I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 51 Table of contents


Hilde's voice echoed from the receiver. Despite the noise on the fantasy world's phone line, I couldn't mistake that clear, distinct voice.

'Hilde recognized my voice immediately.'

Perhaps it was because I had chattered endlessly beside her during our first year that my voice stuck in her memory. Even now, I lived with a pretty filter on, but back then, it was different.

As a man in a woman's body, the clumsy words I had used to get closer to the girls… I wondered what impression those words had left on Hilde now, and I was too afraid to ask.

'Because, for a brief moment… I had seriously considered Hilde as…'

A sudden rush of emotions from the past. When my male identity was much stronger. The fleeting feelings that passed by. Emotions I never wanted to reveal now.


I quickly shook off the resurfacing memory, lightly slapping my cheek with my free hand to ground myself.

Tap tap…

The light sting and the sensation of my cheek waking me up.

'Get a grip… this is a critical moment.'

With Bell up from her seat, I had to inform Hilde of the outpost's situation and coordinate with the <United Student Council>. I also needed to hear about any anomalies and decide on a course of action.

Even though I sorted it out in my mind, I still felt my words getting stuck.

'Hilde must be surprised I'm in the outpost office.'

We shared several seconds of silence, which felt like an eternity.

"..." "..." "Um...☆" "Um."

Oh no… we spoke at the same time.

"..." "..."

Silence returned. I inwardly chuckled at myself, then tapped my cheek again to regain focus.

Tap tap tap…

As reality settled in, so did the embarrassment.

'Act your age…'

At that moment, a faint noise echoed from the phone. It was a classic thunderclap, reminiscent of a horror or old Chinese movie's background sound.



Another thunderclap, louder and clearer.



I was startled.

'This isn't the sound of the line cutting off, is it…?!'

I didn't know the principles of magical engineering, but hearing electrical noises on the phone wasn't normal. I didn't know when the beastkin or the eared ones might cut the line.

'This is serious. I need to speak quickly.'

The safety of many students depended on this call. So, pushing aside the part of me that wanted to cower, I spoke in a cheerful tone.

'Let's keep it simple…'

I chose a neutral greeting.

"Hi☆ Hilde, how have you been? I was so happy I couldn't even move my lips―☆" "I was, so, happy. I couldn’t... even move… my lips. That’s... really."


Another thunderclap. And Hilde's voice grew fainter.

"Th-" Clink―

Maybe she dropped the phone. Or the signal was weak. Unsettling static made it seem like Hilde had gone silent.

"..." "Hilde? Hilde―☆ Wait, don’t hang up―☆"

Oh no. Did it really disconnect? Did I miss my chance like a fool? Is this my catastrophe?

"..." "Hilde! Hilde? Hilde―☆ Please pick up♪ Let me hear your voice―☆"

I spoke, feeling a bead of cold sweat run down my back. The image of the beastkin and the eared ones, flicking their sly tongues and cutting the line, flashed in my mind.

'If I catch those beastkin and eared ones, they’ll regret it.'

I grabbed the receiver with both hands, tapping my cheek with one hand. As cold sweat formed on my forehead, my mind began to settle.

'But what’s the use… it’s about to cut off!'

Fortunately, Hilde’s voice came back clearly.

"Lala. Sorry, I dozed off for a moment." "Dozed off… what do you mean―☆"

No, that's not the point now…

I almost said more but decided against unnecessary remarks. Who else could be as desperate and weary as Hilde in the current situation? She might have dozed off from sheer exhaustion.

'I should be thankful she still shows me this unguarded side.'

Grateful for her familiar, everyday demeanor, I moved past unimportant details and accepted it with gratitude.

'Always thankful to the heavens…'

I thought, and then explained the current situation in the northeast and our action plans to Hilde. Hearing about the Eastern Alliance's movements and our central breakthrough plan, Hilde understood immediately.

"I see… using the tickets Bell handed over…" "Yeah…☆ Thanks to that, we got here comfortably♪" "Lala, are you hurt?" "I'm all better―☆" "Really…?"

Her doubtful voice made me feel small. I responded timidly to that tone.

"Y-Yeah… just my body…" "Any other injuries?" "No, no―☆" "Good. As long as you’re not hurt… that’s enough. For now." "Y-Yeah…" "If you get hurt again, I might really… take you away." "..." "For now, just… stay safe." "…Okay."

The warmth in her words made my chest ache, and I hastily explained the situation.

"So, we’ve joined forces and are waiting for your next move―☆ By the way, Bell is out leading the kids♪" "I see."

Hilde fell silent for a moment, then spoke. Her voice carried a tinge of defeat, a bitter feeling.

"As expected, gradually closing the distance like Bell did was important. I'll take note." "Huh? What do you mean―☆" "Nothing."

