing out, Onii-san handed me a towel from seemingly nowhere. I had wondered yesterday, but where did he pull it from? As I tilted my head, Onii-san asked me curiously.


“Don’t you want to wash your face?”

“…? There’s no water…”


When I answered, Onii-san’s expression changed as if he realized something. His next words sent a jolt of bewilderment through me.


“…You’ve never used magic before?”


Here it comes, magic. The isekai theory is looking likely…


Well, I knew, okay? I mean, I was suddenly in this surprising situation where my body had become smaller, and I was in some strange rocky mountain, so I thought it was a possibility! But I wasn’t sure. It could still have been a foreign country.


“Picture water in your mind. … Like this, to bring out water.”


We’ve gone beyond the isekai theory being likely; this is a confirmed notification.


Onii-san was holding his palm up, creating a ball of water as if it were nothing. He held it out in front of me as if to show me. I was curious, so I cautiously reached out and touched it.






It’s water. It’s unmistakably water. I poked it with my index finger, but it didn’t overflow, and it remained afloat, maintaining its spherical shape. This mass of water was fascinating.


“You try it too.”


I was gazing at it with wide eyes when Onii-san looked at me with an expression that seemed to pity me and said that. Eh, I can do it too? Seriously? I was nervous for all sorts of reasons, but I decided to try it anyway, as I was told.


Imagine water in your mind. Like Onii-san, make it appear above your hand…

Suddenly, I felt a slight warmth deep inside my body, and then a small ball of water appeared above both of my palms.


“I-I did it…!”


Dad! I’m using magic! I boasted to my father, who was in my mind out of habit. As I was rejoicing inwardly, there was an explanation that anyone could use daily life magic, so it was only natural that I could do it. Hey, hey, even so, I’ve been living a life without any connection to magic, so I’m allowed to be impressed! Well, I guess it can’t be helped since he doesn’t know the circumstances. Please be understanding that I didn’t know because I’m a child right now!

While I was excited, I washed my face with the water. Ahh, so refreshing! But I wish I’d known about this sooner… Specifically, when I was wandering around with a parched throat!


Then, after I went to pick some flowers… When I returned, Onii-san had already finished preparing breakfast. Ahh, this person is truly…! I’ll definitely repay you. I don’t know what I can do with this small body, but I made a resolution to never forget this feeling.




“I think it’s about time we talked to each other…”


After a simple breakfast of hard bread sandwiches with cheese and ham, Onii-san said. Yeah, you’re right. I was the one who was crying and sleeping, so it wasn’t the right time, but we should have really talked about the details of the situation.

I understand that he waited for me to calm down. I can’t thank him enough.


Now, it seems like it’s time to get serious. I sat up straight, looked Onii-san in the eye, and replied. You have to make eye contact when you’re talking to someone.


“…I’ll go first. I belong to ‘Ortus,’ and I’m in charge of intelligence gathering, well, mainly information gathering. I’m here on an assignment.”


Ortus? It must be some kind of organization if he’s saying he belongs to it. And he’s in charge of intelligence… that makes a lot of sense. He looks like a ninja or a spy, anyway. But it sounds kind of dangerous… Isekais are scary. But I can’t afford to say such things. I have to gather as much information as possible. I’m going to ask about anything I don’t understand. Well then, let’s get started.


“What ish ‘Ortush’?”

“Hm, you don’t know? It’s quite famous, but I guess it wouldn’t be strange for a child not to know… Well, never mind. ‘Ortus’ is the name of a guild. It’s a special-grade guild that even people in neighboring countries would know, and I’m a member.”


Guild… Sounds like an isekai. No, wait, a special-grade guild? Are there ranks for guilds? I’ve heard the word “guild” in novels and manga, but my knowledge, or rather, the image I have of it, is like a job placement agency for adventurers… is it a gathering of adventurers?

But from the way he’s talking, it sounds like there are multiple ‘guilds’… First of all, I don’t even know what guilds are in this world.

This is bad, I’m getting discouraged right from the start. Just as I was thinking this, Onii-san immediately came to my rescue.


“You don’t know about guilds either? …Don’t worry about it. But I’m not very good at explaining… Well, just think of it as a workplace. The members of Ortus divide up the requests that come in and carry them out.”


Hmm, hmm. So, this Onii-san is one of the people in the intelligence and information handling department of a company called ‘Ortus,’ right? Yeah, let’s just go with that for now. I nodded my head.


“Ah, that’s right. I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Gilnandio.”

“Gilnyan, di, o…shan…”


I messed up so badly. It sounded like a cat’s name.


“I-I’m sho shawry…”

“…Don’t worry about it. You can call me Gil.”



I hate my mouth for not being able to speak properly! It’s a good thing Gilnandio-san is so kind…!

And he has such a cool name! I made a strange resolution to myself that I would say it without biting my tongue one day, and we decided to continue our conversation.

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