The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 30 Table of contents

Chapter 30: Global Youth. (1)


While Yu-jin was going through all that commotion…


In the peaceful Chairman’s office, a chill filled the air.


It was because Seol Ha-yeon, the Chairman of Pentagon Academy and ranked 4th among S-class, was confronting Kkong, ranked 7th in S-class.





“Kkong. What is this?”


“What do you think it is? Just a trivial photo with a friend.”


Kkong held up a phone screen displaying a photo.


A photo taken earlier with Yu-jin.


It might have looked trivial, but the Chairman’s eyes were deeply furrowed as she looked at it.


If it were just a photo, it would be one thing…


The app displaying it was ‘Outstar,’ a famous SNS among the Awakened.


Kkong was about to upload that photo to his account.


“Are you going to post that on the internet?”


“Yes. With hashtags, making it very proper.”


“…You should know it’s prohibited here, right?”


The Chairman’s eyes grew cold.


The reason Yu-jin, a future S-class receiving the world’s attention, could stay quiet was due to Pentagon Academy’s rules. Cadets were prohibited from all external activities, including personal SNS, during their enrollment.


Naturally, faculty and other associates were also prohibited from leaking related information.


Without those rules, Yu-jin would have been bombarded with thousands of photos from other cadets by now.


It’s natural for young people to want to announce when a celebrity is nearby.


If it ended there, it would be fortunate…


Hungry media would undoubtedly create all sorts of sensational stories.


Even Aika, the number one S-class, faced the dreadful “Aika Challenge” due to neglecting her privacy.


Like her case, exposure on SNS would not be positive for Yu-jin and other cadets.


Positive feedback could lead to arrogance and hinder growth.


Negative feedback wouldn’t be good for the mental health of cadets still in their early twenties.


The reason for prohibiting SNS activities and limiting external activities was precisely this…


“Even knowing this, you’re still going to post it? You’re going to pour oil on the barely calmed public opinion with non-response and information control?”


Kkong seemed to intend to post it despite knowing this.


Despite being a minor S-class, he knew well the influence he held.


It was impossible for the Chairman’s mood to remain calm after hearing this.


But Kkong smiled nonchalantly.


“Yes. Furthermore, I plan to encourage him to engage in external activities through the internet.”


“You know it’s against the rules, right?”


“That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?”


‘What era do we live in now, controlling SNS.’


Kkong’s thoughts differed from the Chairman’s.


Unlike the Chairman, who negatively viewed SNS due to old age, he knew.


He knew the positive functions of SNS. The value that could be gained by the Awakened actively making their presence known to the world.


His conviction, held since his cadet days but kept silent to avoid conflict with the Chairman, was calmly continued.


“First of all, I respect you. During the early days of the Gate crisis, with your overwhelming charisma and ability…”


“I’ve had enough flattery, get to the point.”


“Haha. Yes. The rules Ha-yeon made now only suppress the cadets’ potential in this day and age.”


In the past, the media might have gone wild calling the Awakened monsters.


But now, the Awakened are idols. Real-life superheroes.


The things the Chairman worried about don’t usually happen.


Not that they never happen…


“Sure, they might face scam emails or malicious comments. But that would be more fatal to graduates who have spent four years unaware of the world.”




“On the other hand, what do they gain? Sponsorship contracts between companies and cadets. Interactions with famous clans or senior Awakened. And much more.”


There wasn’t much to lose, but there was a lot to gain.


“And… for Yu-jin, the academy is too small. Just like Ninomiya Aika.”


“Oh. You hold him in such high regard.”


“If Aika is number one in physical strength, Yu-jin surpasses her with his intellectual strength alone.”


“Is he that exceptional?”


“He’s already become friends with me. So, for the next S-class, consider it well.”


Moreover, it would be beneficial for Yu-jin.


The keyword ‘Yu-jin’ made the Chairman’s expression serious.


‘…Has the world changed?’


She had experienced it.


The media calling the Awakened monsters and fearing them. A time when they were criticized even while protecting the country.


That’s why only personal contacts were allowed, and all public communication like SNS was strictly prohibited.


From her experience, that was a hundred times right.




‘My old-fashioned mindset hasn’t kept up with the changes in the world.’


After listening to Kkong, the Chairman realized that such strict rules might be unnecessary in these peaceful times.


After a moment of contemplation, the Chairman nodded, trusting the instincts that had never betrayed her.


“Ha. How gracious of you to say such nice things about Korea.”


“What do you mean by that?”


“I will temporarily allow it for six months. The cadets’ SNS… Outstar, or whatever it’s called.”




‘They say stubbornness is the only thing that grows with age, but she accepts this right away? Truly a respectable old lady.’


Kkong was inwardly impressed.


Though she looked young due to being an Awakened, she was quite old inside.


She considered things like SNS as a different world altogether.


Yet, she accepted his critique so readily. Positively surprising.


His attitude toward her became a bit more respectful.


“Thank you for listening to the words of the younger generation, S-class Rank 4, Seol Ha-yeon.”


“Pfft. You’ve become very Korean.”


“I’ve been here for four years, after all.”




The Chairman, who had been brimming with anger, now looked more relaxed.