Hilde then briefly explained what was happening in the center. It closely matched Freya’s predictions.

"The <Public Vana Dormitory> student council and many aristocratic faction students have begun occupying the north of Golden Street. They must be targeting the western <Aesir Girls' High School>."

The beastkin main force was advancing in Golden Street. But the next part of her news was unexpected.

"All the hundreds of advancing aristocrats… had snake tattoos and freely used the 'Golden Armament' up to the fourth stage. It was an alien operation, but confirmed."


[Wisdom and Cycle of the Snake]. A snake tattoo that forcibly implants knowledge at the cost of one's [Fate].

Realizing its significance, I was shocked.

'Why is that showing up now…? That’s from a side story boss…?’

The beastkin wielding the power of a side story boss. Hilde's next piece of shocking information followed.

"According to scouts, Student Council President Frau is also using magic on par with… or even superior to [Purple Spindle]." "Is that really true―☆ But, you know Hilde, Freya is incredibly skilled…!" "Lala."

Soft but firm. Hilde continued calmly.

"It’s confirmed. Student Council President Frau, who barely used third-stage armament magic until recently, is now on par with or superior to [Purple Spindle]. She also bears a snake tattoo." "..." "Currently, they’re waiting, drawing a massive magic circle in the northern part of Golden Street." "…Yes."

Hearing this, my initial shock subsided.

'Acceptance is the first step…'

When the shock passes, calmness follows. It's better to accept it as it is. Didn’t the [Priest of Erosion] follow the plan and perish?

'If <Ratatosk> makes a move, we’ll counter it.'

With a calm mind, I exchanged information with Hilde. Scribbling notes on the scattered papers on Bell's desk.

Minutes of conversation. We roughly mapped out our next steps.

"..." "..."

Silence returned. But this time, Hilde broke it.

"Lala." "Yes―☆" "Are you… coming?" "Yes."

This time, I didn’t lie. Even if it worried Hilde, I spoke sincerely.

"I’m coming there―☆" "…" "There are people who can help me, and people I can help." "…"

Hilde’s voice was filled with a mix of worry and resignation.

"I wish you would stay put. Then I could protect you." Warmth. Joy. Gentleness. Embarrassment.

Her voice, holding all these emotions, was special.

'Thank you for worrying about me. Always… Thank you. I don’t deserve you…'

I remembered the day I got up from the <Scarlet Academy>. I repeated the promise I made to Hilde back then.

"If what we cherish remains the same―☆"

To protect <Academy City Yggdrasil>. To guide many students to a happy future.

"This time, I'll come to you―☆ Just like you came for me♪" "…!" "Wait for me♪ A girl's vow is heavy☆ I’ll bring my fearsome friends and head your way―☆" "…Hm."

I chuckled at the sound. I knew what emotion it held.

'When you're happy but being stubborn.'

Now was the time for a "Clara move." With the relaxed atmosphere, we would shift to the next topic.

'What Clara move fits now…'

I recalled the pranks I pulled on juniors with merit points. Their exasperated faces made me smile.

With a sincere heart, And a hint of old lingering affection.

'For always forgiving me and helping me, here’s 10 merit points…'

I kissed the phone's mouthpiece.


Hilde's voice sounded flustered.

"Lala, what was that." "…Hehe♪ It’s the reward 'Smooch' given to students who receive Clara's merit points at <Central Prism Academy>―☆" "…"

Hilde spoke in a slightly chilling tone.

"Has anyone… ever received it?" "Nope―☆ Clara’s merit points aren’t easy to earn―☆" "I see… Then, I have a request." "Yes?" "Just… one more time…" "Haha―☆ On the cheek? Sure―♪"

I couldn't help but laugh.

'Hilde, you're a true friend for accepting Clara's antics…'

For my first friend to accept this prank, I gently kissed the phone's mouthpiece again. Our call concluded like that.

Of course, since it was Bell’s work phone, I cleaned it thoroughly. Then, I ran to Bell with the notes, detailing the crucial information.

To break through the beastkin and eared ones' siege and set our course.

Brynhildr withdrew her lips from the phone's mouthpiece.


Rising determination, feeling the world's ether. Blue and white ether roared with the sound of thunder. Today, she felt unbeatable.


Brynhildr grabbed a massive lance and left the <United Student Council> office. She headed towards the auditorium where her subordinates awaited.

"President!" "Preparations complete."

Vice-President Ziegler, with black wolf ears, radiated fighting spirit. Treasurer Erda, calmly handling her bow, took a deep breath.


Thousands of <Aesir Girls' High School> students lined up in the auditorium. They stood in disciplined ranks, furious at those who dared challenge <Academy City Yggdrasil>'s dominance.

News arrived that <Aesir Girls' High School>'s prefects were also joining the battle.


Everyone was waiting for her. Brynhildr then spoke the words they awaited.


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