The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 29 Table of contents

Chapter 29 Qualification of a Main Wife (2)


After the fight that stemmed from a misunderstanding ended.


Haru’s favorability towards Aika had significantly increased.


‘That lady tried to protect Dad. Even though she hit Dad, she’s a good person.’


She had literally thrown herself to stop me.


Even though her clothes were disheveled, and her bare skin was exposed.


Even though she wasn’t as shameless as I was.


Now that the misunderstanding was cleared up, she was blushing with embarrassment over there.


In other words, this was a symbol of how she tried to protect Dad even against her embarrassment.


It was an action that deeply impressed Haru.


It wasn’t just that which impressed me.


‘And besides… she’s huge. Bigger than me, bigger than Pinkie.’


I knew she was extraordinary even through her clothes.


But once unwrapped, it was tremendous.


Even more so than Alice.


In Haru’s mind, a checklist was being formed.


‘What if that lady becomes Dad’s mom…?’


Is she a bad person if she marries Dad?


No, she’s a good person who threw herself to protect Dad.


Since no one in the world dislikes Dad, I don’t even need to ask that lady’s opinion.


Will Dad like that lady?


I’m not sure, but it seems like he would.


Lastly, the most important chest?


“If Dad’s master becomes Dad’s mom, the baby will laugh because it’ll be full.”


Without a second thought, she passed.


Haru, who recognized Aika as a suitable mom, smiled brightly.


“So, from today on, you’re Mom.”




‘What is this child saying!? The disciple’s adopted daughter is calling me Mom, this is…’


Thanks to this, Aika forgot her embarrassment and was thrown into confusion.


Hadn’t she already guessed Yu-jin’s feelings?


He secretly wanted to marry her.


So, she was leisurely considering whether to accept him or not after taking him as a disciple.


But now, even the adopted daughter recognized her as Mom?


What is this? Is the whole world supporting the relationship between me and my disciple?


Is this a gift from the heavens for diligently protecting Japan and the world until 32?


That honest and sincere young man…


Can someone 12 years older than him have him?


Aika’s brain froze with these thoughts.


“Wh-what, what, what…”


“What are you saying!? Ninomiya Aika is 12 years older than Yu-jin!!?”


In the meantime, a woman urgently came to counterattack.


It was Yu Shia.


‘What if that single woman harbors a vain desire!? If Yu-jin is taken away to Japan, there’ll be a real riot!!’


“And besides, she’s Japanese! Japanese!! Do you want Yu-jin to be taken to Japan and live in captivity!?”


Shia’s attack was aimed at Haru and the flustered Aika next to her.


With such an age difference and from a different country, how could marriage even be possible?


It was a preemptive reality check in case Aika had any inappropriate thoughts.


However, Haru once again showed a selfish deal exchange.


“Grandma said that love has no age.”


“Well, it’s a good saying, but…”


“And being from another country is actually better. If Dad marries a small-breasted Korean like you, the baby will cry because it’s hungry.”




‘That’s, after eating chicken so well last time!?’


Shia, fatal blow.


Hit again in a despicable attack, Shia couldn’t even speak properly.


Unlike last time, she couldn’t even argue.


‘Well, if it’s against Ninomiya Aika. 99% of humanity would feel inadequate….’


“Wait a moment, Haru!!”


But unlike last time.


This time she wasn’t alone.


Because Alice, who had gritted her teeth at her as a fox spirit before, was now on her side.




-Whisper whisper.


“Temporary alliance.”


‘As a comrade of Pine Needle’s Eyes, I can’t watch Yu-jin get devoured by such a pervert. I have to save him as a comrade.’


Alice, who had formed a temporary alliance with Shia.


Like Shia, who worried about talent leakage, Alice had an inevitable goal.


To protect her friend Yu-jin from the pervert who seemed to have popped out of the ‘eye’.


Alice believed it was her mission to protect him.


No matter what, this was a mission she had to accomplish.


Her lips moved close to Haru’s ear.


-Whisper whisper.


“It’s a bit awkward to say this, but… did you see earlier? That person’s nipples were inverted.”




“Then… won’t the baby cry because it can’t eat?”


A ruthless attack exploiting the opponent’s complex.


The effect was strong.




‘No matter how big they are, if the baby can’t suckle, it’s meaningless!’


What’s the use of having the capacity to feed a baby if the baby can’t actually eat?


Haru, with a serious expression, whispered back.


“Can’t you use a straw?”


“Of course not. That kind of thing only happens in those, you know, lewd comics.”


‘Really. What do Japanese people think of a woman’s body?’




Haru’s shoulders drooped.


She was deeply disappointed, thinking, why prepare milk if the baby can’t drink it?


Yu-jin, finally…




‘I don’t know what’s going on, but I’d better stay still. I’ll just stay quiet and not say anything.’


It was better not to get involved and risk getting hurt. This was the survival strategy of the man with hypnotic powers in his second life.


* * *


After the chaos passed.


“Sorry. For now, you’re banned from being Mom. I’ll think about it a little more.”




Whatever magic Alice had worked, Haru obediently retracted her bombshell statement.


It was a great relief for me.


‘If she kept insisting on calling her Mom, the master might end up hating me instead.’


I’m her dad, and she keeps telling me to make her mom?


It was practically asking her to marry me.


She even said she’d give me to her.


No matter how compassionate the master is, this would be troubling.


We’ve only known each other for a few hours.


Being told to marry a man you just met would be nothing but confusing.


