Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 148 Table of contents

"So bright···."

Hadn't I closed the curtains?

I squinted against the bright sunlight piercing through my eyelids.

Was it already morning?

I felt strangely exhausted and wanted to sleep more, but once awake, I couldn't drift back to sleep.

No matter how much I tossed and turned, I couldn't get comfortable.

Frustrated, I eventually gave up on trying to sleep.

Covering my head with the blanket didn't help with the glaring light, but that wasn't the only problem disturbing my sleep.


My throat felt parched, and a raspy voice escaped my lips.

It felt like I had sung for hours in a karaoke bar the previous day.

Was this what a sore throat felt like?

The dryness was unbearable, so I reluctantly tried to sit up to get some water, only to be met with the unpleasant sensation of a sticky bedsheet.


No wonder I felt a bit chilly.

The bedsheet was soaked with sweat and other fluids.

I wanted to put on some clothes, but in this state, it seemed impossible.

When I touched my belly, I confirmed it; my body was covered in sticky fluids.

I needed to wash up first.

Turning my head, I saw Siwoo sleeping peacefully.

···I felt a pang of irritation at how innocent he looked while asleep.

He had been so rough last night.

Memories of the previous night flooded back, and my face turned red.

I never imagined I'd make such sounds.

People really can't predict everything.

As I watched Siwoo sleep, a scene from a novel or movie came to mind.

The one where the person who wakes up first kisses their partner.

Afraid to wake him, I kissed his forehead lightly and got out of bed.


I regretted it immediately.

It reminded me of the time I decided to go on a diet and joined a gym.

Back then, I fought a daily battle with muscle soreness.

···This pain was several times worse.

"My back···."

It felt like my back was breaking.

Or had it folded in half?

It didn't matter. It hurt terribly.

I was suddenly wide awake.

My legs trembled like those of a newborn fawn, and my arms felt weak, hurting whenever they moved up to my chest.

I didn't want to move. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and cuddle with Siwoo.

···But I needed water.

I couldn't wait for Siwoo to wake up to quench my thirst.

In the end, I had no choice but to get up and move, holding my legs for support.

I inched my way to the living room like a worm, bit by bit.

I cursed the water jug in the middle of the living room.

Why was it there?

Grumbling, I somehow managed to reach the water jug and grab it.

"Gulp, gulp···."

I drank greedily, finally satisfying my parched throat.

When the bottle was nearly empty, I looked around and was shocked.

"Wow···. What happened here···."

Siwoo's room was covered in fluids.

But it wasn't just his room.

The living room was also a mess of dried and still-wet fluids and my scattered threads.

Everything was sticky with fluids.

Siwoo's scent filled every corner, giving me a good idea of the cause.

Had we done it here, too···?

I couldn't remember.

"How much did we do? Cleaning this will be tough···."


"Ahhh?! ···Ugh!"

"Are you okay?!"

"It hurts···."

Startled by the sudden voice behind me, I twisted quickly and regretted it instantly.

Overwhelmed by severe muscle pain, I collapsed, groaning in pain.

As the pain subsided, I saw Siwoo looking at me with concern, repeatedly asking if I was okay.

"S-sorry···. I didn't mean to scare you···."

"···Hold me."


"Hold me, and I’ll forgive you."

When had he woken up?

When I kissed him?

Or when I was drinking water? Or when I was moving toward the water jug?

It didn't matter.

I didn't care about the awkwardness of our situation.

"Hurry. You’re in better shape than me, right?"


Siwoo’s body was also sticky, but it didn’t bother me.

Being in my lover’s arms made me feel better despite the stickiness.

Hugging his solid body, I felt content and commanded like a child,

"To the bathroom! Let's take a bath first!"

"Got it."

"I'm having trouble moving because of a certain beast. You need to wash me properly, okay?"



I realized my mistake.

Seeing Siwoo’s intense gaze, I knew.

But I was already in his arms.

I didn't have the strength to run, nor could I move due to the muscle pain.

···Not that I minded.

So, it was no surprise that we ended up doing it again in the shower.

"Ughhh···. I'm dying···."

"Are you okay?"

"Don’t act like you’re not the culprit."


"No, you don't need to be sorry···."

It took a long time to wash off all the sticky fluids from our bodies.

And I endured muscle pain the entire time.

"How do we clean all this up···. Haa···."

Honestly, I didn't remember everything from my time with Siwoo.

There were moments I fainted from pleasure and times when we explored each other mindlessly.

We left traces of our activities all over the house without thinking about the cleanup.

Looking around, the house was a mess.

How would we deal with this? Siwoo and I were both at a loss.

At that moment, my phone on the living room table lit up.

"Oh, a call."

"I'll get it."

Siwoo, feeling responsible for my muscle pain, hurried to bring my phone.

Well, he wasn’t wrong.

It was his fault.

But I couldn't find the words to say that.

It was just a peculiar feeling.

Better to let it be.

Since moving was difficult, it worked out fine.




Startled by the voice on the phone, Siwoo and I looked at each other.

···What was this about?

"···What's going on?"


-···Looks like you're okay. I was so worried···.

Amelia sighed deeply, then started yelling.


···She had been calling? When?

Checking my call logs, I was shocked.

Amelia had called me repeatedly over the past few hours.

"What the···."

"Three days?"

As Amelia said, my phone showed that three days had passed since our date.

···Had we been at it for three days?

That's insane.

No wonder I was in so much pain despite being a superhuman.

"So, about your reader."

"Don't mention it···. I miss them so much···. Ah, reader, I miss you···."

"Here we go again."

The transcendents sighed.

This one had been crying ever since being forcibly expelled from an interesting place.

She seemed to have pulled herself together recently, proposing intriguing ideas that they joined.

But every time something about that world came up, she became depressed again.

"Seriously, I’m curious."


"That girl, she doesn’t menstruate. Can she have kids?"

"Huh? Oh, that."

"Human women need to menstruate to have kids, right?"

"I blocked it on purpose."



The foolish transcendent who had been expelled answered straightforwardly.

It was intentional.

"Since her soul was a human male, dealing with menstruation would be annoying. It would also interfere with watching the protagonist."

"···So she can’t get pregnant? You always said you’d make it happen."

"No way."

Proudly, the girl boasted.

"As soon as semen enters her womb, she has a 100% chance of getting pregnant. She can menstruate afterward!"


"Ah, the reader is probably having a great time with the protagonist right now···. I wish I could see it···. I didn’t want spoilers···."

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