My Vampire Little Sister

Summary In a world where magic was abundant and supernatural creatures existed, Jin Valter lived as a fallen genius. Being the son of two A-Ranked Hunters, Jin had inherited his father’s keen eye for martial arts and his mother’s innate talent for magic. Alas, before Jinuld reach his full potential, an Outer Demon attack left his soul crippled and his body weakened beyond repair.Now, Jin lives out his days bound the hospital bed with nothing but his brains keep himmpany. Gone were the days when his peers hailed him as a genius as he struggled evennjure a spell with his body falling apart.However, it would all change when on the Night of the Blood Moon, a unique visr paid him a visit…

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Harem Magic Weak to Strong Vampires Overpowered Urban Romance Superpowers

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203 chapter - Epilogue
solee_79 11.05.2024
202 chapter - The Final Boss (5)
solee_79 11.05.2024
201 chapter - The Final Boss (4)
solee_79 11.05.2024
200 chapter - The Final Boss (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
199 chapter - The Final Boss (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
198 chapter - The Final Boss (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
197 chapter - VS Demon Sovereign (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
196 chapter - VS Demon Sovereign (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
195 chapter - VS Demon Sovereign (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
194 chapter - The Demon Realm (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
193 chapter - The Demon Realm (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
192 chapter - The Demon Realm (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
191 chapter - Jin’s True Power (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
190 chapter - Jin’s True Power (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
189 chapter - The Wedding Night (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
188 chapter - The Wedding Night (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
187 chapter - The Wedding Night (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
186 chapter - The Hegemon (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
185 chapter - The Hegemon (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
184 chapter - The Hegemon (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
183 chapter - Death (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
182 chapter - Death (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
181 chapter - Death (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
180 chapter - Wedding Of The Century (4)
solee_79 11.05.2024
179 chapter - Wedding Of The Century (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
178 chapter - Wedding Of The Century (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
177 chapter - Wedding Of The Century (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
176 chapter - Progress (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
175 chapter - Progress (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
174 chapter - Progress (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
173 chapter - The Valter Realm (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
172 chapter - The Valter Realm (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
171 chapter - Pinnacle (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
170 chapter - Pinnacle (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
169 chapter - Archangel (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
168 chapter - Archangel (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
167 chapter - Archangel (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
166 chapter - The Outer Demon Invasion (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
165 chapter - The Outer Demon Invasion (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
164 chapter - Vs Cthulhu (5)
solee_79 11.05.2024
163 chapter - Vs Cthulhu (4)
solee_79 11.05.2024
162 chapter - Vs Cthulhu (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
161 chapter - Vs Cthulhu (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
160 chapter - Vs Cthulhu (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
159 chapter - Outer Demon Invasion (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
158 chapter - Outer Demon Invasion (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
157 chapter - Changes In The Everwinter House (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
156 chapter - Changes In The Everwinter House (1)
solee_79 11.05.2024
155 chapter - The Face Of God (3)
solee_79 11.05.2024
154 chapter - The Face Of God (2)
solee_79 11.05.2024
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