The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 97 Table of contents

I don’t know how I walked here. At some point, Hyeseong’s footsteps, having escaped from Ihyeok, had turned into a run. He felt like he would suffocate if he stayed here. He wanted to disappear quickly. He was afraid of Ihyeok catching up from behind, grabbing him, and saying something.


He would surely make an uncomfortable expression while saying things like he’s sorry and he didn’t know such a thing had happened. He had caused this whole mess alone because he didn’t want that.


So he wanted to run away as quickly as possible, no matter what.


Hyeseong was the type to face and solve all problems head-on, but as expected, it wasn’t easy when it became his own matter. Passing by the Korean restaurant where they had sat face to face and eaten earlier, Hyeseong ran out to the road. Of all things, it wasn’t a busy area, so he couldn’t catch a bus and had to hail a taxi.


As Hyeseong stood there anxiously, a taxi with “empty” written on it was approaching from far away. Hyeseong quickly raised his hand and got into the car.


When he asked to start driving first, the driver stepped on the accelerator. He seemed to have felt that something was not quite right with Hyeseong’s appearance. Only after seeing the restaurant getting farther away in the distance did Hyeseong finally let out a sigh.


“Where should I take you, sir?”


Hyeseong momentarily tried to say his home address but hesitated. That house was also next door to Ihyeok’s. Although he might have to face him someday, he hoped it wouldn’t be now.


“…Please go to the nearest bus terminal.”


Then that house wouldn’t do.


Hyeseong turned off his phone and surrendered himself to the moving car. He didn’t want to think about anything right now.


After driving for more than 20 minutes and arriving at a nearby terminal, Hyeseong approached the ticket counter.


“I’d like the earliest bus to Sokcho, please.”


“It departs in 10 minutes.”


Receiving the ticket along with the employee’s soulless words, Hyeseong flopped down on a chair. His legs were wobbling and the hand holding the ticket was trembling. His eyes were swollen from crying, making it a little uncomfortable to see properly, and his head was throbbing. In short, he was a complete mess right now.


What had just happened felt like a dream. But it was dreadfully reality. There was a reason why the heat had ended quickly. Since he had appropriately spent the heat with an alpha, of course his body had no choice but to quickly find stability.


He never thought he would have another accident with Ihyeok like that. How on earth did things get so twisted? Even if that was the case for himself, he couldn’t even understand why Ihyeok couldn’t reject him. Do alphas usually lose their minds like that to an omega’s heat pheromones?


It was pointless to think about it. What’s done was done, and his relationship with Ihyeok had deteriorated to the worst possible level beyond repair. Who would have known that a 6-year relationship would shatter like this? Hyeseong struggled to get up from his seat.


He got on the bus that arrived on time without hesitation. Perhaps because it was a late evening bus, there were few people and the interior was dark. It was rather fortunate. This way, even if tears flowed, it wouldn’t be noticed by others.


Hyeseong gazed at the scenery outside the window of the departing bus. Nothing was visible there. Only a miserable man swallowed by his own emotions was reflected.


* * *


Sokcho intercity bus terminal, reached after driving for about 2-3 hours. He had already turned off his phone, so he couldn’t check the time. When he turned his head, the clock inside the terminal was already pointing to 10 o’clock.


Although there was no time for it, he suddenly became worried that he had come too abruptly without contacting them. He unconsciously tried to turn on his phone but shook his head, thinking it wasn’t right.


Now that he had come, he couldn’t go back anyway. In fact, he had thought about going to Dohyun’s place, but he didn’t want to show up like this, and it was also hard to explain. Above all, Dohyun knew the relationship between him and Ihyeok well.


Hyeseong hailed a taxi in front of the terminal and recited the address familiarly. The car started and soon began to enter a rural road with few people. As the streetlights flickered and illuminated the road, Hyeseong blankly stared at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar scenery.


“We’ve arrived.”


“Thank you.”


Hyeseong looked at the simple house in front of his eyes. Hesitating a little, he soon carefully knocked on the gate.


“Yes! Just a moment!”


A familiar voice was heard from inside, and the presence of someone hastily coming out was felt.


“Who is it?”




Hyeseong swallowed his tears with difficulty and struggled to open his mouth. Then the door flung open and his aunt’s familiar face came into view.


“Oh my, Hyeseong-ah!”


His aunt exclaimed loudly and immediately hugged Hyeseong tightly.


“What brings you here at this late hour? Hmm?”


He regretted not contacting them before coming, after all. His aunt stroked Hyeseong’s cheek with a very surprised face. The warmth touched his cold skin.


