I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 52 Table of contents

Under the darkening sky, the wilderness revealed the far-off sight of <Mimir Industrial High School>.

The fortress city glowed faintly with a golden hue, emanating from hundreds of encampments surrounding it. This intermittent light illuminated the landscape sporadically.

Dark elf students from <Svart Industrial High School> guarded the areas where armored automatons and magical weaponry were stationed. Their dark complexions blended seamlessly with the shadows of the subterranean fortress school, allowing them clear visibility even in the wilderness's darkness.

The formidable security encircling <Mimir Industrial High School> seemed impenetrable, yet the dark elf students' vigilance began to wane for reasons unrelated to the darkness.

"..." "..."


The periodic hum of the three-meter-tall armors stationed beside them caught their attention. Simultaneously, dark elf students in black armor glanced back, eyes gleaming with barely concealed excitement.

The combination of black and gold, their favorite colors, was captivating.

A third-year dark elf student with braided blonde hair and dressed in work overalls muttered, speaking in the distinct dialect of <Svart Industrial High School> that almost felt chewed upon.

"Damn…! Look at that sleek shine?"

Although she didn't fully agree with the pretext of this invasion disguised as midterms, there was one thing she truly appreciated—the thrilling job of working with these magnificent automated weapons.

Unable to contain herself, she continued.

"Our school's long-held dream of 'sleek armor' finally realized, and I'm seeing it with my own eyes… How did President Andrea manage this? Where did she get such sleek things…!"

Even using the crude dialect some upperclassmen and select students deemed vulgar, her admiration was evident. The students guarding the armor subtly agreed.

"Indeed, it’s sleek. I wasn't the only one paying attention." "Damn, look at that golden hue…" "How much did this cost?"

The student in overalls grinned as she answered.

"I heard it took as much ether as five ether trains to power the conductor cores for one of these… They’re currently transferring blessings from the nearby dungeon gate to recharge it."

Everyone's gaze shifted.

The cable connected to the core of the 'sleek armor.'

"Just like that."

As she described, the sleek cable attached to the 'sleek armor' was connected to the dungeon gate entrance. Seeing this, the armored students collectively gasped.

"Damn…!" "Damn…!"

Having completely opened up, the armored students bombarded the overalls student with questions about the 'sleek armor.'

"How long has it been charging?" "Since earlier today, so about three hours? The blessing is enough to make ten second-stage [Vibration Ether] users fly." "A walking power plant. Should we take some scraps?" "Try it if you want your scalp peeled off by the head prefect or President Andrea." "…Forget it."

The armored students shuddered at the thought of Andrea's wrath. The mere idea of being dragged into this unwanted fight was due to Andrea's overwhelming power.

The student in overalls continued boastfully.

"This is the pinnacle of magical engineering. Do those tall girls riding in square toys understand the romance of moving armor?" "Damn… How much do you think this costs?"

Cautiously asked by an armored student, the blonde in overalls covered her mouth, responding playfully. Revealing the value of something this precious was taboo among dark elves who lived and died by wealth, but now, it didn't matter.

"If you take one of these and run, you could start a small school in Academy City." "Damn…" "Damn…"

The armored students cheered, slapping their foreheads.

They had completely forgotten they were trespassing on another school's grounds, lost in admiration of the 'sleek armor.'

For the wealth-worshipping dark elves, comparing something to an expensive item was the highest praise. The greatest value in <Academy City Yggdrasil> was ruling a school.

To rule a district was more valuable than any gold.

The armored students spoke dreamily.

"If you start a small school in <Academy City Yggdrasil>… You’d be a king there." "That’s a thrilling romance…" "Damn… The king of the town…"

The gathered dark elves trembled in excitement.



Thus, they failed to notice the faint shadow slipping away amidst the campfire's shadows.

"If you started your own school, what would you do first?" "Pile up all the unearned wealth in a vault and play with it." "Damn…" "Damn…"

The armored and overall-clad dark elf students spent their time dreaming aloud about what they could do with the equivalent value of the 'sleek armor.'

Having completed her reconnaissance, Greta reported to Bell and Sigrun, catching her breath.

"Huff… Huff…"

As a vampire capable of turning into mist in the dark, she had pushed her abilities to the limit. Despite being a first-year, her skills were impressive.

I admired this youngest member of the investigation team.

'Better than most <Haze Girls High School> second-years… This is how the mist concealment technique should be used, unlike…'

Watching Greta's technique reminded me of an old acquaintance who had used vampire powers in bizarre ways. She stood out among the uniquely skilled students.

'Only two more, and I’ll have met all my old acquaintances.'

[Great Bow] and [Mist]. Ironically, the two acquaintances I hadn't met yet were the most moderate among the fighters.

'I never expected to meet the fierce Eir and picky Freya first…'

While lost in thought, Greta finally caught her breath and spoke, her red eyes glowing.

"Huff…! Huff…! Anyway, that's how the Eastern Alliance's encirclement seems to work." "I see."

Nodding at Greta's report, Bell looked at Sigrun, the dark elf. Despite being a dark elf, Sigrun pursued justice over wealth, making her an oddity.

'Even within <Gjallarhorn>, such individuals were rare, leading to the creation of the investigation team…'

In my mind, I recalled the pure smiles of the investigation team girls who had vowed to defend the front gate of <Mimir Industrial High School>.


