Ken Usato
Ken Usato

Ken Usato

Ken Usato is the protagonist of "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic," a story that unfolds around his unexpected journey into another world. Unlike many of his peers who are summoned with him, Usato is not initially celebrated for possessing powerful offensive magic or combat skills. Instead, he discovers a unique talent for healing magic, which is quickly recognized as extraordinarily powerful but also unusually aggressive in its application.

Usato's journey is marked by his relentless optimism and determination, qualities that define his character as he navigates the challenges of a new world. Instead of being disheartened by the seemingly less glamorous nature of healing magic compared to the offensive abilities of his friends, he embraces his role with a sense of purpose. Usato's approach to healing is unconventional; he uses his powers not only to mend wounds but also to enhance his physical capabilities, allowing him to participate actively in rescue missions and battles.

Over time, Usato becomes integral to the survival and success of those around him, demonstrating that his healing magic, when applied with creativity and determination, can be just as heroic and impactful as any offensive magic. His journey also explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the importance of finding one's place in a world full of unexpected challenges.

Through his adventures, Usato forms deep bonds with his fellow summoners and the inhabitants of the new world, including Ken Kazuki and others, proving that courage, kindness, and a willingness to help others are as crucial as any magical ability in facing the unknown.