I Am This Murim’s Crazy Bitch
Chapter 4 Table of contents

Acheng had been feeling really happy until recently.

Because there was too much money.

The story of this guy who was supposed to be Chugwi was amazing.

Acheng had the winner’s rights.

For the first time in his life as a shaman, he acquired more than a fortune.

The head of a wicked person was also brought to the government office in a frugal manner.

The bounty was as large as the high level of bad karma.

To exaggerate a little, the bag was so heavy that my body tilted, making it difficult to walk straight.

So Ah-cheong thoroughly enjoyed Kang-ho’s gourmet food.


I left the old Moonlight Sword (No. 5), who was like my lover, and welcomed a new, young and pretty Moonlight Sword (No. 6).

I always picked up other people’s swords and used them, but this was my first time buying a new sword.

My sword, untouched and untouched by others.

Affection welled up again.

I will take good care of you.

The previously used Moonlight Sword (No. 5) was completely rotted from the inside due to poor maintenance.

The iron room told me to take it back because they couldn’t even pay for the scrap metal, so I just threw it away on the street.

I also bought new sturdy and inexpensive clothes.

Ah-cheong achieved great enlightenment.

If you have a lot of money, even this damn Murim world can be fun!

Even after looking at the status window, I was able to skip it leniently. The feeling of exaltation from gourmet activities remained strong even when Sang Tae-chang kicked him.


Acheng’s spending habits were like this.

Thanks to this, turning into a dog hair was an instant.

ah. Good days.

All that was left was the Moonlight Sword (No. 6).

The swordsman’s lover, the sword.

It was a luxury item purchased for half a gold coin.

Moonlight Sword We’ll be together forever, right?

This was the reason why people had to cry.

At least the items you use will remain with you even if they turn into dog fur.

“Your order has been placed.”

widely. Jeomsoy put down the bowl half-heartedly.


Three dumplings. One soup.

If you buy three or more dumplings, you get a bowl of soup.

This was the wisdom I gained during my second year in martial arts.

Contrary to modern common sense, Kangho’s dumplings were minimal food consisting of pure bread without any filling.

It was also the cheapest food in Gangho, usually costing one bite, or two in expensive restaurants.

The ones with meat have a separate name, meat dumplings, and the price ranges from fifteen to twenty won.

Wisdom from 2 years of martial arts life.

When the dumplings are dry, it is good to soak them in soup.

If you are thirsty, it is good to drink soup.

As his diet suddenly became poor, Ah-cheong looked down at the swordsman’s lover, his beloved sword, Moonlight Sword (No. 6).

How much will I get for this if I sell it?


It’s a new product that I haven’t used a few times.

However, it was only the wisdom of two years of martial arts life.

Since I couldn’t understand the used price and depreciation cost of the sword, I decided to hold on to it for now.

By the way, now I have to make real money.

What should I do?

Ah-cheong summoned Sang Tae-chang’s martial arts training window.

It’s a dirty item that makes me feel bad every time I see it, but I needed to check the free training points I had accumulated.

Free training points are a means to instantly learn martial arts, and they will be a great help in times of emergency.

Wolnyeo Sword Technique (Jinche), Wolnyeo Simgyeol (Jinche), and her Gyeongshin Law, Wolnyeosanbo (Jinche), have already reached the 12th level.

12 stars was the highest achievement in the martial arts.

Often, when someone says that he or she has achieved greatness, it means that he or she has mastered martial arts to the 12th level.


Other than that, martial artists who did miscellaneous things at bookstores and put up lists took their place.

They were all martial artists with white borders.

According to the martial arts dictionary’s classification, it is divided into the lowest white border, blue red golden border, and the highest purple border.

Since the creator did not specifically specify a name for each grade, it seemed that the strategy expressed it as white martial arts and blue martial arts.

For reference, the original version of Wolnyeo Swordsmanship was a purple martial arts technique.

It was said to be one of the best martial arts, but I couldn’t figure it out yet because I haven’t learned any other martial arts.

And now, it was time to add one more purple martial art.

Through a year of hard work, I achieved over 500 points of good karma.

It was truly a long time of humiliation.

