I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 50 Table of contents

As the sun began to set, the defense system of the city was fully deployed under the leadership of Student Council President Skadi.

Numerous disciplinary committee members mounted on mechs guarded the main gate, while the general students, including external visitors, gathered in their assigned dormitories for safety.

We attempted to find a way to contact the <United Student Council> again but failed.

After the meeting, we gathered at the outpost and tried calling various nearby shops and schools but to no avail. It was all due to the complete blockade set up by the Eastern Alliance in the wilderness.

More precisely… it was because of the hundreds of threatening armored puppets.

‘Seriously… has <Svart Industrial High School> already completed its ultimate tech…?’

In the original story, these summons appeared near the end, just before facing the [Priest of Erosion]… essentially the last named boss aside from the dragon.

According to the testimonies of the scouts, the magical armor weapons and a threatening array of weapons formed a fire grid in the wilderness.

‘Those beastkin second-years… Their military power was lacking, but they’re experts at cutting off communication networks and setting up fire grids… They can’t do it themselves, but they’re good at getting others to do it.’

I sighed, recalling the noble girls who were left completely shaved. They had been handed over to the disciplinary committee members and confined in a detention facility.



Bell, who had made the last attempt to make contact, sighed as she put down the receiver. She drew a line through the name of the last school on the list.

“Aah… This is hopeless. Even if we find out something, it’s useless if we can’t report it to the boss quickly… This is a big problem… I can’t even set the mood… Desperation doesn’t suit me…”

After muttering to herself for a while, Bell finally collapsed. She buried her face on her desk, her black side tail drooping lifelessly like a withered plant.

“...” “...”

Silence returned to the outpost office. Through the open window, we could hear the worried voices of the external visitors and general students who had come to <Mimir Industrial High School>.

It was akin to the cries of citizens suffering under the Yellow Turbans.

‘The azure sky falls, the yellow earth rises… So does that make Zhang Jiao the student council president money demon of <Svart Industrial High School>?’

Andrea, the student council president of <Svart Industrial High School>. Due to her materialistic and selfish nature, she, along with the beastkin leader Frau, served as an early boss.

Though she wasn’t originally such a threatening enemy, the beastkin with their mysterious cheat code had elevated their ultimate tech, making them as threatening as the Yellow Turbans.

‘Could it be <Ratatosk>’s doing…? But they don’t have that kind of power…’

I need something to guess correctly… My knowledge of the original story hasn’t been helpful since the first year.

As I pondered, I looked around. All I saw were exhausted high school girls.


The attempt to restore communication, which started in the afternoon, ended in failure as evening approached. We were all worn out from sifting through hundreds of numbers, trying to find a detour through many schools and shopping districts.

The security team members were also sprawled out on the floor, resting.

“...” “...”

Rota and I sat on the floor, leaning against each other’s shoulders. Kara and Alvit, along with the youngest member of the security team, Greta, were nodding off in front of their assigned phones.

‘Everyone seems mentally exhausted from the repetitive work.’

I understood. Even when I worked at the company, the most difficult thing was repetitive labor. Plus, my ‘Clara’ body wasn’t fully recovered in terms of ether, so fatigue set in quickly.


The sound of sleep talk beside me. Rota, unable to withstand the fatigue, had dozed off.


Twitch Twitch

The quiet breathing accompanied by flickering orange. Her cat ears twitched, tempting me.


I bit down gently on Rota’s cat ears as they brushed past my mouth. A pleasant scent and a comforting purring sound emerged from beneath her hair.

“Nom nom…” “Purr…”

As I savored the taste of Rota’s delicate cat ears, I pondered.

‘We need to know the situation of the beastkin’s main force and contact Hilde in the Golden Street to do something…’

Even if we tried to break through with a small squad of high-level ether users, If the beastkin were lying in wait in large numbers, it would be game over.

Not to mention the potential threat of <Ratatosk>…

‘A hundred rookies in full recovery could be defeated by Freya and me, but a thousand prepared rookies are not to be underestimated…’

If only we could restore the communication network and understand the situation. Filled with this impatience, I gently pressed Rota’s ear with my teeth.

“Mmm… Sister… Stop it…” “Nom nom…”

You adorable little cook cat. Finally hearing your affectionate purr. I accomplished another item on my bucket list as ‘Clara.’

‘I’ll pamper you until you snuggle into my arms and rub your head, asking for pets.’

