Kevin Voss
Kevin Voss

Kevin Voss

Character Overview: Kevin Voss


Kevin Voss is a handsome and well-built young man with short black hair, deep red eyes, and a muscular jawline. His presence and aura are described as sharp and keen, reminiscent of a newly forged sword ready to cut through any obstacle. His good looks often lead him to be compared with Jin, and the two are used as benchmarks for male attractiveness.


Kevin is hard-working, kind, and upright. Despite his incredible talent and abilities, he remains humble and prefers not to kill his opponents if possible, even those who try to harm him. He has a strong sense of justice and is compassionate, demonstrated when he tried to convince Ren to help students who had attacked him, believing they were coerced by the Monolith.


Kevin was bullied as a child due to his poor talent, initially ranked as E. His life took a tragic turn when demons attacked his hometown, killing everyone, including his parents, who sacrificed themselves to save him. The trauma from this event haunted him, causing recurring nightmares. In his darkest moment, a mysterious system appeared, drastically changing his life. This system elevated his talent to SSS-rank and transformed his body and mentality.

Abilities and System

The system Kevin received is an advanced version of the standard status window, providing him with quests, tasks, and rewards such as status points, skills, artifacts, and potions. It includes enormous storage space, the ability to travel between planets, and a shop for various items. The system is linked to the Akashic Records, which chose Kevin to prevent the Demon King from threatening its existence. Later, it was revealed that Kevin was created by the Records to kill Jezebeth, equipped with the ability to regress upon death, which he used over 210 times.

Significant Events

  • Traumatic Past: Kevin’s parents died during a demon attack, and he was haunted by nightmares of the event.
  • System Acquisition: The system transformed his talent from E-rank to SSS-rank, providing him with extraordinary abilities and resources.
  • Rank and Bounties: Kevin ranked 1st in his first year at Lock, with a Monolith bounty of 12,000 merit points.
  • Relationships: He asked Emma for guidance during the elective fair, and they were attacked by Fabian Parker, who injured Emma. Ren saved them by killing Fabian.
  • Regressions and Purpose: Kevin has regressed over 210 times, with the Akashic Records designing his life to mirror Jezebeth’s to ensure he could kill him. Kevin’s ultimate goal was to destroy the Records, a task he eventually passed on to Ren.


  • Kevin has a flawless work ethic and trains for more than 8 hours a day.
  • He is a training fanatic and has a strong competitive spirit.
  • Ren has Kevin’s contact saved as "Kevin Voss/Emma simp."
  • Kevin originally had white hair, a trait that mirrored Jezebeth’s appearance.
  • He met Ren during his 20th regression.
  • Kevin’s system provided him with a bizarre elixir that significantly boosted his talent.

Kevin Voss is a complex character whose journey from a bullied child with low talent to a top student and key player in the fight against the Demon King showcases his resilience, determination, and inherent goodness. His interactions with Ren and Emma, along with his tragic past and incredible growth, make him a central figure in "The Luminescent Swordsman."