I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 27 Table of contents

I Became the Academy's Pink Airhead - Chapter 27

'Since defeating Hilde with a forbidden technique and losing all my power, they called me [Faded Spiral].'

Even Maya was doubtful. It was safe to assume most people believed it to be true.

It was a timely and ridiculous rumor, spread by someone. A student who used forbidden power, lost their ether level, and disappeared. In this world, where ether could be an object of faith, it was a provocative story.



‘…This might actually be useful.’

My heart started racing.

I couldn’t keep running away from scenes involving third-year students forever. It might be better to run around as [Faded Spiral] rather than hiding, worried about my true identity being exposed.

Guide the three juniors according to the main story’s flow, towards the [Fate of the Three Heroes]. Lead them on the path towards the [Fate of the Three Heroes] who could protect our beloved academy city.

Even though fate had already twisted, I would secretly fix the twisted parts with my power.


A revelation hit me like a lightning bolt.

If the path bends, instead of lamenting, you just have to hammer it straight.

The worst bosses? Late-stage events? There are already several late-stage powerhouse characters gathered in this story. What am I whining about?

I looked at Eid, Bell, and the hundreds of <Scarlet Academy> students gathered. Even though they weren’t here, there would be investigators from <Gallhorn>.

‘If the rumor has already spread far and wide, I’ll just drive the nail in and make it true myself.’

Three can create a tiger out of nothing. I, Bell, and Eid—together, we create a tiger. The tiger’s name is [Faded Spiral].

I quickly adjusted my setting.

‘I am now a tragic character with a story, [Faded Spiral].’

A new character of fate, merging Clara’s and ‘my’ tendencies.

From now on, my course of action is [It doesn’t matter how you get to Seoul as long as you get there].

When the main story progresses, feed the juniors the outcomes properly. And when anomalies occur, I’ll secretly save them, following the story’s progression as much as possible.

Thinking positively, ideas I hadn’t considered started coming to me.

‘Since this is a late-stage main story event, the rewards should be substantial.’

Especially the initial experience points gained from resolving the Corruption Dungeon—how much was that?

Okay. Decision made.

I looked at Eid and Bell, who were watching me, and made a decision.

‘If I say it’s a rumor now, Eid will just go wild.’

The concept play begins from the moment of decision.

Okay. Ready. Action.

I spoke with a bitter face, clenching my trembling fist.

"…Are you satisfied now? Speaking so freely about a girl’s painful past―♪ Eid, you’ve become quite cruel."


"…I don’t have the same power as before☆ But I’ve gained precious things―☆"


"I’ve discovered things that shine far brighter than fighting☆"

Eid, who was about to shout something, pushed Bell aside and came forward.

"You…are you serious―!!"


As soon as she was released, Bell stumbled and joined Alvit. Eid, who walked right up to me, stared at me with eyes as if she wanted to devour me.

Magenta ether, like flames, approached to measure the distance. But its force, though stronger than before, lacked subtlety.

‘Has Eid still not seen the moment of nothingness (無極)?’

I dodged all the 'gaps' continuously tapping my skin.

"…" "…"

Would it be exposed? If she goes wild, how should I pacify her?

Even in those thoughts, Eid’s eyes looked at me as if to devour me.

What could she see beyond those eyes? Magenta light and flame-like shapes.

Looking into those eyes used to make my blood boil, but now they just seemed ordinary.

Behind us, I heard the worried voices of the juniors.

"…Senior!" "Senior…!" "Comrade Senior…!"

Hearing those voices, All the worries disappeared beyond distant memories. I am here to protect and lead those kids.

"…" "…"

What did Eid see in my eyes?

"Weak, but not trash." "…" "But I don’t like it." "…" "…I don’t want to see it. If you don’t want to get involved, leave. We will burn everything to resolve the Dungeon Gate Corruption and then march to the center."


With a sword like an animal’s spine on her shoulder, She turned around, and many students followed her.


Somehow, Eid’s back looked lonely.

The street flickering with flames. Hundreds of <Scarlet Academy> students slowly moving away.

Alvit was dizzy with all the information passing by in an instant. Clara approached Alvit with a bitter smile.

