Turning (WN)
Chapter 704 Table of contents

'And coincidentally, we are currently pursuing Southern merchants who might be hiding somewhere in the south. A murder involving a servant from the southern countries and Awakeners… It's worth pursuing any potential connection.'

After Myra left, Kishiar, rather than simply waiting for those who had departed for the investigation, chose to briefly return to the Cavalry branch.

"Nathan, I shall return with my assistant. You go ahead to the location I've instructed."


Indeed, the carriage, occupied by just the two of them, was the ideal place for discussing matters not to be shared with others. As soon as Yuder boarded and confirmed that no one was around, he immediately relayed newly recalled information and his own speculations.

"I remembered from the previous game that a member of Baron Conche's household had seized the title of Duke Herne. It seems right to suspect that they're behind the Second Prince's death, and it would be prudent to investigate considering the Southern merchants might be backing Baron Conche's family."

"That makes sense. I did notice an unusual reaction from you when Baron Conche's name came up earlier."

Kishiar rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"When you told me about First Princess Myra from the previous game, I thought we should investigate those who might covet the succession rights to prevent the same tragedy from repeating."

"Yes, you did say that."

"It's embarrassing that the Second Prince passed away before I could properly finish my investigation. I managed to gather a list and some basic information about the families with legitimate claims to the succession. The Conche family was among them."

It had only been a day since they had that conversation, so when had he found the time to conduct this investigation? Although it wasn't complete, the important part was that Kishiar noticed the Conche family's involvement.

Yuder listened intently, feeling a renewed sense of awe at Kishiar La Orr's efficiency.

"The Conche family doesn't have a significant presence within the Herne household. The current baron is the type to squander money, leaving them with little wealth, and they're only given cursory recognition because of their close blood ties and being a collateral branch."

Kishiar raised one corner of his mouth as if to ask if Yuder understood the implication.

"In other words, if First Princess Myra were to disappear and the succession passed to a collateral branch, the family would have no reason to support them. If they emerged victorious in the previous game, then the Second Prince's recent death might just reveal the 'reason' behind their success. And if that reason is indeed related to the Southern merchants and their surrounding forces..."

"Then keeping an eye on Baron Conche's family now would increase our chances of finding them or their traces."


"In that case, I'll go and investigate."

Yuder immediately volunteered. He couldn't be complacent, having seen a man capable enough to dodge Kishiar's sword among those Southern merchants.

Given Kishiar's position, needing to safeguard the Cavalry branch and the suspicion surrounding the Second Prince's murder, he couldn't afford to be away for long. Yuder thought it best for him to move discreetly.

He was prepared to persuade Kishiar if necessary, but to his surprise, Kishiar merely glanced at his expression and nodded easily.

"I thought you'd say that. You have my permission."

"Thank you."

"But go with Nathan."


"That fellow has also seen the pinnacle of swordsmanship, so he won't be a hindrance."

Describing Nathan Zuckerman, a Swordmaster, as merely 'not being a hindrance' seemed insufficient, yet Kishiar did so with casual ease.

And then, Yuder finally guessed where Kishiar had sent Nathan Zuckerman just before their own departure.

'...He had seen through my intentions even before we set out.'

Yuder looked at him, astonished, but Kishiar merely smiled.

"It's still conjecture at this point, but I believe there's a high probability that the Southern merchants are involved in this affair. Considering their previous long preparations to win over the heart of Duke Tain, it's hard to be certain that they wouldn't have tried something with the master of the South, Herne."


"They are indeed dangerous. But that's not the only reason why I'm sending both you and Nathan."

"...Then what other reason might there be?"

Usually, Yuder could guess Kishiar's thoughts and intentions, but this time it was difficult.

As Yuder expressed his doubt, Kishiar's red eyes darkened.

"If we can confirm their schemes this time, we gain additional information – the certainty that they played the same hand in the previous game."


"You've told me much about the previous game, but there was scarcely any information about them. That means they are almost an unknown enemy to you as well."

