Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 152 Table of contents

Since then, nothing particularly special happened.

Other than Claire-sensei constantly sighing and occasionally glaring at Siwoo after we arrived at the teachers' office.

"I'm sorry···."

"Good that you know."

She didn't look satisfied at all.

It seemed like Siwoo would have a harder time in class compared to others.

But I wasn't really worried.

There's no way Siwoo would struggle with just the second-year curriculum.

Siwoo, who had survived even the most dangerous frontlines that only the top third-year students could reach.

Even in that hellish place.

No matter how hard the teacher trains him, it won't be a problem.

It might be awkward, but it wouldn't be difficult.

"Things will get noisy again···."

Claire-sensei rubbed her temples, looking pained, and sighed once more.

"You should've used protection at least. You two are quite famous, and this kind of scandal could cause a lot of trouble."

"···Huh? Famous?"

"Don't tell me you didn't know."

Siwoo and I looked at each other, blinking in confusion.

Famous? Us?

Claire-sensei sighed deeply again, seeing our reaction.

It was as if she couldn't believe we were unaware.

"Think about what you've done over the past year."

"What we've done over the past year···?"

"Eliminating villains infiltrating the academy, dealing with monstrous beasts attacking the academy, defeating Übermensch officers, and resolving the frontline crisis···. You've handled quite a few major events."

"H-how do you know all that···?"

How did the teacher know all that?

Of course, as a teacher, she'd know about the internal academy incidents, but...

She knew about the frontline incidents and taking down Übermensch officers?

Siwoo and I stared blankly at her.

"Don't you ever look at the internet?"

"We don't really···."

Before heading to the frontlines, we were always busy because of the writer.

There were always incidents to handle.

After those incidents ended, we didn't really use electronic devices.

There's no need to explain why.

We're in the teachers' office because of that.

"The information is already out. It's easier for information to spread than you think."

Arte Isis and Yu Siwoo.

On the screen Claire-sensei showed us, our names were displayed.

"I often tell people not to ego-search, but I didn't expect there'd be people who really don't."

On the device showing our names, countless posts were up.

Who we were, what we'd done recently, our abilities, etc.

While not perfect, the sightings and speculations were pretty credible.

"In today's world, information is hard to control. With such big incidents, it's no surprise people are interested."

Siwoo and I hastily searched my name to check people's reactions.


It seemed my identity as Arachne hadn't been discovered.

As I sighed in relief, the teacher showed us a site that had gathered information about Siwoo and me.

There were already posts about me being pregnant with Siwoo's child.

···How did that spread so fast?

"The academy attack, the beast anomalies. These were unprecedented events. Experts are obsessed."

"Oh, so···."

"Despite limited information, the consensus is that you two resolved the incidents. The academy denies it, of course."

I understood what the teacher was getting at.

No matter how much the academy denied it, no one believed them.

···And it was true anyway.

In any case, our notoriety had risen significantly due to these incidents.

"Anyway, you're more famous than you think."


"And people who saw you two often suspected your relationship···."

"Now it's confirmed, right?"


···What's the problem?

If everyone knows Siwoo is mine and I'm his, isn't that better?

It would stop unnecessary people from flirting with Siwoo.

I didn't see any downside.

Maybe that thought showed on my face.

Claire-sensei sighed and spoke to me.

"Civilians being annoying is one thing···. But think about the villains."


"Yes. Though the number has decreased thanks to Arachne, villains still exist."

"So what···?"

"Villains come in two types: those who can kill with a clear mind and those who can't. The latter worries me."

Claire-sensei looked at me with concern.

Though I wouldn't be her student anymore, she didn't seem to care about that.

"Sometimes idiots wanting fame target people like you."

Seeing her worried gaze at my belly, I understood what she was getting at.

Was she worried someone might target me because pregnancy made me vulnerable?

"Don't worry, sensei. I'll be fine."

"That's not guaranteed···."


I looked at Siwoo and smiled brightly.

I appreciated the teacher's concern, but···.

I had Siwoo.

"Siwoo will always protect me."

"···Haa, fine. Just bring me good news."

"Don't worry."

I gave a bright smile to Claire-sensei.

She's a good person.

···I wouldn't see her often, but if I ever get married, I'd definitely send her an invitation.

After submitting my resignation to the academy, I returned home.

Not to Siwoo's house, but to the Arachne base I originally used.

Because Claire-sensei's words made sense.

I believed Siwoo would always protect me, but···.

It wouldn't hurt to be prepared.

While Siwoo continued his academy life, I decided to stay with my Arachne comrades.

"Wow, this is so weird···."

"What are you doing?"

"Look at this, Lyra. It's so weird. Oh···. There's a baby in here···."

Rub, rub.

I felt Spira's hands rubbing my belly repeatedly.

She must have found it fascinating.

She didn't even notice Lyra's expression growing harsher.

"···If you don't stop, I'll cut off that tail."

"Eek! I'm not a lizard! It won't grow back! I'll stop!"


Lyra seemed to have a tough job.

Handling a comrade so frivolous that you'd never guess she was once an Übermensch officer seemed familiar.

She must've done this many times.

"You have it tough."

"Thanks for noticing. ···Are you okay?"

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm not that weak."


Lyra probably thought she was hiding it well, but···.

She seemed extremely curious.

Her gaze kept drifting to where Spira was touching my belly.

"Do you want to feel it?"

"···Is that okay?"

"Of course."

I wouldn't have let just anyone touch my belly.

But I trusted these comrades.

They'd never harm me.

When I tapped my belly to signal it was okay, Lyra hesitantly approached.

Trying to hide her curiosity must've been tough.

···Honestly, I still found it strange myself.

I never imagined I'd have a baby inside me.

"It's a bit swollen···."

"There's a baby inside."

"Boy or girl?"

"Probably a girl. I'll know for sure next month."


Lyra, intrigued, rubbed my slightly swollen belly, then pressed her ear against it.

"···Sorry, but you probably won't hear anything yet."

"Oh, really···? S-sorry."

Her fumbling apology made me laugh.

Who would've thought she'd soften so much from her once sharp demeanor.

"What's so funny···!"

"Nothing, just."

It felt nostalgic.

Did the writer want to kill Lyra?

But I didn't.

Even though I didn't know how the writer would react.

Was it a whim, or my last shred of conscience?

Looking back···.

Maybe it was one of the best decisions I made.

"How's your health?"

"Ah, Hayul. Finished with classes?"

"Just did."

Checking the clock, I saw it was indeed the end of academy classes.

It would take at least ten minutes to get here from the academy.

"You're really fast···."

"My abilities might seem useless outside combat, but they're helpful."


I see.

He turned into mist and arrived.

···No wonder I'd never seen him drive despite his high status.

He's efficient with his abilities.

"Spira. Stop that and get ready."

"···Ah, is it work time already?"

"Yes. Hayul is here. It's you and Hayul today."


Spira let out a blatant groan, and Hayul glared at her.

···That was definitely Spira's fault.

Hayul probably didn't mean anything by it.

"Then, take care of Arte."

"Don't worry. I'm strong now."

"···Very well. Then, Arte, congratulations on your pregnancy."

"Ah, thank you."

With that, Spira and Hayul left the house.

Today, too, they'd be hunting villains.

Another typical day was passing by.

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