I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 37 Table of contents

Somewhat aware of what was happening, I found myself surprised by the absence of a character that should have been part of the Seven Live third generation. This generation was themed around non-human characters, often inspired by fantasy elements like those found in a magical world.

Among the missing characters was Ramiel, a harpy princess with the unique twist of being unable to sing. Her appearance was closer to that of an angel than a harpy. Honestly, I initially thought she was an angel too.

Ramiel was exceptionally popular among the third generation of characters. She had a very delicate voice and an excellent sense of broadcasting, quickly rising to the level of what you’d call a “big player” in the industry.

Despite her concept of not being able to sing, she could sing quite well. Her role-playing was standard, sticking to the basics, but she never contradicted her character's setting.

Her main content was communication broadcasts. She was a good listener, and her eloquence made her very popular.


"Joo Seoyeon, what's wrong?"

While I had considered the possibility of something happening, the reality was harsh. How could this be?

I had always denied the thought that it could be true.

I glanced at Lee Ji-yeon, who was staring blankly at me. My suspicions began when I attended voice acting school with her. While her normal voice was fine, her voice for “anime” dubbing was a problem. It was a childlike voice that I had heard somewhere before.

In that voice, she would call out, “Joo Seoyeon?”

At that point, I might have known but was in denial.

Why did it have to be Lee Ji-yeon? How could I accept that she was Ramiel, who seemed like an angel? Where had the Ramiel gone, who had earnestly listened to my worries and comforted me?

‘Something, something went wrong.’

There’s a phrase known as the “red pill” moment, referring to the shattering of illusions when you discover a VTuber's true identity. Honestly, was my illusion shattered? Not really.

The Lee Ji-yeon in front of me and the Ramiel I knew were two entirely different people. However, aside from that, my favorite VTuber graduated suddenly when I thought I would eventually see her, and it felt like the world was ending.

‘I wanted to experience it properly this time.’

The feelings I had for VTubers in my previous life were of something “unknown.” I felt something inexplicable in those who genuinely embraced fantasies instead of reality. With my lack of normal emotions, that was the only way I could describe it.

When time allowed, I watched live broadcasts, but most of the time, I had to rely on highlight clips and short snippets.

‘So this time, I wanted to experience that “unknown” I couldn’t understand before.’

I felt somewhat depressed. Some might say it’s not a big deal, but it was an incredibly important issue to me, for various reasons.

“Joo Seoyeon.”


Suddenly, an all-too-familiar whisper filled my ear, and I shuddered, nearly falling sideways off the bench. Luckily, it was a bench; otherwise, I might have rolled off a regular chair. I quickly covered my ear with my hand, surprised and flustered, and spoke.

“W-What are you doing?”

“You didn’t answer when I called you repeatedly.”

Hmph, Lee Ji-yeon crossed her arms and frowned, as if displeased with my behavior.

“You’ve always acted flustered when I use this voice. Is it that strange?”
“......Uh, no.”

She seemed to test whether my words were true, her gaze now filled with curiosity, as if she had noticed something.

Avoiding Ji-yeon's gaze, I added, "I don't dislike it."

I really meant it. It was just that her voice startled me. Everything else had changed, but that voice remained exactly the same.

‘I still held on to the possibility that it might be the same voice.’

But that possibility ended yesterday.

In this world, Ramiel truly became an angel...

Though she was technically a harpy.


Ji-yeon examined me up and down, seemingly considering whether to clear her throat and use that voice again. Eventually, she nodded.

"Alright, that's not what I was curious about anyway."
"Curious about?"
"The play audition. When exactly is it?"

Ji-yeon was always interested in my return to acting. Given that I finally reacted after remaining idle, it made sense for her to be curious.

“Next Monday.”

She looked at me, seemingly not understanding what I meant.

“It’s next Monday.”

If the timing hadn’t worked, I was planning to speak with the teacher and make arrangements, but fortunately, it wouldn’t be necessary. The audition was scheduled for late in the evening.

In Jongno, Daehak-ro, various artistic venues, including theaters, are clustered together. The area hosts numerous theater performances, with many theater companies and clubs actively participating in theatrical activities.

Today, I had an audition for the play I had set my sights on, taking place here. Though I'm not sure how it was done before, nowadays, it’s easy to apply online.

Theater auditions typically consist of two stages: the first stage usually involves reviewing a video of a free-acting performance along with a brief profile.

‘If I’d failed the first stage, it would’ve been a disaster.’

I was a bit nervous, as it had been a while since I’d performed for others. On top of that, I had to perform the free acting piece alone, without a partner.

“And the second stage is the face-to-face audition.”

The venue was a rehearsal room in Daehak-ro. Honestly, I didn’t know much about theater. Unlike drama or film, it was something I hadn’t experienced in my previous life. I only knew about this play because of the events linked to it later on.

‘How many people usually show up for theater auditions?’

