I Am This Murim’s Crazy Bitch
Chapter 5 Table of contents

Okkirin Paengdaesan. Pang Daesan, the most handsome man in the world.

Paeng Daesan did not like this nickname.

I was really fed up.

It was just a nickname given to him because he was handsome and had a nice face.

A bastard who laughs happily despite receiving such a special nickname is probably not qualified to be a martial artist.

Paeng Daesan is twenty-two years old.

He climbed Mt. Paengdaesan to its peak at the age of only 22. It was truly a gift from heaven, and it was the most outstanding achievement among this review index.

But what? Jade Kirin? The most handsome man in the world?

Could there be such shame in the world?

Just look at Shinjae of the Namgung family.

The Namgung prodigy who barely managed to do pull-ups in the early stages of his peak had the nickname King of Swords.

It meant that he was the next sword king.

Even Namgung Shinjae was one year older than Pang Daesan!

He is the Sword King and I am the Jade Kirin!

So Pangdaesan became crooked.

However, because the fundamentals were sincere, it did not become too crooked.

Instead, I forgot the concept of being cheap only to the opposite sex.

In fact, it wasn’t all Paengdaesan’s fault.

Paeng Daesan is the best groom in the current martial arts world.

First of all, he’s handsome. Her voice is good too.

He is the eldest son of a family ranked among the top five in Jungwon.

Even the Peng family was famous as the only family among the five generations that did not have an arranged marriage.

Of course, it was a family tradition that was maintained because it was fun to treat other large families as ‘small people, simpletons, and simpleton misers who deal in marriage.’

Panga does not need anything trivial other than pure love in marriage!

But not you? do.

In addition, Paengdaesan was an expert.

And I was planning to become an even more expert in the future.

He has everything: looks, status, wealth, and skills.

Therefore, Paeng Daesan received the attention of all the women within the radius every moment he was awake and sometimes even when he was asleep.

The woman who just watched was better off.

Every time Pangdaesan went, all kinds of miscellaneous things were thrown on the ground.

From embroidered pieces of cloth to sachets, cotton daggers, and even ugly insides.

Therefore, Paeng Daesan never bows his head.

Just look ahead and walk straight ahead.

More enterprising women even attempted torso-butts.

Although it was already a mistake in the sense that I was thinking of colliding with the climax master as if it were a coincidence.

I had an oversized ego that thought that if anything fell, I would catch it before it fell.

Peng Daesan couldn’t decide whether to laugh or laugh when he saw the women flying and landing on the floor.

Anyway, Daesan has been through extreme hardships since he was young.

It was a murder that had reached its extreme.

So Paeng Daesan became increasingly rude in front of the woman.

I lost everything.

It meant that I was not interested so I should leave.

In fact, Acheong’s approach was not surprising to Paeng Daesan.

He has a unique dating strategy and has dealt with all kinds of unusual events.

It also has a rough classification system.

If I were to classify Acheong, I would say it is a mix of the ‘bold woman’ and ‘funny woman’ strategies.

There are countless examples of success with the ‘Funny Woman’ strategy, so Ah-cheong’s move was worthy of recognition.

It’s been a while since I laughed.

Asura didn’t expect this.

What an immoral joke.

Then came the ‘tough woman’ strategy.

However, it was a bit surprising that the level of content was something that a back alley gangster would do.

But then I got thrush!

What is this again?

Is this a sick love story like ‘You’re the first woman to hit me’?

As a result, Paengdaesan was really upset.

The already low voice became even lower due to anger.

“Even though I’ve been through all kinds of crazy times.”

There was a subtle slyness in his voice.

In response to that deadly attack, Acheong’s life opened its eyes.

Ah-cheong thought I was seeing blood to relieve stress and protect my heart from the wounds caused by the Moorim incident.

It’s a proactive solution.

But the truth is, when activated, you become a real crazy bitch who is swayed by a thousand-year-old’s will.

It is a passive impulse to kill.

Originally, if you are intoxicated with the life of a thousand years old, you will feel pleasure in slaughter and bloodshed.

“Why are you upset? Heudhud, I’m going to go to the middle of the day. Well, can I do anything if I use my voice? “Hehe.”

“Don’t copy me.”

“Trkhj mr. What should I do? “Would you like to hit me?”

There is no nation in the world that can catch up with modern Koreans when it comes to kicking and jogging.

Paeng Daesan’s body trembled.

Burning anger consumed him.

“I will not tolerate any more insults.”

“Dude, I want to eat tuna for a bath, hey!”

Yep! The sword and sword clashed together, making a sharp sound.

“You hit first? Is it self-defense? You really want to do it, right? Yes, I said, why talk about such a good knife?”

“I won’t kill you. “I’ll just cut out your impudent tongue.”

“Are you capable of cutting it? It’s old. Cut it out. Ebu-”

Acheng stuck out his tongue.

An unusually red tongue flicked playfully.


However, the tongue sticks out a bit long.

You don’t know moderation.

Why are there all these crazy bitches?

At this point, Paeng Daesan was rather discouraged.

His anger exploded and he even pulled out his sword, but instead he felt a sense of self-destruction as Acheong became more rampant and caused chaos.

But it was okay to lose like this.

My pride in the middle of the climax did not allow it.

So, we need to show just a little bit of the power of the climax… …

That was the moment I decided to do so.

Ah-cheong’s sword had a black tinge to it.

The flowing white threads were clearly visible.

test. It was a late-period art.

Paeng Daesan looked at Ah Cheong’s face.

It was to the point where Paeng Daesan was even more embarrassed that he was still wagging his tongue in an unsophisticated manner.

However, looking at Ah-cheong’s young face, with an expression that looked as if she had barely left the womb of a girl, I had another thought.