Especially since she had been internally seething with thoughts of ‘this young brat.’


“Since I’ve granted your request, can I ask a favor of you in return?”


“Hmm? A favor from me?”


“Yes. Actually, an attack is imminent…”


The Chairman subtly coaxed Kkong.


It seemed a high-level villain, Winterer, would attack soon.


She felt uneasy handling it alone and asked him to stay with her.


She even offered to pay him.


Kkong’s smile twisted for the first time.


“Ah, ahaha… I can do that, but you probably don’t need to worry about high-level villains anymore.”




Kkong smiled awkwardly as if he felt a bit guilty.


He recalled the future he had seen earlier to verify the strategy Yu-jin had provided.


The messages he had seen there.


[It really worked!! Wow, it’s crazy.]


[Yu-jin: I’m glad, but sorry. I’ll send the video I promised later.]


[Ah, that? You can send it later. But why?]


[Yu-jin: My mentor has been with me all day, so I didn’t have a chance to record it.]


[…Well, hang in there.]


[Yu-jin: ?]


‘That gorilla finally… Yu-jin, I’m sorry!’


“You’ll find out soon. Then, I’ll be off!”






‘What’s with him? He ran away like someone trying to avoid a scolding.’


His swift escape before the chaos erupted was truly befitting an S-class Rank 7.


* * *


A little later.


The Chairman’s expression twisted as if she had tasted something bitter.


It was because of the impudent Ninomiya Aika standing before her.


“From now on, I’ll be living with my disciple. Just so you know.”






Now she understood why Kkong said she didn’t need to worry about ‘mere’ high-level villains.


If Aika stayed with Yu-jin, there was no need to worry.


The problem was it was like burning down the house to catch a flea.


“Do you not understand the significance of you being stationed in Korea?”


“So, be nice. I’m going to train my disciple; you can at least accommodate that, right?”


“Disciple or not, if this gets out, it will start a war!!”


What kind of position does an S-class Awakened hold?


They are indispensable for tackling S-class Gates, a different league even among the Awakened.


Not an exaggeration, they are literally state-level powers.


Especially Aika, the strongest among them, closing S-class Gates single-handedly.


Not just Gates, but she had the firepower to devastate a city like Seoul in a day.


And now, this living Japanese strategic nuke was suddenly stationed in Korea?


From Japan’s perspective, it was akin to losing a nuclear weapon; from Korea’s perspective, it was like having a nuke suddenly appear.


Considering the relations between the two countries, it wouldn’t be surprising if a war broke out immediately.


But Aika was indifferent.


“I can handle Japan. If they complain, I’ll just say I’m emigrating to Korea.”


“…Are you serious?”


“Just a little scare. They’ve been getting uppity since I’ve been so compliant, so it’s time to put them in their place.”




What can you do when I say I’m going to train my disciple?


Want a taste of emigration?


Better behave accordingly.


“I’ve also collected data on embezzlement by the Japanese government. Don’t worry about Japan.”


“But, still…”


“And Korea? If I can train my disciple to your level in just a month, they won’t have any complaints.”




What can they do when the strongest is training their top talent?


If I just quietly train my disciple without causing trouble, what can they do but be grateful?


The Chairman was at a loss for words.


“Well, international politics isn’t that simple…”


“Politics is done with power.”




‘This gorilla?’


For Seol Ha-yeon, who lacked power compared to her influence, the mindset of an absolute powerhouse was hard to fathom.


However, if it was Ninomiya Aika, it seemed quite possible.


After some contemplation, the Chairman once again trusted her instincts.


“Ha… Fine. But you must keep your identity hidden for now.”




“There’s a reason for that.”


‘Might as well use her to intercept Winterer since it’s come to this.’


Since she wouldn’t listen to being sent back, might as well use her thoroughly.


This was the thought of the Chairman facing a natural disaster.


* * *


That night.


The world, which had been abuzz with the sudden visit of S-class Rank 7, Bojji Kkong, finally quieted down.


The media, which had been making a fuss about the EX-class Gate, awkwardly closed their mouths.


Government officials, who had been on high alert, finally went home…


“Mr. Winterer? They say an S-class Rank 7 came to Korea…”


“Don’t worry! They said he went back soon. As long as he’s not here on the day of the attack, we’re fine~ Ahaha.”


‘Will an S-class come twice?’


… A girl, looking even more pitiful today, laughed weakly.


The global commotion gradually subsided under the cover of night.




[Pentagon Academy – Educational Institution for Awakeners in South Korea]




As of today, the restriction on cadets’ SNS and external activities will be temporarily lifted for six months.


By Seol Ha-yeon, Chairman of Pentagon Academy.


[Võ Chí Công – Official]


(Photo of Yu-jin and Kkong)


I made a wonderful connection today in Korea!


Cadet Seo Yu-jin provided crucial information for the Necromancer hunt.


No, my friend Yu-jin!


Once this is all over, let’s have gukbap and soju together!


#Pentagon #S_RANK? #Youjin #Hypnosisboy…




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Nguyet Anh [?]


Goranipia Unofficial [WTF]





Seo Yu-jin [ㅇㅋ]


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The single thoughtless comment from Yu-jin reignited the dying embers.



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