I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 28 Table of contents

I Became the Academy's Pink Airhead - Chapter 28


Bell and Sigrun tried to escape but were eventually captured by the hundreds of <Scarlet Academy> students and Eid, who had followed. The two were tied to a pole back-to-back, hanging like a pair of electric chickens.

The little one and the elf screamed just before becoming grilled.

"Uwaaaah―!!" "Please release the <Gallhorn> investigators―!!"

Eid, standing in front of Sigrun, the second-year investigation leader of <Gallhorn> and a brown-skinned elf, spoke.

“Hmph, <United Student Council> and <Aesir Girls' High School> are causing this mess by forcing their strength outside the Golden District.”

“Why blame the <United Student Council> for that―!”

“Even if I explain the world’s distortion, would those who fatten and preserve the World Tree like pigs understand? We should burn it all.”

“Ack! That’s blasphemy!! Burning the sacred World Tree―!! I’ll forgive you if you take that back―!!”

“What’s the big deal about burning a tree?”

“Eeeeeek!!! Unforgivable―!!!”

“Tsk… Anyway, have you found any information about this corruption incident? Your minions are such justice idiots that they kept their mouths shut, so I had to imprison them.”

“There’s no information for blasphemers!!”

“Ha… <Mimir Technical High School> and your lot too. Acting righteously while doing whatever you please, really annoying…”

Sigrun’s elf ears flapped in anger. Eid watched her with disdain. Bell looked around nervously.

It was a scene reminiscent of an execution. We were watching from a short distance away.

“...” “...”

Alvit, still holding my hand tightly, spoke in a relieved voice.

“Fortunately, they’re not bothering us.”

“Right♪ <Scarlet Academy> students are just energetic, hot-blooded girls―☆ They’re not delinquents or criminals―☆”

Alvit, apparently tense since our escape attempt, had sweaty palms, which was a bit cute. The warmth felt through the hard calluses on her slender fingers was very comforting.

‘Well, to kids from the central district, slum school students probably seem no different from delinquents.’

Slum students just lived a slightly different way than other school students. They lived by their own rules and order.

Rota pointed out my defense of <Scarlet Academy> with a puzzled voice.

“A group trying to burn the World Tree and <United Student Council> is called lively students?”


Despite their frightening madness, I knew that <Scarlet Academy> students didn’t genuinely wish for the academy city's destruction, so I answered appropriately.

“When you think about it, a burning World Tree might look like a huge romantic maple tree―☆ It could be wonderful to have tea time there―☆”

“...” “Are you serious?” “Comrade senior, your sensitivity is sometimes too pure and scary.”

Some <Scarlet Academy> students reacted to my words with smiles. Their black leather masks exuded a creepy atmosphere. They had come to eliminate the chaos insects spreading across the northern district with fire, and their calmed-down smiles were genuine.

In fact, if you put aside prejudice, They too were girls running towards their own dreams.

Among the smiling <Scarlet Academy> students, some tapped my shoulder and spoke.

“Heh, the pink-haired one knows something.” “Ha! Do you want to transfer to our school? Even if you can’t use ether, as long as you can throw Molotov cocktails…!” “Wow―☆ Wouldn’t it be cuter if the fire exploded in a pretty vase―♡ Putting the energy of destruction in a life-containing vase☆ So romantic―♪” “Whoa…! Knowing the aesthetics of fire already…! You chose the wrong school! Come to ours right now!! Haha…!!” “Oh, no…”

When I appropriately responded to their words, For some reason, Alvit stood in front of me protectively, stretching her arms like a red panda, trying to look threatening.

“...That’s not happening.” “...”

The other two juniors also stood by my side. I was completely protected among the three juniors.

I could only smile wryly at their overly protective stance.

‘Even if I decided on this concept, it pricks my conscience a bit.’

[Faded Spiral]… In reality, it was a ridiculous rumor when you looked at the facts.

Fighting barehanded against armed strong opponents and retiring, Being treated as a demon who used forbidden arts and fell into madness…

But given my actions and the oddity of my fighting style, combined with the tendency of girls to create rumors, it made sense.

‘Clara’s’ unique skill, Sudden disappearance and retreat to a remote school,

In a world with limited means to verify information, bits of witnessed truth gather to form a distorted story.

And that story, in a world where ether levels are cherished, was the most provocative and frightening. A slight push with someone’s intention turned the rumor into truth.

‘Plus, if the person herself admits it…’

Well… it’s irreversible now. In essence, from the moment I acknowledged it, [Faded Spiral] became the truth.

The scene of me being protected by juniors. Seeing that, the <Scarlet Academy> students chuckled.

“Hehe…” “Haha.” “Oh, how scary.”

Their eyes showed amusement as if they were seeing something cute.

To them, fighting for what they wanted was the ideal student image. Juniors stepping up to protect their senior was a sight that seemed to earn their approval.

Unlike the peaceful execution-like scene in the back, Bell and Sigrun, the main subjects, were struggling under Eid’s watchful eyes.

“Eeeek!!” “Please let us go―!!” “...”

In truth, Bell and Sigrun, both third-stage ether users, could easily break the ropes. But with [Crimson Trajectory] watching right in front of them, they couldn’t dare to.

Bell, tied horizontally, cried out desperately.

“Uwaaaah―!! Let me go!! Don’t you see this red tracksuit? I’m a student of <Central Prism Academy>―!!”

As she wriggled her short legs and protested with ridiculous lies, Sigrun, hanging below her, twitched her ears and responded.