"Sorry―☆ It’s not a past I want to reveal…" "…Senior." "Oops…! Sorry…for speaking on my own."

Bell apologized to Clara, but Clara said it was okay with a wry smile.

Alvit quietly watched Clara.

Who would have thought this foolish senior had such a past? It was something as brilliant as the ‘Five Colors’, currently the strongest in the academy city.

But now, she seemed like…faded…


Alvit quickly shook off the rude thought that crossed her mind. It wasn’t something to think about someone who dedicated herself to them.


Alvit recalled the moment she first met Clara.

Wearing a bucket on her head, staggering, unable to keep her balance, coming out at dawn for obsessive physical training on a bike.

As if trying to regain something lost.

Alvit shivered momentarily. Clara had always been rebuilding what she lost.


The first day we met. At that time, Clara had asked with a very embarrassed expression.

-I…actually don’t know how to handle basic ether…could you teach me―☆

In reality, Clara’s ether swordsmanship was clumsy and rough. As if holding a sword for the first time.

-A bizarre skill that doesn’t even use weapons…and endless ether…there’s no way there isn’t a cost. Tch… -All ether levels burnt and extinguished, a legend…! The rumor about [Faded Spiral] being true!

But to Clara, who had lost everything from the most brilliant place and fallen, It was like a determination to start over from scratch.

-I was just at the school☆ They didn’t accept me even in a union school…

From that miserable past, what mindset did she have to climb to the strongest position and then fall again? And how did Clara feel, who told me to enjoy school life despite herself?

How did I react to that?

-You’re incompetent, senior.


It felt like a corner of my heart was being pricked. Alvit bowed her head in guilt.

‘I’m sorry, senior… I’m sorry for mocking you…’

"…" "…"

Clara and Bell moving ahead. All three juniors following them. We could only stay silent, having peeked into one person’s painful secret.

In the heavy atmosphere, Bell spoke with difficulty.

"In this atmosphere… Um… I’m sorry to bring this up suddenly. Anyway, we need to find the <Gallhorn> investigators who clashed with the <Scarlet Academy> guys…"

-Bell Secretary――! Run away――!


Bell, hearing a call from afar, looked blankly towards the source of the voice. A student with a bow, her eyes sparkling, was standing in the crumbling ruins.


With dark skin and large elf ears twitching, she shouted righteously.

-Ahahaha―! Bell Secretary couldn’t ignore people in trouble and left the base―! Indeed! We are all righteous <United Student Council> members―!

Yo… Yo… Yo…

Her voice echoed loudly. Hearing that, Bell’s face turned pale.

"That crazy Sigrun…!"

Hundreds of <Scarlet Academy> students moving away gradually stopped. Slowly turning their heads. Their eyes filled with twisted madness.

-…<United Student Council>? -…Bell Secretary? -<Gallhorn> investigators…

Seeing them turn, Sigrun aimed her bow and shouted in a booming voice.

"Justice never yields!! Release the <Gallhorn> investigators!! I cannot forgive your acts of destroying the order of the academy city and wrecking citizens’ homes!!"

Seeing this, Bell shouted with a voice that seemed on the verge of fainting.

"We’re doomed―!"

-…Capture that brat and the elf. -Yes, boss!! Hahaha!! -It’s elf hunting time―!!

Eid’s low voice resonated as she moved forward. Simultaneously, hundreds of <Scarlet Academy> students turned and ran towards us.

Thud, thud, thud―!


Bell screamed and ran forward.

"Senior! We need to run!"

Alvit, bewildered by the sudden change, turned around to get Clara. Clara still wore a bright smile.

"Haha☆ We’re doomed―♪" "…"

As if it was okay. That comforting smile.

Alvit felt both comforted and guilty. So she tightly held Clara’s hand.

Clara, with a playful smile, said,

"Oh? What’s the matter? Are you scared, Alvit―♪" "I will definitely protect you…!" "…"

Rota and Kara, who followed behind, also guarded Clara, signaling with their eyes.

"Senior, you mustn’t leave our side!" "Don’t worry, comrade senior…!"

In the midst of it all, Clara wore a somewhat bitter smile.

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