Everyone In The Universe Is My Food Fan
Chapter 104 Table of contents

Here, they were working overtime to finish the report, just sending it to their superiors.

Not long after, another communication came in.

“Is something wrong?”

“Your report is well done,” the superior muttered, “But the concept isn’t high enough.”

“…Not high enough?”

The superior cleared their throat twice. Originally, a gentleman from the Cabinet sent a communication, saying they wanted to do a report, guide the correct public opinion without being too conspicuous, and they prepared a one-page follow-up.

But just as it was finalized, a big shot called.

It was even a call from the person themselves, personally instructing!

“Turn the materials for this issue into a special feature, focusing on the interaction between parents and children. Currently, StarNet’s supervision is lax, and there are many negative remarks, self-media accounts instigating disputes for profit. Make this into a three to five-episode special.”

A special feature!?

They haven’t done a special feature in ages. The supervisor asked carefully, “Why does the content of this report need so many changes?”

“It’s all orders from our immediate superiors, one from the Cabinet, and one from the General’s Office.” The superior didn’t mention it was the General himself, afraid of startling the supervisor.

But that was enough to astonish people. “I promise to complete the task!”

“It’s up to you. Once the first issue is finished, send it to the layout editor immediately. Tomorrow morning, we’ll release this news.”


With the sacred mission weighing on their shoulders, the supervisor couldn’t help but ask if Xiao Wen knew that the streamer she wrote about had powerful backing.

“Could it be?” Xiao Wen still remembered that the younger student emphasized that the streamer came from a poor background.

“How is that possible? The report is getting promoted to a special feature.”

“But I only know that this streamer comes from a poor family and doesn’t seem to be from our Federation planet.”

“It’s the Cabinet and the General’s Office speaking up for her!” The supervisor exaggeratedly talked.


Xiao Wen scratched her head. She had watched Jiang Qiuqiu’s live stream from start to finish and couldn’t imagine her as a backstage powerhouse. “Could it be that both the Cabinet and the Office are fans of this streamer, so they’re speaking up for her?”


“But it’s the Cabinet and the General’s Office! At that level, who still watches live streams?” Forget it, the supervisor waved their hand. “Let’s not discuss this. Let’s focus on the special feature.”

The two of them worked earnestly on the special feature.

The layout editor was pushing them hard too. At three in the morning, the report was finally produced.

Following Federation News’s usual stream schedule, at six in the morning, the office streamed this report through Federation News’s StarNet account.

Officially stamped for Jiang Qiuqiu: A good platform helps facilitate friendly communication between parents and children.

And it stated: In this new era, we can also use StarNet, use more online tools, to communicate with our parents and relatives about our concerns.

The marketing fans who were still arguing saw this report and quickly silenced themselves.

This was the Federation News! Mainstream media! When they speak, it’s basically the final word.

Seeing this, the marketing fans swiftly deleted their comments and retreated into their shells.

After all, they just wanted to make some money and didn’t want to ruin their future prospects.

With their comments deleted, Jiang Qiuqiu’s fans became even more excited! [Why did you delete your comments if you’re not guilty!]

A wave of victorious joy swept over everyone, and then, they became proud of Jiang Qiuqiu!

[I tweeted! A rookie food zone streamer actually made it to mainstream media!]

[I tweeted no.1, nailed it!]

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