“Ah!! Bell Secretary!! Isn’t your school <Aesir Girls' High School>?! Have you lost your mind out of fear―?!”

“You crazy woman!! I’m lying to survive―!!”

“Bell Secretary!! Even so, fawning over a group trying to destroy the academy city by lying about your school…!!”

“Please, just shut up!! That’s why your investigation unit was demoted to a totem post in the outskirts of <Gallhorn>―!”

“Demotion?! We were dispatched to <Mimir Technical High School>’s outpost!!”

“Then listen to my orders as the field commander there!!”

“Bell Secretary’s improvisation to respond to the academy city’s crisis was an adaptation in your absence!!”

“What adaptation?! Our original mission was to check the Eastern Alliance!!”

The pitiful sight of the two bickering. Eid, who had been watching silently, gestured to the second-stage ether users on standby.

“Hoo, this isn’t working. Guys, light the fire.”

“Yes, boss!! Hiyah―!!” “Haaap―!!”


As students who mastered [Vibration] materialized their ether, a red ether flame like a campfire blazed up.

The madness shared among <Scarlet Academy> students, Ether created with a desire for destruction and arson, It took the shape of the flames flickering on the street.

Bell and Sigrun, startled by the heat, struggled and screamed louder.

“Aaaahhh―!! Wait!! Just let me talk…!” “Argh!! Even if you torture us!! Justice will never disappear―!!” “Please shut up!! Sigrun!! You’ll end up in detention back at the outpost!!”

“Ho…? You think we’ll release you? Such arrogance suits an officer of <United Student Council>.”


At those words, Bell tried to smile obsequiously.

“A-Ah…! N-No…! Eid, senior, hehehe… Listen to your cute junior…!”

“Bell Secretary!! Calling an arsonist senior…! Ahh!! Bell Secretary!! If you hang your body in the air like that, I’ll burn up!!”

“You have dark skin anyway!! I need to maintain this fair and clear skin!!”

“Ah!! Ahhh!! Bell Secretary!! That was a racist comment!! In a city where students of all races live together, remarks like long-ears, darky, hairy, carpet, twisted, gloomy, nouveau riche, red, mosquito, whitey, robot lover, tree lover, weapon lover are prohibited!! And you, as an officer of the <United Student Council>…!!”

“You crazy woman, I didn’t say that much!!”

But Sigrun, as if a switch had been flipped, continued to yell.

“After extensive investigation, I discovered that the corruption dungeon gates in the northeast of the academy city are all spewing chaos insects towards a specific area!!”

“You crazy woman!! Why are you saying that now?!”


“Ugh?!” “Ahh―?!”

Eid’s casual swipe of her sword freed both of them from their bindings, causing them to roll on the ground. Of course, there was a fire kindled by <Scarlet Academy> students right below.

The two of them rolled over the fire.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch―!!” “Uwaaaah―!!”

Bell and Sigrun stood up, flailing and wailing.

“Ouch… It’s hot…”

Of course, being high-level ether users, neither of them had any injuries. Eid, watching them, spoke in a cold voice.

“Elf. Explain what you said.”



Eid held her sword, resembling an animal’s spine, to Sigrun’s throat. Magenta ether slowly rose from the sword, instantly raising the surrounding temperature.

“What about the corruption gates?”


“Hey elf, if you tell us everything now, I’ll release your captured subordinates from <Scarlet Academy>.”

“…!” “I dislike you <United Student Council> officers, but solving the northern problem takes priority. We can settle the score with the detestable central later.”

Eid grabbed Sigrun by the collar and said.

“Cooperate, or be enemies? Choose quickly.”

Eid’s shocking proposal. Bell yelled, urging her.

“Yeah!! You crazy woman, just tell them!! We need to solve this situation first!!”


“Elf, it’s your loss if you don’t speak.”


A standoff. And conflict. But even at this moment, the dungeon gate corruption was likely worsening.

Following the method used by [Priest of Corruption] in the game, trying to attack in this scattered state would surely end in clumsy failure. It was a shame to make a spectacle of this grand invitation list.

‘I hoped they’d cooperate on their own, but if no one nudges them, this will be a waste of time.’

To intervene appropriately in this situation,

I assumed the role of [Faded Spiral].

“Excuse me―♪ Just a moment―☆”

I pushed through the crowd and stepped between the three who were on guard. I could feel the <Scarlet Academy> students, who had been looking at me favorably, becoming flustered.

Murmur, murmur.

“…Huh?” “…?” “Hmm.”

In front, the three idiots looked at me with mixed emotions, and behind me, the three juniors were visibly shocked.

Ignoring their stares, I spoke.

“Since it’s come to this, can’t we all just get along―☆”

“...” “...” “...”

I spoke with a seemingly calm tone.

“There must be many people in trouble outside right now―♪ There might be people baking delicious cookies or making dolls―☆ Or maybe even cute students―♪”

“...” “...” “...”

“I know everyone has their own reasons and goals… But I think we should help those people quickly―♪”

A cold silence. In that, I continued.

“I can’t be of much help anymore… But you all can, right―☆”


Eid looked at me with a pained expression.

“Help them, so we can help the people in the academy city who are struggling… Then it will surely be enjoyable―♪”


While everyone was silent, lost in their thoughts,


Sigrun twitched her ears and spoke.

“…Understood. Helping people in trouble. That is justice.”

All eyes turned to Sigrun.

“I discovered the anomaly a few days ago.”

I smiled at her words, imagining the familiar UI of a quest window popping up in my mind.

[Ratatosk Campaign: Priest of Corruption] [Quest Start]

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