If you cross the peak and break the wall leading beyond, you will reach the supreme state of harmony.

It was a state also called Hwagyeong.

At that time, the body goes back in time and regains its youth just once. This was called anti-rohwandong.

The martial arts person who went through the anti-robot transformation was actually a monster of royalties covered in the skin of a human being.

Fighting occurs between members of the same species.

Humans and monsters cannot fight.

I would call it a one-sided violation rather than a fight.

“Which area of ​​the deceased are you?”

“what. Stop here? “Well, he’s the type of guy who’ll give up after taking a shit.”

How on earth can those be the words and actions of a woman?

However, considering that he was a super expert who achieved anti-robot rehabilitation, it also seemed to make sense.

Now that I think about it, doesn’t my grandmother also talk like that?

It seems that as a woman gets older, her mouth becomes dry.

“I’ll greet you again. It is called Paengdaesan Mountain of Paengga.”

“It’s Acheong.”

Suddenly, the respect was reversed.

Ah-cheong thought with a satisfied smile.

This guy was scared.

As expected, in Moorim, the strongest man is the law.


Paengdaesan’s misunderstanding did not last more than half an hour.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was filled with ignorance.

It is a matter of basic common sense rather than ignorance.

For those who didn’t know the situation, it was either that or that.

In fact, Paeng Daesan didn’t even know why, what, or how he had misunderstood.

So the misunderstanding was easily resolved.

Then, Paengdaesan faced a new crisis.

So this crazy woman is more expert than me?

“Excuse me, how old are you?”

“me? I am… … .”

Ah-cheong thought for a moment.

To say he was in his mid-30s would be a bit harsh.

Even if I told you in the first place, you wouldn’t believe me.

There should have been someone who at least pretended to believe it.

However, it is a bit unfair to treat a baby who is still just a baby as a superior.


Looking at Ah-cheong’s true self, a young man in his early twenties is a child who hasn’t even gone to the military yet.

This was a very common and natural psychology of modern Koreans.

Besides, he’s just a little better off, but he’s weaker than me.

“Tell me first, Prince Peng.”

“I’m twenty-two this year.”

“I’m twenty-five.”

“… … Really? Is that right?”

Peng Daesan’s eyes were filled with distrust.

“They say it’s because I have a baby face.”



If you lie, bad karma accumulates.

Insisting that he was in his mid-30s was true in some ways. So I was able to push shamelessly.

Although no one believed it.

But what if you asked me to tell you the age of this body?

This wasn’t something that would lead to accumulating bad karma.

Ah-cheong answered honestly.

“… … Actually, I don’t know either. “Are you around seventeen and precocious? Or are you really around twenty-five and still looking young?”

“How can you not know your age?”

Paeng Daesan asked back without thinking, then threw up his hand when a sudden thought occurred to him.

Acheong means child in blue clothes.

It was also the nickname of Wolnyeo, a woman known as the absolute expert of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Wolnyeo only wore blue clothes.

According to history books, he suddenly appeared in the country of Yue, which was in crisis, and taught him the Wolnyeo swordsmanship.

However, the sword technique was so mysterious and difficult that no one could master it properly.

I made gumbo by following only the visible shape of the sword. That alone was a truly amazing feat.

The Yue Dynasty, armed with Xingong, attacked the Wu Dynasty and destroyed it.

In the end, the character in the story named Acheong is the idol of the female warriors of Gangho and Ho.

He was also the idol of women who dreamed of becoming a powerhouse.

The woman who took that obvious name and gave it her own.

If you say you don’t even know my age.

Paeng Daesan started misunderstanding again.

Could it be that she was a wandering woman from Goa?

However, this misunderstanding was not easy to resolve.

I can’t ask you if you have a baby.

Asura may have been serious about what he said.

A woman who grew up alone may have had a hard time answering the question of what her progenitor was.

A surname is not just the first letter of a name; it is the pride of roots and kinship.

It seems like he grew up completely unaware of such things.

And those uneducated and vulgar words and actions!

Ignorance like an idiot!

“no. I made a mistake. “I’m sorry.”

“what? Why do I suddenly feel bad… … ?”

Acheng tilted his head.

I felt strangely dirty.

what? Is the status window about to crash again?

“That’s it. “I think we’re the same age, but we’re just friends.”

“You’re the same age… … ”

It was the first time Paeng Daesan had heard of a young man of his own age calling him a peer.

What is the state of your vocabulary? a little?

Anyway, Ah-cheong had an ulterior motive.

Just looking at him, he looks like the son of a rich family.

I thought it would be a good idea to make friends.

If you have a younger brother, you won’t get bed bugs.

However, you can’t call your baby big brother.

“What? So you’re eating your friend? Do you understand, San?”

Peng Daesan was embarrassed.

Men and women are different, so why dare we buy them?

“Uh, Soger? “No matter how much of a friend you are, you are still a mountain.”

“I bought it! If you do this, you are welcome! It just has to come out. mountain?”

“No matter what, men and women are so flawless… … .”

“Hey, where are the men and women among friends?”

“Isn’t it usually the other way around?”

Then Ah-cheong gave a confident answer.

“okay. Even if there are no friends between men and women. “Then wouldn’t overcoming that be true friendship?”


It seems like it makes a lot of sense.

“got it? mountain? mountain? mountain? mountain?”

She was a very polarizing and loud woman.

It was his will to talk until he accepted it just by looking at it.

Paeng Daesan reluctantly accepted it.

“… … jean.”

“Your voice is small! practice! mountain?”

“… jean.”

“Can’t you hear me? mountain?”



“jean! jean! Okay, so stop fussing! a little!”

Paengdaesan screamed.

Ah-cheong grinned in satisfaction.

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