Everyone In The Universe Is My Food Fan
Chapter 122 Table of contents

Jiang Qiuqiu, who is just a bit taller than a barrel, is currently chatting with Ming Mei.

Today, the editor is still very shocked!

“You’re truly a miracle of our editing department!”

“Ming Mei, what’s going on? Why are you so excited?”

Ming Mei looked at the data in front of her, very excited. This might be the highest moment in her history as an editor. “Your performance in recent times has been really outstanding.”

A month ago, the Gugu Beast Cuisine special was launched, originally thought to be just a regular food recommendation episode, to attract fans and lay the groundwork for the future.

Unexpectedly, it became popular twice in the middle, with a sudden increase in traffic, attracting countless fans.

Moreover, starting from food and linking to parent-child relationships, she once again went viral and appeared in front of the public.

In the past, after such large-scale and high-frequency exposure, there would inevitably be a wave of criticism following the increase in fan base. Having fans and critics together is a common combination in the live streaming world.

However, Jiang Qiuqiu’s anti-fans hadn’t yet become vocal, and official media directly intervened, categorizing the nature of this incident.

With the mainstream media’s intervention, it attracted a group of audiences who were originally not in the food live streaming section.

From that time on, the traffic in Jiang Qiuqiu’s live stream room has never gone down.

Coupled with the subsequent efforts with braised Gugu Beast, braised Gugu Beast trotters, and cold tossed Gugu Beast, the quality has always been above par, and new fans have been stabilized.

“Qiuqiu, after yesterday’s special ended, the people in the editing department summarized your data and sent it to headquarters for review. Whether it’s from the number of event followers, event sales, or various other aspects, you are truly the pillar of the food zone.”

This time, Ming Mei didn’t use a rookie streamer.

With these achievements and this data, even compared to those with more experience, she’s not inferior.

Even surpassing most small god-level data.

“So, am I famous now?”

“You’ve been famous for a long time. What I want to tell you today is another matter.”

Her tone lifted, her voice trembling slightly, “Qiuqiu, I applied to headquarters to upgrade your contract to A+ level or above, and it was approved!”

In other words, Jiang Qiuqiu has only been live streaming for about two months, and she has already made a jump of several levels, truly making history.

This can be considered a success.

Jiang Qiuqiu thought, although she’s changing places, her culinary dreams are still continuing.

More and more people are entering her live stream room, and the comments in the comment section are increasing. Each diner leaves sincere and straightforward expressions of their love for her.

Cooking brings joy, perhaps it’s just that.

“Hey, Qiuqiu, why are you silent?” Ming Mei laughed, “Are you so happy that you’re speechless?”

“Yeah, I’m very happy.” Jiang Qiuqiu regained her senses, “Ming Mei, thank you for your help.”

“Saying thank you is too formal, I should be thanking you.” Ming Mei said, “The achievements you’ve made are because of your abilities. The achievements I’ve made are entirely because of you leading me.”

“That also shows that Ming Mei, you have a discerning eye.”

“Go, we’ve only said a few words and we’re already praising each other.”

Suppressing her joy, Jiang Qiuqiu remembered, “Ming Mei, didn’t you say there were two things? One was changing the contract, what’s the other thing?”

“The other thing—” Ming Mei’s tone suddenly changed, she sighed first, “Students nowadays are really much stronger than we were back then.”

Then she added, “And, the fans nowadays are really hardcore.”

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