I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 36 Table of contents

When I attended school, one of the most uncomfortable aspects was the separation of boys and girls into different classes. I would have been more comfortable if it were a co-ed class, but being split made things awkward for me.

“Does anyone have a spare pad? Oh, I forgot mine.”
“Geez, of all things to forget.”

Hearing conversations like this always made it hard for me to know how to react. I've lived as a girl for seventeen years now. I’ve fully adapted, and the mental dissonance between my body and mind has disappeared.

However, I still find it strangely difficult to get used to this atmosphere. In my previous life, I probably would have been nonchalant about it.

‘I’m bored.’

Because of this, after three months of high school, I still hadn’t made a single friend. Why is that? There’s no one else as gentle and kind-hearted as me.

“If that’s the case, you should start a conversation first, you dummy.”

When I vented this problem to Lee Ji-yeon during lunch, she wiggled the lollipop in her mouth side to side and spoke as if I were pathetic.

“If I try to talk to them first—”
“And then?”
“……they run away.”

Ji-yeon seemed to have some idea of what I meant.

“Your face is a bit intimidating, so it makes sense that they’d feel burdened.”

‘Do I really have an intimidating face?’

And what’s with her calling it a “face”? Sometimes Ji-yeon tends to be a little too blunt.

“Anyway, that’s not the important part.”
“It is important.”
“More importantly, tell me what those two things you’re considering appearing in are.”
“I’m telling you, it is important.”

Ji-yeon didn’t seem to care at all about my lack of friends and asked about what I mentioned in the morning. How heartless. I pouted as I replied.

“I’m going to audition for a play at a small theater in Jongno.”

Ji-yeon blinked at my words, as if asking if I was serious.

“……Do you want me to find you something? If you ask well, I can find you something good.”

It was rare to hear Ji-yeon be so kind. The word “play” must have sounded strange to her.

“Well, what about school during that time?”
“The performance overlaps with summer vacation, so it’s fine.”

I can practice while attending school, and I plan to get permission from the school to some extent.

“And you said there were two things, right? What’s the other one besides the play?”
“You can only do that one if you do the play.”
“What are you talking about?”

Ji-yeon looked at me as if I were joking. But what could I say? I was serious.

‘The first project after a comeback is important.’

After going through puberty, I felt my emotions and mind stabilize. It wasn’t an easy process, but it turned out well in the end.

It was around that time that I decided to return to acting. When I entered high school in spring.

Since then, I’ve been contemplating what would make a good comeback project.

‘What would be good?’

I had the knowledge from my previous life, and with it, I knew which projects would succeed and which would fail. I could barely remember what I learned in class yesterday, but I could recall these details with surprising clarity.

Several ideas came to mind right away.

‘More important than anything else is the role I can take on.’

Since it’s the first project after my comeback, it should be something with a strong impact. There are few projects that cast through auditions, and most are sentimental pieces.


After much deliberation, I arrived at one conclusion. But to achieve that, there was a prerequisite.

That’s why I chose the play. However…


I glanced at Ji-yeon. Feeling my gaze, she tilted her head curiously.

One concern was the impact of me landing the role. Like with Lee Ji-yeon or Cho Seo-hee.

Especially Ji-yeon. Originally, she received a lot of negative feedback due to that event. She faded from the spotlight until she eventually left the industry due to an issue with voice acting.

However, she avoided that negative feedback when I took the CF that would have caused it, and she was able to grow smoothly.

If things continue as they are, it won’t be long before she stars in a popular drama.

……It all worked out too well. I’m glad things went well for Ji-yeon, but……

“What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”

I glanced at Ji-yeon and then checked the date on my smartphone. She doesn’t have much time left in this timeline. Should I leave it as is?

Many complex thoughts were running through my mind.

“Do you want to come over to my house sometime?”
“Your house? Sure.”

Ji-yeon answered without much thought. Anyway, I’ll figure out what to do about Ji-yeon’s situation then. For now, I need to focus on my comeback.

‘The play audition in Jongno.’

Unless it’s a play specifically for teenagers, they rarely cast teenage actors. But if it’s me, I can somehow make it work.

‘The title was something like...’

It was a play called “Close Your Eyes.” In my previous life, it garnered a lot of attention. Not only was it quite popular, but the actors who appeared in it later starred in movies and became big news.

Yes, this is just right, considering the events that will happen afterward.

‘Thinking of something strange again, huh.’

Ji-yeon watched Seoyeon’s back as she returned to her class as soon as lunch ended, without explaining anything properly.

‘A play, huh.’

Honestly, it left many questions. Why a play all of a sudden?

Even with the banner “Yeonhwa Princess from The Sun Hidden by the Moon,” there are still many places where it would be effective. Of course, having taken a 10-year break, it’s necessary to undergo some verification.