And this good karma could be very useful.

It is a reward for good karma.


It was an in-game system that allowed you to select and learn the martial arts you wanted whenever your good karma reached a certain level.

The first level reward required is 500 points.

For your information, bad karma is useless.

Bad karma accumulates when you commit evil deeds, and you can usually gain a lot of training points in the process.

It was difficult to accumulate training points in the practice of good karma, where you had to select and kill only the bad guys, but it was structured so that you could exchange the purple martial arts you wanted with good karma.

Ah Qing didn’t worry.

This was because I had a goal from the beginning.

I was also interested in Cheonma Shingong, but after searching while downloading the game and finding out that Cheonma was treated as a laughing bell, I lost interest.

These days, Cheonma runs a restaurant, a bakery, a chaebol, and even plays baseball.

Even in orthodox martial arts, it is said that she is only the third concubine of the main character, so even if she were to say that she was a Heavenly Demon Godgong, it would be just a flashy name and not much to see.


Ah-cheong immediately received the reward for good karma.

At that moment, a phrase appeared in my head.

It was the salvation of the Tathagata Kidney.

Does this make sense?

Who learns martial arts like this?

Actually, maybe this is a world in a game.

Then I… … ?

no. no. Stop thinking bad thoughts.

In an instant, I suddenly felt dirty.

Ah-cheong forced his thoughts to change.

In this case, you have to drop the main dish.


who am I?

Right away. they say. god. page. Owner.

Stephen Chow is so cool. K-Tathagata kidney goes.

Try wrapping Yeorae Kidney in kimchi and eating it.

K-Tathagata Kidney, which Trump is surprised and Xi Jinping is jealous of

This martial arts skill is now mine.

The Tathagata Goddess is depicted in the painting of Subak… …

Chinese people, please contact the Cultural Revolution.

Perhaps thanks to my desperate efforts, I was able to avoid feeling even worse.

However, I didn’t have the courage to look at the status window anymore.

I didn’t even have the courage to look at people.

You shouldn’t look at numbers above people’s heads now.

Ah-cheong closed his eyes tightly and lowered his head.

I also chewed the dumplings.

Even though I chewed it so thoroughly, my throat felt hot for some reason and I got stuck in the middle.

Force your attention.

As I closed my eyes, I could hear the voices around me.

In fact, Ah-cheong’s physical ability was close to that of a superhuman, as he had mastered a single Neigongsimbeop, so just by paying attention, he could hear all the voices in the room.

Among them, there was a voice that caught my ear.

“Hey, I heard that Pyodu is going to Yongseong.”

“ah! “Can you tell me the existence of the small cooperative?”

“It’s Pangdaesan Mountain.”

“Jade Kirin! Oh my goodness, aren’t you the eldest son of the Peng family? This is truly an honor! “If you come to Yongseong, are you going all the way to Hwasan?”

“There is no need for Pyodu to know any more.”

“aha! That’s right. That’s right. It is an honor to serve Daehyup! Hey, please sit down here. “Hey Jeomsoy, set a table here that will break the table!”

The conversation consisted of a cocky tone and a voice that suddenly became servile.

Ah-cheong’s gloomy mood was blown away in one fell swoop.

Go Soo treats you like that just by joining in on the journey!

Oh my god, this is impossible!

It was a new world.

He was Ah-cheong, who wandered around looking for evil people he could kill when he ran out of money.

The only martial arts knowledge that Ah-cheong knew was the difficult life of a poor man, which he acquired by wandering around for a little over a year.

And maybe a few scenes from Stephen Chow’s movie.

So there is no way that Ah-cheong would know about the Hebei Paeng family.

The eldest son of the five great generations of the world is a person who is higher than most of the princes of the royal family after the incident where our Great Emperor Mucheon turned the imperial palace upside down.

Although Gonbungpyoguk was a small business that distributed two surnames, it was nothing compared to the value of the name of Hebei Paengga.

Since Ah-cheong didn’t know about this situation, he thought that any expert would be treated well.

Ah-cheong, who had a useless ability to act, jumped up from his seat.

“hey. “I heard Pyodu is going to Yongseong?”