I couldn’t find much information about it when I looked it up. In particular, the role I was auditioning for today was an antagonist. Because of this, I vaguely thought there might be fewer applicants.


As I cautiously opened the door to the building and entered, I was momentarily frozen in place.

‘……There are so many?’

I knew it was a play with some investment, and I’d heard the competition was pretty fierce, but just glancing around, it seemed like over 50 people were present. The building was filled with actresses who had interpreted the role and dressed accordingly.

‘If this many made it to the second stage, there must have been hundreds of applicants.’

I felt a bit nervous. I didn’t have much experience with auditions. I’d only gone through two auditions as a child actor.

However, it was my first time seeing so many people gathered for an audition.

‘And of course, these are adult actors, or rather aspiring actors.’

There were people holding the scripts given after the first stage, warming up their voices. Others were getting into character. Everyone was an actor, so they all had impressive appearances.

“A high school student?”

Someone, seeing me, murmured in surprise.

There wasn’t a specific age restriction for the role I was auditioning for. However, considering the character’s age range, I just barely met the criteria to pass as an “adult.”

“Isn’t that really a high school student?”
“Isn’t she just a high schooler?”

Their gazes, filled with mixed emotions, pierced me. They looked at me with curiosity, suspicion, and wonder about why a high school student was there.

Fortunately, those gazes didn’t linger long. It was as if they felt they didn’t have the luxury of focusing on others.


I took out the script I had brought. It was a bit worn from being read several times.

Others were in a similar situation. We’d had a week to prepare after receiving the script. This wasn’t something to take lightly. Auditions often provide scripts on the spot.

The fact that they had given us the script a week in advance meant that the criteria for evaluation were just as high.


I took a deep breath, focusing on the character I would be portraying today, getting into character. Method acting... I decided to skip that for now. It wasn’t yet the time to exhaust my emotions.

‘The character I’m auditioning for today is Hong Jeong-hee from “Close Your Eyes.”’

“Close Your Eyes” is a sentimental and romantic play. However, Hong Jeong-hee was a character far removed from romance.

She is the sasaeng fan of the male protagonist, “popular idol Bae Seong-hak.” A societal misfit harboring a strong obsession with him.

In the latter part of the play, when Bae Seong-hak develops a special relationship with the female protagonist, Song Min-seo, Hong Jeong-hee attacks Song Min-seo.

She even wields a knife.

‘Though not a major role, she leaves a strong impression.’

It was a role with impact. Surely, it was because of this character that I received additional offers for roles.

‘It’s a role that doesn’t suit method acting.’

If I method acted this character, I would undoubtedly feel depressed for days on end. I closed the script and shut my eyes. Slowly exhaling, I engraved the character into my mind. Through the emotions written in the script, I visualized the character of Hong Jeong-hee. I had memorized all the lines.

Checking the time, I saw there was still a little time before the audition started.

‘Let’s practice once.’

Many people were reciting lines around me anyway.

So I thought I’d take this chance to revisit the character of Hong Jeong-hee. With that thought, I opened my eyes.

Aspiring actors and actresses in the audition room frowned when a high school girl entered.

‘A high school student?’
‘How did she get past the first stage?’

Her outfit was a school uniform. For auditions, it’s common to dress in a way that reflects your understanding of the character. It’s a good way to visually demonstrate your grasp of the role. But wearing a school uniform?

Hong Jeong-hee’s age isn’t specified in the script. The only clue is a note about her being “on leave from school.”

It’s unclear whether she’s a college student or a high school student.

‘And her appearance......’

Long black hair, in stark contrast to her fair skin. Even actors accustomed to beauty couldn’t help but marvel at her looks.

Even though she was still a high school student, her appearance was that of a fully-fledged actress.

‘But acting isn’t just about looks.’
‘No matter how pretty you are, the outcome depends on your acting skills.’

Despite their thoughts, the high school girl, sitting and reading her script, looked like a picture-perfect scene.

The worn script. At least it showed she had prepared.

‘But there’s something familiar about her face, isn’t there?’

Those watching her felt a strange sense of familiarity. It was as if they had seen her somewhere before.

Could she be an actress who had already appeared on TV? If she were a former child actor, it wouldn’t be surprising for her to be here.

‘With looks like that, there must have been some buzz.’

For high school students, transitioning from child actor to an adult actor is common. With looks like hers, there was no way she wasn’t already known in this tight-knit world.


The high school girl abruptly closed the script she was reading.

Was she done reviewing it? That thought crossed their minds for a moment.

The girl slowly opened her eyes.


There wasn’t a dramatic change in atmosphere.

It was quiet. Her expression was calm, and her face was composed.

She didn’t seem to be acting, but...

‘Is she acting?’

Actors often have a “base expression.” It’s the expression they use as a foundation when they begin acting. They build emotions and expressions on top of this base expression.

For seasoned actors, it’s possible to convey emotions and perform with just that base expression.

‘No way.’

Yes, just like now.

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