Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 151 Table of contents


I heard someone mutter.

Turning to the source of the voice, I saw everyone averting their gazes as if on cue.

They were all pretending not to have heard, but...

There was no way the superhumans hadn't heard Amelia's outburst.

They had all heard and were just pretending not to know.

Everyone was aware of it.

Siwoo, too, knew this and couldn't hide his shock.


"It's two lines, two lines! You're pregnant!"

"No, that's not···!"


"Why did you say it here?!"

Siwoo frantically looked around.

Everyone was pretending not to have heard, but...

They knew it was only a matter of time before the news spread.

"If this becomes a rumor···."


Just as Siwoo was about to argue with Amelia, Claire-sensei stepped in.


"It seems there's been an unfortunate incident. I'll take Arte to the hospital. Until then, please continue with self-study."


"···And, I expect you to keep this matter private. The truth hasn't been confirmed yet."


Claire-sensei glanced over the students, then sighed deeply.

She must have known that despite her warning, such gossip was bound to spread.

The moment she left, the students would undoubtedly chatter about the incident instead of studying.

And soon, the entire academy would know.

Arte Isis was pregnant with Yu Siwoo's child.

"And Yu Siwoo."


"You too···. No, just wait here for now."

Claire-sensei's voice was as stern as usual.

If you only heard her voice, it might seem like she was reserving judgment until the hospital visit, but her face said otherwise.

Claire-sensei looked at Siwoo with an expression that screamed he had made a massive mistake.

"Sorry···. I didn't mean to cause this···."


Amelia's apology sounded half-hearted, as if she hadn't anticipated this outcome.

But just like Claire-sensei, Amelia's face and voice told a different story.

Her lips kept twitching as if she could barely contain her laughter.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?!"

"Oh, what are you talking about···. I was just so surprised."

No one believed Amelia's words.

She had shouted deliberately.

Everyone was convinced of that.

"Who told you to rub it in our faces?"


"I got tired of hearing about your lovey-dovey stories every day."

"That doesn't justify this···!"

"Well, yes. I did try hard to get you two together···."

Amelia grinned like a villain in a comic.

"But you two went too far. You should've considered how I felt listening to your sweet nothings every day."


"Don't worry. At least I won't make it seem like you're a rapist. I'll just say you two were too in love."

"Arte, come with me."


I wanted to tell her to stop tormenting Siwoo.

But I knew that speaking up now might make things worse, so I followed Claire-sensei out of the classroom.

···Honestly, if the writer were still around, Amelia would probably have been the final boss.

That thought crossed my mind as I left the room.

"You're pregnant."


"It's not definite yet, but it's likely a girl."

Claire-sensei clenched her eyes shut.

She had expected this, but clung to a sliver of hope.

But now even that faint hope was dashed.

"A girl···."

"It's not certain. Come back in a month for a more accurate determination."

I instinctively rubbed my belly.

Inside me was Siwoo's and my child.

It felt so strange.

I had seduced Siwoo, thinking I couldn't get pregnant because I never had a period.

I never imagined I would end up pregnant.

I had fantasized about having Siwoo's child someday, but...

I was more worried about whether it was even possible given that I never had a period.

···But to be pregnant so soon.

The result was so different from my expectations that I was left speechless.

"Arte, it's awkward to say this, but···."

"I won't get rid of it."

I cut off Claire-sensei's cautious suggestion.

I knew what she was going to say.

She would suggest considering the future and possibly terminating the pregnancy.

"···But Arte. You must think carefully. If you keep the baby, we may have to recommend you drop out."


"You know how rigorous the curriculum is. It's hard to manage with a pregnant body."

I understood what Claire-sensei was getting at.

From the curriculum alone, it was clear that a pregnant student would struggle.

Even in the first year, we had practical experiences like dungeon explorations and sparring.

···Most of these settings were created by the writer.

Which meant the second year would be even tougher.

With the writer gone, the settings would naturally follow logical progression.

This year's curriculum would be harder than last year's.

"And, you know how sensitive the academy is to issues right now."

"···I know."

"Even so, will you keep it?"

Claire-sensei shut her eyes tightly.

As the cliché strict homeroom teacher, Claire-sensei.

But behind her strict exterior was a deep concern for her students.

She didn't like forcing such a choice on a student already in turmoil.

Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but smile.



Claire-sensei looked puzzled by my sudden laughter, making me laugh again.

It made me realize once more that this world was real.

People always show different sides of themselves.

Amelia, our helpful friend, sometimes pranked us.

Claire-sensei, always stern, bowed her head apologetically when broaching difficult topics.

These small details, unnoticed when the writer was around, made me feel the reality of this world.

"How do I process my withdrawal?"

"···So, you've made up your mind."

"Yes. I can't erase the proof of our love."

"Haa···. Then at least you could've used contraception···."


The strict tone was gone, and Claire-sensei grumbled at me.

But I could only laugh.

I had never used contraception.

I thought I couldn't get pregnant without a period.

"I never imagined I’d lose a student like this."

"I'm sorry···."

"No need to apologize. Siwoo must've been persuasive."

But he wasn't.

I had seduced him, thinking I couldn't get pregnant.

But I couldn't say that, so I kept quiet.

"I'll keep an eye on Yu Siwoo for the next two years···."


I should've said something.

It looked like Siwoo was now on Claire-sensei's bad side.

···Oh well, we'll manage somehow.



"Haa···. As expected···."

Claire-sensei sighed.

As we moved through the academy to process my withdrawal, students kept whispering and talking about us.

Apparently, the news about Siwoo and me had already spread throughout the academy.

"Those brats, I told them not to talk···. Just wait···."

···I felt sorry for her.

Such a scandal on the first day back.

And another rumor was bound to start soon.

"Arte?! Where are you going?! Running isn't good for you!"

I rushed towards our classroom.

The students' gossip didn't bother me.

I wouldn't see them much anymore anyway.

But Siwoo wouldn't be in the same situation.

Pushing through the crowd, I entered the classroom and shouted,


"Arte?! What's the result···."

"I'm pregnant!"

"I see···."

Buzz, buzz.

The students' chatter filled the hallway.

At this rate, Siwoo would be seen as a villain.

So, I decided to boldly announce,

"Everyone, listen up."


"Siwoo didn't attack me! I attacked Siwoo!"

···Wait, that sounded worse?

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.


"I'm sorry."

"Haa···. Fine. Yu Siwoo, come along too."


And so, the first day back at the academy became my last day there.

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