Ah-cheong spoke to Pyo-du.

It was Go Soo’s confident attitude.

“Uh, um. Sojeo… … ”

Pyodu made a sour expression.

What kind of place is it now?

It was a place to attend a noble person who was considered a diamond among golden connections.

Relationship in Chinese characters.

The People of China was a traditional forum for friendship, read as Guanxi.

How could his expression be bright when he saw a guest suddenly barging into such a situation?

“My name is Acheong.”


The answer came from next to me.

It was the low-frequency jade sound of Paeng Daesan, the son of the Cheap family from earlier.

Paengdaesan had his back to the place where Acheong was.

So, only then was Ah Cheong able to see Paeng Daesan’s face.

What is this, you bastard? You’re so damn handsome

The nickname Okkirin was one of the traditions passed down from generation to generation from the past.

It was a special nickname given to the most handsome of the promising late-season exponents.

And this generation’s Ok Kirin, Paeng Daesan, was praised as having the greatest beauty of all time, even in the long history of the Central Plains.

What’s more, Paengdaesan’s unofficial nickname is the most handsome man in the world.

However, Acheng only impersonated a woman, but was in essence a man.

So, don’t be swayed by a man’s appearance.

Just open your mouth.

Just wow! young! The dog is handsome! i envy you!

What is it, there is something like CG in front of me?

I really wish I looked half as good as that.

I only had a mild level of surprise.

It was a really weak reaction.

It was common for women who faced the Jade Kirin’s Jade Eye without any mental preparation to lose consciousness while standing there or to collapse and faint.

“Acheong. “Do you also use the Wolnyeo Sword Technique?”

“and. You know the Wolnyeo sword method! if.”

“under. really. “This is a bit refreshing.”

Paeng Daesan interrupted Ah Cheong’s conversation and snorted.

what? What is the state of being cheap?

Are you telling me you have a face?

Ah-cheong made a grumpy expression.

“Acheong is your real name?”

“uh. however?”

“It’s a last name I’ve never heard of. “Then what is the name of the founder of the family?”

“Uh, um. therefore.”

How do I know that?

But it would be too suspicious if I said I didn’t know.

In fact, Acheong walked alone most of the time.

The only people I could hang out with, even for a short while, were poor people in the same situation.

Because we said we would play together.

So, I knew nothing about the greeting style of the upper class dressed in silk.

I just think that people who live well even ask about ancestors.

Ah-cheong shook his head.

Is there anyone with the last name Mistress that you know?

“Why can’t you answer?”

“Were you going to answer?”

“So what about the founder?”

“uh… … , Ashura?”

Is this correct?

It came out in a haphazard way, but it doesn’t seem like Asura at all.

Asura’s 17th generation descendant, Accheong. I think it’s okay.

“Kuh, keuhk.” Hahaha… … !”

Then, out of nowhere, Pangdaesan exploded.

Apparently it wasn’t the case.

“good. Very fresh. “You have 27 points.”


“The face is normal, so 0 points. The body is acceptable, but points are deducted for being tall. Points are deducted again for having large breasts and being vulgar. So 7 points. But since you made me laugh, I give you 20 special points, 27.”

What is it that makes sexual harassment so bold?

I understand that this is not Kangho’s upper class culture.

Of course, it didn’t hurt Cheong in any way.

But I couldn’t forgive the excessive cheesiness.

“hey. This is an open mouth so you can make any noise? Is it a mouth hole or an ass hole? Poop in your mouth, really. I got 27 points? “Oh, I’ll give you 100 points. You did a great job. Should I give you a big stamp?”

“I’m not sure, but it sounds like he’s going to hit me.”

Peng Daesan did not hide his sneer.

“good. Hit it. “Sometime.”

However, there is one fact that Paengdaesan does not know.

After leaving the martial arts world, Ah-cheong does not tolerate anything.

It was Acheong who couldn’t even tell if it was a game or reality, and was anxious about existence itself.

In fact, I couldn’t afford to tolerate some impulses.

So Ah-cheong clenched his fists.

And you did a great job. Bang on the thrush on Mt. Pengdaesan! I took a picture.

Pyodu’s face turned white at the sight.

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