Everyone In The Universe Is My Food Fan
Chapter 123 Table of contents

This miraculous event needs to be traced back to a very early time, when Jiang Qiuqiu started live streaming and making boiled pork slices.

It was during that time that the conversation, which originally revolved around food taste, tomorrow’s menu, what to display on the kitchen window, and who among them were the eternal unlucky ones and who were the eternal lucky ones, suddenly took a turn.

An unknown member of the group posted an extremely provocative, dramatic, and manipulative post. Then, topics like [Percentage Strategy for Grabbing Braised Meat Slots], [Stealing the Attention of Parents, Grandparents, and Great-grandparents by Following Qiuqiu], etc., quickly became hot topics.

With a single move, like a butterfly flapping its wings, it stirred up social topics.

It drew in billions of traffic and leveraged mainstream media. The company didn’t even have to engage in marketing; Ming Mei thought it was all just a coincidence, but little did she know, everything was orchestrated by a pair of ‘black hands’ behind the scenes.

And they were a pair of inexperienced ‘black hands’.

“All of this was actually orchestrated by a student from a federal university!”

“Can you believe it?”

Jiang Qiuqiu had indeed felt that things were going a bit too smoothly before, suspecting foul play. But she never expected the truth behind it all—

“A student? My fan?”

“That’s right.” Ming Mei nodded, “And do you know how I found out about this?”

“What happened?” Jiang Qiuqiu’s curiosity was piqued.

Ming Mei felt this matter was simply too much to handle, “Remember when I was recruiting small circle leaders for your circle? Yesterday, I took a look at the resumes submitted, and among the crowd, I found this university student named Wan Xing.”

In that resume, the origin, process, and outcome of this matter were clearly recorded, along with a summary.

The entire plan, from start to finish, with various data predictions, information trends, and public opinion analyses, was very elaborate. Not to mention the emotional journey, the control of bystanders’ attitudes, the control of public opinion timing, and the precise targeting of social information pain points, as well as the final submission to the federal news agency—these interconnected strategies.

This university student’s scheming was as intricate as a honeycomb.

Such a stunning yet subtle approach, which brought about tremendous traffic, would have been enough to make her famous on the spot in the circle. But she held onto such a big chip—just wanting to become a small circle leader!

“I really didn’t expect to have such hardcore fans.”


“With just this resume, she could easily join our company’s operations department.”

Jiang Qiuqiu was also surprised for a moment. After all this fuss, she just… wanted to be a small circle leader?

“So, Ming Mei, did you approve her resume?”

“Of course, such a talented person can’t be let go. I recruited her. Yesterday, I contacted her, and guess what her first question was after I accepted her friend request?”

Jiang Qiuqiu pondered for a moment and asked softly, “Did she ask if her application to become a small circle leader was approved?”

“No, she asked me if it was true that there are weekly gourmet benefits in the circle and if they are real.”

“I told her it’s true, and then she asked me how many times a week, approximately when each week, whether the gourmet benefits are fixed, whether they are made during the weekly live stream, or whether they might change depending on your mood and include dishes that haven’t appeared before.”

Ming Mei said, “People can do anything for a bite to eat.”

Stirring up huge waves just to have a peaceful meal every day.

“That university student sounds interesting.”

“Yeah, we chatted for a while, and she’s very satisfied with the benefits. She said she’ll devote 12 points of effort to managing the circle and treat it as an important job.”

“Finally, she asked me to pass on a message to you.”

“Yeah? What message?” Ming Mei recalled the student’s tone from yesterday and said, “She said, ‘Your cooking is really delicious and brings a lot of joy to my life.'”

Jiang Qiuqiu’s eyes softened slowly, revealing a big smile.

Being able to bring happiness to everyone, she’s also very honored.

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