Dustin Jaeger
Dustin Jaeger

Dustin Jaeger

Dustin Jaeger, also known as Dustin, emerges as a primary supporting character in the 86 -Eighty Six- series, introduced in "Under Pressure" and subsequently highlighted in "Dear Hunter." His Personal Name, Sagittarius, adds depth to his character within the narrative.

Remarkably, Dustin stands as the sole Republic citizen who willingly volunteers to join the Eighty-Sixth Strike Package as a combatant, showcasing his courage and conviction.

In terms of appearance, Dustin cuts a tall and bespectacled figure, characterized by his striking silver hair and eyes reminiscent of Celena heritage. While on duty, he dons the standard deep-blue Republic uniform, symbolizing his allegiance and commitment to duty. Off duty, his casual wardrobe tends to feature dark blazers paired with black shirts, reflecting a sense of sophistication and understated elegance.