Everyone In The Universe Is My Food Fan
Chapter 105 Table of contents

In the early morning, Jiang Qiuqiu had just woken up when she received a bright communication.

She felt like receiving a communication from Ming Mei after each live stream had become a routine.

“Ming Mei, what’s up?”

The response came, “You’re famous! Qiuqiu, you’re really famous!”

Jiang Qiuqiu chuckled. She had just crawled out of bed, still a bit groggy, her voice soft and hoarse. “Ming Mei, are you copying and pasting our previous conversation again?”

It was the same every time, quite amusing.

“What I admire most about you is how calm you are after a big live stream. Qiuqiu, this time it’s different from before,” Ming Mei was shocked after receiving the news, “You’re featured on official media.”

“Things were a bit chaotic before, but now that the official media has spoken, everything has quieted down.”

“Official media?” Jiang Qiuqiu was starting to wake up a bit, “What exactly happened?”

“Look, the conversation is being copied and pasted again. I won’t explain. Your forum knows the ins and outs. If you’re curious, you can go check it out.”

“This time, it wasn’t the company’s doing. The official media suddenly mentioned you, and on such a big scale—”

As they chatted, Jiang Qiuqiu opened the Federation forum.

There was no need to search. Screenshots of this event were everywhere in the forum. Jiang Qiuqiu glanced through them, piecing together the whole story.

“Have you seen it?”

“I have.”

Hearing her steady voice, Ming Mei was curious, “Qiuqiu, aren’t you happy?”

“Well…” If you asked if she was unhappy, definitely not. Jiang Qiuqiu was happy, but she had joined the Federation halfway through, and her memory told her that Federation News was indeed a major official media outlet with high status. But emotionally, that kind of excited feeling was hard to come by all at once.


“I just did what I was supposed to do.”

“I didn’t do anything special. Just like what the media said, I just provided a simple platform.”

“I’m still happy, though. At least I’ve quelled the dispute, and everyone isn’t arguing anymore.”

Ming Mei: …

After a moment, there were a few “okay, okay” sounds from the other end.

“I’m 20 years older than you, but sometimes you handle things more maturely than I do,” Ming Mei said firmly, “Keep this mindset, Qiuqiu, and you’ll surely rise.”

“Yes, speaking of becoming famous, I noticed that my follower count has exceeded two hundred million. Have I taken another step closer to becoming the top female streamer on the platform?”

“That’s right! You’re about to enter the top circle soon.” Ming Mei became more lively as she spoke, “Maybe you’ll become the first streamer in our company to change contracts after just one month.”

Federal Live Streaming Company usually ranks streamers once a year, but only top-tier streamers can be an exception.

Thinking about how long Jiang Qiuqiu had been with Federal Live Streaming—

But the achievements she had made were something many rookie streamers couldn’t achieve in their lifetime.

“Thanks for your kind words.”

“Everything that needed to be notified has been done. It’s still early, Qiuqiu, if you want to rest, you can continue resting. Before you rest, you can repost and reply to that special feature on StarNet.”

“I’ll do that.”

“Then, goodbye.”

Jiang Qiuqiu playfully responded with a “Hmm,”

“I hope to receive more good news communications from you next time, Ming Mei.”

“That’s not certain. Maybe next time it’ll be Xiao Qian who personally sends you a message.”

The two laughed together in the communication.

After hanging up the communication, Jiang Qiuqiu quickly logged into her personal StarNet account, reposted the special feature from Federation News, and thought for a moment before adding her own caption:

“Understanding each other, respecting each other, confiding in each other, loving each other.”

Fans immediately commented: “Cultured, cultured.”

Destroying the delicate and gentle atmosphere, turning everything into a light-hearted adolescent style, Jiang Qiuqiu couldn’t help but laugh helplessly.

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