Bell asked Sigrun.

"Sigrun, how well can you see in this darkness? Can we gauge their visibility by yours?" "Yes! I can see the expressions of those chatting beside the golden armor, Bell Secretary! I suspect if we’re not well hidden, they can spot us too—!" "Okay, but please lower your voice…!" "Ah, sorry, Bell Secretary!" "Please…! For the love of…!" "Mmph."

Sigrun covered her mouth to control her volume.

'Even Bell, who usually acts relaxed, gets flustered…'

Perhaps recalling Sigrun's ability to draw Eir's attention at <Scarlet Academy>?

Bell’s face paled even in the darkness, pulling Sigrun’s sleeve. Though normally tough, she seemed genuinely scared.


We pulled ourselves deeper into the dugout in the wilderness, the smell of damp earth rising.

Rota’s timid voice came from behind me, her elbow almost sticking out.

"Senior…" "Yes? Oh, sorry―☆ Here we go☆ This way, we’re perfectly hidden?" "S-Sorry…" "It’s okay, it’s okay―☆"

I gently lifted Rota, who was about to expose herself, and hid her securely in the shadows. Rota, surprised by my action, lowered her head.

Still in my arms, Rota spoke softly.

"You don’t always have to do so much for us, Senior." "Hehe―☆ Are you sure☆" "Always giving, always sacrificing… Your hair's getting brittle… Your neck has scars… and… that…"

Rota hesitated, unable to voice her fears.

'[Faded Spiral]…? That’s nothing now…'

I anticipated her concern and spoke first.

"That’s nothing now―☆ I also receive much help from you all♪" "…Sorry…" "Say 'thank you' instead―♪" "…Yes. Thank you."

Rota burrowed into my embrace, hugging me tightly with her small hands.

Hidden warmly in the shadow, we listened to each other’s breaths.

Hearing our conversation, the team let out silent sighs.

'…Didn’t expect the stray cat to worry about me.'

Freya's sad eyes focused on me surprised me the most.

'So many worries… And to think I'd be doing concealment maneuvers again after the military.'

Short Bell, Rota, and I hid behind a rock. Average-height Albit, Greta, and Sigrun crouched on the slope. Tallest Kara stayed at the bottom of the pit.

Freya, planning our strategy, lay at the front of the pit.

Twitch Twitch

Deciding something, her purple cat ears moved vividly, visible even in the darkness.

Freya spoke softly yet firmly.

"My, my thoughts are that the rogue should join us." "Rogue? You mean Clara? Why?" "Weren’t you supposed to protect and stay with us?"

Bell and Albit's questions. Freya responded resolutely.

"With, with my and the orange ear's amplification skill, the combined power here… is, is much stronger…" "…" "So, so it would be safer… and faster for the fast rogue to carry me… instead of… fluttering around…" "Wow…☆"

I understood, recalling Freya's slower speed despite her [Unique Ether] ability.

'Stray cat, you’re smart…'

Indeed, given my limited current state, helping Bell and Sigrun might be less efficient. Instead, serving as Freya's speed boost was more effective.

'Usually, strong ones are assumed to be fast… This was a missed detail.'

Without ether, just raw specs left, it’s better to act as a support speedster.

'Truly, like Pang Tong. Bold and effective strategies beyond standard approaches.'

While I thought this, Albit approached, speaking.

"Rota, Senior…" "Yes?" "…Be careful." "Yes! I’ll take good care of Senior!" "Hehe, thanks―☆"

Albit’s somber expression. Despite having come this far as comrades. She had to trust someone more skilled to ensure safety.

'We'll regroup after the diversion at Golden Street anyway.'

I comforted the ever-responsible Albit, offering soothing pats, and spoke to Kara, the other frontline ally.

"Kara, take good care of Albit’s back―☆" "Of course. Senior comrade… please, please do not get hurt this time." Kara extended a long arm, offering a fist bump. I returned it with a firm punch.


Bell observed <Central Prism Academy>'s solemn resolution, commenting.

"Uh… We’re also coming, you know." "Bell Secretary! Disrupting the atmosphere isn’t proper for a leader…!" "Eek?! I get it, just lower your voice…!"

Silence returned. Freya quietly declared.

"Let's, let’s begin. Orange ears, cast it." "Yes…!"

Rota waved her wand, casting a skill on Freya.

[Ether Link] Multiplying the used ether. Enhancing strength and speed.

Freya chanted her prepared incantation.

"[Spindle of Eternity], activate…!"


In an instant, a glowing purple spindle appeared behind Freya. Dark elf voices filled with alarm followed.

Boosted by Rota’s buff, the enhanced spindle released a giant purple bow, firing a massive purple laser.


[Emergency!! We’re under attack!!] [Concentrate all firepower on the central area!!] [Identify the attacker!! Suspected to be [Spindle of Eternity]!!]


A piercing alarm sounded. Freya looked at the diversion attack team aiming to sever <Svart Industrial High School>'s flank.

"At, attracting attention… now, run." "Go!! Attack!!"

Bell, Sigrun, Greta, Albit, and Kara charged forward. Freya looked at me and spoke.

"Car, carry me." "Yes―☆"

I lifted Freya onto my back. At this moment, the fastest student and the one with the strongest firepower in Academy City had combined.

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