However, Ji-yeon didn’t think Seoyeon would have trouble passing such a simple verification process.

‘Because she’s a real actor.’

A real actor. Ji-yeon mulled over those words and sighed. Although she was doing well in a recent cable drama, Ji-yeon couldn’t help but feel the difference whenever she saw Seoyeon act.

In the past, she only focused on emotional acting, but now Seoyeon’s acting was rich and varied without the need for emotional crutches.

A genius. That was the unanimous praise from all the acting instructors who taught her.

It didn’t make sense that she had taken a 10-year hiatus.

Frankly, there have always been roles available for her to take on.


Ji-yeon turned away from where Seoyeon disappeared. Did she say she didn’t have any friends in class?

Well, that made sense.

Seoyeon exuded an atmosphere that made it difficult for others to approach her. It was her presence, one might say. Being inherently an actor, ordinary people often found it hard to even open their mouths in front of her.

Aside from Ji-yeon, the ones who probably spoke the most to Seoyeon were the convenience store clerks she frequented. Although Ji-yeon didn’t understand why she visited so many different stores, it was no wonder she had no friends at school.

‘What’s the point of keeping your acting to yourself?’

If she smiled more brightly and reached out first, there would be lines of friends waiting for her every morning. However, Ji-yeon didn’t bother giving such advice because it was just more comfortable this way.

Joo Seoyeon with lots of friends didn’t seem like Joo Seoyeon, somehow.

Anyway, once I made up my mind, I went home and told Sua as soon as I returned from school.

“I’m thinking of making a comeback.”
“Our daughter, you’re not just saying that because you don’t want to study, right?”

I was momentarily speechless.


I should have answered right away. I reflected on my mistake and continued as naturally as possible.

“Of course not. I’ll keep studying consistently.”

Sua looked at her daughter with slight suspicion. Although her daughter was always impressive, she clearly disliked studying. Her grades were okay through middle school, but her first high school midterms were a disaster. She didn’t even tell them how she did on the mock exams.

‘She’s not dumb.’

While Sua was deep in thought, she decided to let it go. Her daughter already had too many talents. Expecting her to excel in academics too might be too much.

‘How does Mom manage her skincare?’

And Seoyeon was amazed by Sua as well. Sua was thirty-nine. An age where one should be called “Ajumma.”

Yet her appearance hadn’t changed much from 10 years ago. Her chest even seemed larger. Her beauty was as mysterious as Seoyeon’s inexplicable strength.

“Alright, my dear, you’ve had a long break. Are you really okay now?”
“Yes, I’m perfectly fine.”

Seoyeon replied, raising her arms in a determined pose.

A clear voice came from below.

“Unnie, you’re funny!”

A cute girl with black pigtails appeared. She was a small girl who resembled Sua, rather than Seoyeon. Her name was Joo Suyeon, seven years old. They both shared a similar pronunciation because they both had the same last syllable, “Yeon.”

Due to the 10-year age gap, Seoyeon often took care of her when she was younger.

“Mom, I’ll take Suyeon out for groceries. There’s food in the fridge.”
“Got it.”
“Unnie, Suyeon is leaving. Bye-bye.”
“Mm, bye-bye.”

Taking her out must have meant that she fussed about not wanting to stay home.

I waved goodbye to my sister and watched Sua leave. Her reaction to me saying I would return to acting was just a “I knew this day would come.” It was a little disappointing. I’d thought about it quite a bit before deciding.


Left alone at home, I plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. An ad with a familiar face came on.


“Love like the morning dew.”

It seemed like a soju ad, but it was actually a cosmetics ad. Cosmetics ads are typically done by beautiful men and women, and they require the brand to have a sophisticated image and a certain level of recognition.

In other words, being in a cosmetics ad is a marker of being a top star.

“With me, Seo-hee.”

A woman’s face appeared, smiling sweetly. She seemed like she was about my age, but her face was suspiciously mature. She could easily pass for someone in her twenties.

‘Cho Seo-hee.’

Among teenage actresses, she was definitely one of the best. Unlike in my previous life, where she stumbled in The Sun Hidden by the Moon, this time she had a stellar career spanning 10 years.

The actress on TV was Cho Seo-hee, who had nothing but success ahead of her.

‘Cosmetics ads aren’t for me. I’ll refuse them if they come later.’

Without thinking much about it, I opened YouTube.

Seoyeon’s screen was filled with her dazzling playlist.

They were all VTuber broadcasts that had recently gained popularity.

And among them, something caught Seoyeon’s eye.

“A new generation of VTubers coming soon!”

Seoyeon squinted as she looked at the list.

Just as I thought. One person who should be there was missing.






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