“I’m sorry for coming so suddenly without notice. It’s just…”


Hyeseong hesitated, scratching his head. What would be a good explanation? He couldn’t think of any suitable excuse to avoid worrying his aunt. In the first place, it was rare for Hyeseong to act so impulsively.


“…It’s cold, let’s go inside first.”


But his aunt didn’t ask anything and took Hyeseong’s hand, leading him inside.


“Honey, come out for a bit! Hyeseong is here!”




His uncle came running from inside and widened his eyes upon seeing Hyeseong. And just like his aunt earlier, he rushed over and hugged Hyeseong first.


“Hyeseong-ah, what’s the matter? Huh?”


His uncle also seemed flustered by Hyeseong’s sudden visit. Moreover, it was dark outside, so it wasn’t clearly visible, but Hyeseong’s current state was definitely close to “someone who has something going on.” His aunt also stroked Hyeseong’s hand constantly with a more worried face than before.


“It’s just… Ah…”


Perhaps it was because of the warmth that had supported his childhood. The tears Hyeseong had been holding back finally burst out. His aunt and uncle exchanged glances and then hugged him tighter and comforted him.


“I’m having a bit of a hard time…”


“Yes, yes. You did well to come. You did well. Hyeseong-ah.”


And so, Hyeseong cried in their arms for a long time.


“The trip wasn’t too tiring, was it?”


Having calmed down a bit, Hyeseong sat in the living room and sipped the citron tea his aunt had made. He was able to narrowly dissuade her from making a full meal by asking if he was hungry.


“No. I’m sorry for suddenly coming without notice.”


“Don’t even say that.”


His aunt had been holding Hyeseong’s hand and not letting go since earlier.


“Hyeseong-ah, is it perhaps a money problem? Did you get scammed or something? If it’s anything like that, tell me. I’ll solve it for you.”


At his uncle’s straightforward question, his aunt called out “Honey” and waved her hand with an expression that said she was scolding him. But for some reason, laughter burst out at that question. It felt reassuring and a little comforting that both his aunt and uncle seemed the same as always.


“It’s not like that. Do I look like a kid who would get scammed somewhere?”


“That’s not it. You’ve been a sharp kid since you were little.”


“It’s not a money problem, and it’s not a serious matter either. I’m sorry, but I haven’t sorted it out enough to explain in detail yet.”


Then his aunt patted his back from the side, saying it was okay and not to say anything if it was difficult. Hyeseong, who had already emptied a cup of citron tea, entered the small room guided by the two. At first, they offered the main bedroom, but when he said he would leave again, they gave him this room.


Holding the clothes received from his uncle, Hyeseong entered the bathroom. Finally melting his body a little in the hot water made him feel like he could live.


Of course, the emotional residue wasn’t completely washed away, but he still thought coming here was a good choice.


After washing up like that and changing clothes, he was spreading the blanket in the room when his aunt carefully came in.


“You’re not sleeping yet?”


“How can I fall asleep when a dear child has come?”


Hyeseong smiled faintly. When he was at Taeseong, he couldn’t visit often because he was busy with work. In fact, there were many times when he delayed visiting using work as an excuse.


“I’m sorry I can’t come often.”


He had thought he should visit at least once after moving to the countryside, but he had been spending even more hectic days that he couldn’t even pay attention to it. 


“It’s okay. I’m just happy to see your face. How’s the new house you moved to? Is it the same as before?”




Hyeseong chatted with his aunt. The unfamiliar life he had started in a new place. From Dohyun coming to live with him for a month to stories about the elderly in the neighborhood, he told her everything without leaving anything out. 


Of course, excluding everything about Ihyeok. He didn’t have the confidence to talk about it. He felt like if he thought of that person and spoke of him, his heart that he had barely calmed down would shake greatly again.


“It’s already almost midnight. Our Hyeseong must be tired, so go to sleep quickly.”


“Yes. Good night, Auntie.”


His aunt left and the light in the room went out. Lying in the dark room, Hyeseong turned his head. His phone caught his eye on top of the neatly laid out clothes.




After that, did Ihyeok get home safely? He must have been so shocked by the story, so hopefully he drove home properly. 


As thoughts of Ihyeok came to mind again, Hyeseong shook his head. For the time being, for however long it would be, at least for the duration of being apart from him, he didn’t want to think of Kwon Ihyeok’s existence.


Hyeseong pulled the blanket over his head and closed his eyes. It seemed like sleep would come easily on this day when both his body and heart had become barren.

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