I planned to adore her until she became a plump house cat. As I resolved this, I used my free hands to stroke Rota’s chin and head.

“Purr…” “Nom nom…”

Alvit, looking tired, gave me an exasperated look and spoke.

“Senior, isn’t it a bit much to do that to someone who’s sleeping…” “Nom nom…” “Purr…” “Sigh.”

Despite Alvit’s reproachful look, I ignored it.

In the midst of everyone’s exhaustion, Freya, lying on the office sofa, suddenly muttered.

“…Shall we do it.” “Huh? What did you say?”

Bell, who had been dozing off on her desk, rubbed her eyes and sat up. Freya spoke with more clarity and determination.

“F-Forceful breakthrough… Shall we… Sweep everything in our path… With the people here… I think we can manage.”

Freya’s amethyst eyes scanned through the darkness.

Of course, her gaze included me. Reacting to her words, the students began to wake up.

“…!” “…!” “…!”

I felt a chill run down my spine at her words. I stopped stroking Rota’s ear and looked at Freya.


Martial arts students began to rise one by one. Rota, who had been sleeping beside me, woke up with a start at the noise.

“Hm. I know it’s not logical, but…” “A forceful breakthrough to uphold justice…!” “Isn’t it a bit dangerous?”

Worried, Alvit muttered, and Bell spoke incredulously.

“Alvit, you’re already half convinced yourself.” “That’s right, just by looking at your eyes, you seem ready to jump out.” “…”

The light began to return to the eyes of students confident in their combat abilities, such as Bell, Sigrun, and Alvit. Even the youngest member of the security team, Greta, gulped, her red eyes shining.

‘Yes… They’re more inclined to attack than defend.’

The best defense is a good offense. That’s what Freya was implying.

Freya, surrounded by the strange enthusiasm of the martial arts students, spoke.

“R-Right now… while they’re forming the front line and feeling secure… The beastkin’s magical armor units scattered in the wilderness will focus on their main force…” “Because this isn’t the main battlefield…?” “There’s that, and… Ultimately, the Eastern Alliance… They call themselves an alliance, but… they’re just servants bought with Frau’s money… They wouldn’t risk themselves in a full-scale siege…”

Freya fully sat up on the sofa. The sunset reflecting off her curly purple hair made it look like a transparent diamond.

“N-No matter how strong their front line is… Their true concern is…” “Breaking through the western front of <Aesir Girls’ High School> and seizing the <United Student Council>...”

Freya nodded at Alvit’s answer and continued.

“If their confidence in defeating even [Azure Lightning] is related to forming their front line so hastily…” “They’d be forced to turn their backs even more… because of the time limit…?” “If we strike the backs of the Eastern Alliance as they turn… and join forces at the center… Is that the plan?”

Bell and Alvit speculated. Freya nodded.


In the now dimming office, Bell crossed her legs. Despite her youthful appearance, the pose somehow suited her.

“It’s a gamble of a plan, based on assumptions and guesses.” “I-In the current situation… Expecting a 100% success rate is… s-stupid.” “Is that something a rational mage would say―☆” “Ha-ha…”

For the first time, Freya smiled at my words. And without hesitation, she spoke.

“M-Magic is inherently a gamble. A field that requires skill to be usable isn’t a true discipline.” “Oh…!”

Fully awake, Rota gasped at her words.

[If everyone could share the same magic and skills, it would be nice.]

Rota’s fairy tale dream. Perhaps this initial question closely related to that thought.

[Is magic truly an unchangeable universal truth?]

This statement, made by the student with the best magical skills in the academy city, didn’t exist in the original story… Though the original had changed, sometimes it was better than the original.

‘That’s great, Rota.’

I smiled warmly at the sight.


Having finished the discussion, Bell stood up and declared.

“Then let’s all gather our equipment! We’ll divide into infiltration routes and assault teams, so get ready and assemble!” “Yep!” “Understood!” “…Okay.”

Students exited the office one by one. Freya and the juniors, having left their gear in the guest room, quickly exited the office.


The office was soon empty. I also stood up to follow them out. At that moment, the ether phone on Bell’s desk rang.

Ring ring―


Now?! I hurriedly tried to call Bell, but everyone had already left. Not knowing when the phone might ring again, I couldn’t ignore it.

With no other choice, I picked up the receiver before it stopped ringing.


“H-Hello―☆” “Bell, it’s an emergency. Report the outpost situation… Lala…?”

It was Hilde’s voice.

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