Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 149 Table of contents

"···So, putting that aside, what are you making right now?"

"Hmm? Didn't I explain it when we gathered everyone?"

"No, I came in the middle because it sounded fun···."


She sighed at the clueless one who joined us without knowing what was going on.

Well, even I and the others were like that.

Transcendents are drawn to anything that sounds fun, regardless of what it is.

He must have heard rumors of something interesting and just showed up.

"We're creating a world."

"···What? Creating a world?"


"Is that possible?"

"It's a bit difficult, but··· we've seen results. You saw it too, didn't you?"

"No, I thought there was some kind of gathering over there···. I didn't realize it was something you made."

Feeling his admiration, I couldn't help but puff out my chest a bit.

Ahem, of course.

"It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."


The others, like me, knew their fields better than anyone else.

We had never attempted to create our own world together.

But once a considerable number of us pooled our efforts towards a single goal, we soon found ourselves greeted by a newly formed planet.

"Then we can interfere with the world as we please now?"

"No, not yet."

"···What? Isn't this a planet? Didn't we make it? Are you saying we can't go in?"

"We made it, but it's still a prototype. This one will be discarded."

It wasn’t as hard as I thought.

···But that didn’t mean it was easy.

If I told the reader how many planets had been created and destroyed, they’d be shocked.

I glanced at the corner where the results of our trial and error were piled up.

Planets with failed temperature control, planets with incorrectly set atmospheres, planets so overcharged with life force that the planet itself became a living being.

The planets that didn't meet our criteria lay dying in that corner.

Seeing those discarded attempts, the curious one asked,

"This one looks fine though?"

"Ah···. It is. We’re almost done."

"Then why? Isn't it perfect?"

"···There was a disagreement. We stopped at the last step."

"A disagreement?"


She sighed deeply.

The memory of the argument that arose over the nearly completed world made her head ache.

It was frustrating to think we might have to scrap this nearly finished world.

But it wasn’t entirely incomprehensible.

If I were in their shoes, I’d have done the same.

"We confirmed it could support human life, solved most of the problems···."

"Then what’s the issue?"

"They started arguing about the setting they wanted···."

"···The setting?"

I nodded miserably.

Yes, the setting.

Each transcendent had their preferred worlds and insisted on their own visions.

They didn’t want to compromise on the first world we made together.

There were no concessions, no matter what.

No one wanted to miss the specialness of the 'first' world.

Most of the transcendent beings helped build it, claiming their share and fighting to shape it according to their desires.

It was a never-ending fight.

"Ah, so that’s why they were fighting?"

"Yeah. Some wanted a martial arts world, some wanted fantasy, some wanted urban fantasy···."

Their tastes were all different, and as transcendents, they rarely yielded.

Their powers were similar, and they couldn’t kill each other, so the fight went on indefinitely.

···Thus, this world was to be discarded.

We couldn't see a future where it was completed properly.

"We need someone to manage it while mediating the arguments. If we leave it unattended until the fight is resolved, it’ll become a world we can’t interfere with."


It’s like a pet kept by humans.

If you catch and leave it untamed, it’ll naturally return to the wild.

We created this world but hadn't fine-tuned it.

By the time the arguments were resolved and we checked on it, it would be too late.

It would have become a world beyond our reach.

Forcing it to completion wasn't possible either.

It required the cooperation of many transcendents.

If even one disagreed and backed out, the whole plan would collapse.

"···Then why are you here?"


"Don’t you have a preferred setting? Honestly, I’m starting to get a bit interested."

I replied to the one gazing at the nearly completed world with greedy eyes.

"I don't mind any setting."


"Truly, it doesn't matter to me."

Though a bit resentful of the suspicious look, I couldn’t blame him.

If I were in his shoes, I'd find it hard to believe too.

···I couldn’t help it.

"As long as it's a happy world, I don’t care."

"A happy world?"

"Yes, a happy world."


He looked at me, confused.

Well, 'happy world' is a concept hard for us to grasp.

Transcendents become desensitized to stimuli after experiencing many worlds.

They inevitably gravitate towards bloodshed and chaos to pass the time.

So, it was odd for them to agree on making a happy world.

"A world without tragedy, where people don't kill each other. That’s the world we decided to create."

"···Are you sure? That sounds boring."

"It's fine. We've already discussed it."

Most of those helping to create the world were those who watched other worlds with me.

They agreed to make the world I wanted.

It was a promise I made with the reader.

"You seem to have a plan. Then it’s fine. ···I’m off."


"Yeah. ···Hey, you guys! It’s got to be sci-fi···!"

I watched for a moment as another transcendent joined the argument, then turned back to the planet before me.

···It felt like a shame.

"Honestly, it’s well made···."

The scenery was beautiful.

Though the setting seemed a bit mixed, thanks to everyone’s input···.

It felt like a waste to just throw it away.

Even if I wouldn’t see it again.

Despite that, I felt an attachment to the well-made world.

"···Ah, I miss you."

It hadn’t been long since I parted from the reader.

I already wanted to brag about what I had created.

Those others were boring to react to.

They always looked at me like, 'Of course, you would.'

···Of course, I knew it was impossible.

But I still wanted to show this world to someone other than the reader.

A world so well-made.

"Is anyone watching?"

I looked around, seeing no one.

Everyone was busy advocating for their desired genre, paying me no attention.


"This time frame··· should be fine."

After compressing the world’s information, I sprinkled it onto a nearby world.

Smuggling such trivial information was easy.

Someone in that world would likely accept this world’s information.

It could be published as a game, movie, or novel.

Even just jotting it down in a personal notebook as a fanciful idea was enough.

I didn’t want the world to be forgotten and unremembered.

"How will they react···."

It would be boring if they just accepted the information.

A mischievous thought led me to add a small trick.


Whoever fell for this trick would be lucky.

Not that there was a guarantee.

"Hey! What do you think?!"

"Yikes?! ···What?"

"He keeps saying fantasy is better than martial arts!"

"Well, it is."

"He must have muscles for brains! Don’t you get magic?!"

"Martial arts have chi! It’s not all about brute force!"

"Arguing over nothing again···."

I sighed, hearing the sparks fly, and wondered if they heard me mumbling.

One of them turned and started mocking me.

"···Ha, right. What does someone exiled by their creation know?"

"Yeah, seriously. Embarrassing."

"Hey! Did you say everything?!"

"Yeah, why?"

"Fine···. I wasn't going to fight, but···! I can't take this anymore···!"

I joined their fight in anger.

Anyone who could take such insults without reacting was a fool.

Thus began an endless, meaningless fight.

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