Moreover, I really intended to make her my bride.


Haru’s actions were just a hindrance to me.


I didn’t want my pure harem love to be misunderstood because of her meddling.


‘Well, it looks like she’s given up, so that’s a relief.’


“Anyway, Master. So now.”


“Ahem. Yes. First, let’s see your sword form.”


Thus, an unspoken agreement passed between the master and me.


To pretend none of this had happened and get on with what we were doing. That kind of agreement.


After that, peaceful times followed.


Showing my sword form. Checking how many hundreds I could hit, and so on.


I showed the master my specs without any reservations, knowing he’d be curious.


“You’re weak. That kid Haru is hundreds of times stronger.”




‘Well, that’s to be expected.’


The evaluation was harsh, but I wasn’t offended.


Even I knew I had a long way to go.




‘The master will give me a fortuitous encounter. Yes.’


The master isn’t the kind to just criticize and leave it at that.


He would point out the problems and also provide a way to improve them.


One of the artifacts obtained from the S-rank gate.


It was utterly meaningless to the master, whose stats were already maxed out…


But for me, it was a consumable as precious as light and salt.


“However, I can take care of that. There happens to be something suitable.”


‘As expected, he’s going to give me the Heavenly Spring Water again!’


Heavenly Spring Water.


It was a water that the master obtained from conquering an S-rank gate, which drastically increased an awakened one’s growth rate.


Thanks to this elixir, I was able to quickly rise to the top rank in both the game and in my first life.


“However, this only holds meaning if you undergo rigorous training. If you show any laziness, you might become even weaker than you are now.”


Despite its overwhelming advantages, the downside was clear.


Anyone who consumed it couldn’t stop training for even a single day.


It felt like rolling a boulder up a hill like Sisyphus.


Once you reach the top, the stat of 10, it’s okay, but…


If I let go before then, the stats that were painstakingly raised would roll back down to the bottom—that was the side effect of that drug.


Because of this, I had quite a bit of regret in my first round.


In the game, it worked with a click, but why did I have to struggle so much? I thought I shouldn’t have taken it


If I let go before then, the stats that were painstakingly raised would roll back down to the bottom—that was the side effect of that drug.


Because of this, I had quite a bit of regret in my first round.


In the game, it worked with a click, but why did I have to struggle so much? I thought I shouldn’t have taken it.


‘Well, it did fix my rotten attitude completely, though.’


Of course, in the second round now, it was a flaw I could accept with a smile.


Since I had no intention of neglecting my daily training anyway, it didn’t even count as a drawback. Absolutely not.


I smiled broadly.


“It’s okay, Master! I like training!”


“It’s not training mild enough to enjoy. It’s literally grinding your body to the bone every day…”


“Even better!”


‘I’ve actually ground my body to the bone every day before!’


Before I knew it, my eyes were sparkling.


The rapid status pumping that I thought would only be possible in my second year was now achievable from the very beginning.


My heart pounded with excitement.


Seeing me like this, the master looked at me with a bit of pity.


“…You won’t be able to sleep every night because of muscle pain.”




“I won’t allow you to rely on painkillers. Hypnosis is the same. If you avoid pain that way, your soul will never become strong.”


“You are absolutely right.”




Even then, the master sighed deeply.


Meanwhile, Haru patted my head, as if proud of me.


-Pat pat.


“Dad, you’re great. You work hard, so Haru will pat you.”


“Uh, thank you~.”


‘She’s becoming more like a real daughter. Even though she’s older than me.’


Thanks to Haru, the serious atmosphere warmed up a bit.


I rubbed my hands together and smiled playfully.


“So, when can I receive that good stuff? I want to start training right away.”




-Whisper whisper.


“I ask because you seem like the disciple’s friends. Is he always like this?”


“Yu-jin is always diligent!”


“Almost to the point of being foolish. Ha… he really seems like a health fanatic.”


For some reason, the three women started whispering among themselves…


Well, it made sense from the master’s perspective.


He probably wanted to hear about my usual behavior from them.


Standing confidently, waiting, the master looked at me again.


“Haa. What I intend to give you is ‘Heavenly Spring Water’. I obtained it by defeating the divine dragon in an S-rank gate.”




“But I cannot give it to you right now. It’s stored in a vault in Japan.”


“Yes, yes!”


A conversation starting with a familiar topic.


I listened with interest, but I already knew what the master was going to say.


In about a week, I’ll return to Korea.


Then drink it and train hard. Even while I’m not here, put in your utmost effort.


Right now, your body can’t keep up with your techniques, so I don’t need to be by your side.


Of course, I’ll keep getting reports on your training. I’ll occasionally visit unexpectedly.


If your rotten attitude eventually decays, I’ll kill you with my own hands…


“I’ll have my secretary bring it immediately.”




He said something different from what I knew.


Secretary? Isn’t it something priceless that the master should bring himself?


“That precious thing… shouldn’t you go get it yourself, Master…?”


“I’m too busy to go back and forth for that. I barely have enough time to teach you.”




He even disparaged the national-level elixir as ‘that thing’.


His tone implied that teaching me was far more important.


Growing uneasy, I asked.


“Teaching time…?”


“From now on, I’ll be guiding you 24 hours a day. Be prepared.”


“…You’re not going back to Japan?”


“I don’t plan to return until my disciple has grown up.”




The top S-rank awakened one. A master in a league of his own among awakened ones.


The walking strategic nuke declared his stay in Korea.


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