Kishiar's voice echoed quietly and deeply within the carriage.

"Unlike in the West where we were confident in shifting situations to our advantage because we hold informational superiority, this time is different. We have little information, and their purpose and intent are still not fully certain, so we can't afford to let our guard down even slightly. In such a situation, it's better to seek safety and find a way to securely protect the First Princess rather than take risks in scouting an unknown and cunning foe."

Yuder too had made considerable efforts with the intelligence unit to dig up information on these Southern merchants since their encounters in the West. However, he hadn't thought as Kishiar did.

'But certainly... he's right.'

Yuder now fully understood why Kishiar had resorted to such a drastic measure as sending Nathan after himself for something as trivial as surveilling Baron Conche's family. It meant he didn't want to leave even a single chance for carelessness.

Yuder had twisted many parts of the future, saving those destined to die and achieving results that were never meant to be. Despite such extensive changes, some events still repeated themselves in different conditions, like the death of the Second Prince of Herne.

If the Southern countries' involvement meant that outcome was inevitable, then it was hard to be certain that the First Princess Myra could entirely escape it. It was a time when swift and reliable verification was needed.

"Here. Take this."

As Kishiar gave directions to Baron Conche's house, he handed Yuder a ring he had worn on his finger. It was a new ring, replaced after some of the magic tools used in the recent fighting arena had lost their power. Yuder noticed the barely discernible magic inscriptions intricately intertwined with the design on the inside of what seemed to be a plain silver ring.

"It's a communication tool that can be used about three times. Nathan has something similar, but having an extra one can't hurt."

As he said this, he casually waved his other hand, revealing a ring on his finger. The ring was different in color but almost identical in design to the other.

"These two form a pair, and if you stroke the inside three times, they will react to each other. Use it when you need to request assistance."


"Just in case, I must say, you absolutely must not get hurt. And... this."

Kishiar then pulled something else out of his pocket. Before Yuder could reflexively take and examine it, Kishiar gently wrapped his fingers around Yuder's, forming his hand into a fist. Yuder felt something crinkling inside his hand, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Check it after you get off. I'll see you later then."

"Please take care as well, Commander."

The man, having heard Yuder's parting words, smiled beautifully. Moments later, he pulled the carriage reins, signaling Yuder to disembark. The street was nearly deserted.

"Baron Conche's mansion is at the end of this street, with the blue roof and three stories. Nathan should be around there."

After watching the carriage depart for a moment, Yuder unfolded his fist.

Inside was a collection of candies wrapped in paper, similar to those he had seen before.

'...When did he even manage to pick these up?'

He was sure they hadn't been there when they left the capital, and it was a mystery where they had been kept.

Nevertheless, finding them unexpectedly pleasant, Yuder silently unwrapped one of the candies and popped it into his mouth. The sweet taste moistened his tongue.


Though it felt a bit different than usual, it was still the proper start of what was to come.

[BL] Bermuda

Leonardo Blaine, the true war hero of the Raina Logia Empire and the commander of the Armsilver 11th Squad, is dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders during the final battle that could have led the Empire to victory in the territorial war. People criticize and point fingers at him, and after being released on parole from prison, he disappears without a trace.

Three years later, his name has been forgotten by the world. The Council has been persistently pursuing him, but he has proven difficult to capture. Frustrated by this, Hugo Agrizendro, the commander of the Council's army, decides to personally apprehend him.

"Since when have you been watching me?"

Leonardo was calculative and astute, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had been observing Hugo for some time now. However, Leonardo's answer was something that even Hugo had not anticipated.

"From the very beginning."

[BL] The Mist (Same author as Turning)

In the autumn of his 18th year, after winning the high school kendo championship finals, an unexpected accident occurred.

Due to that incident, Kang Mu-heon lost one of his legs, his closest friend, and his promising future. He closed off his heart and shut himself away alone.

A few years later, the world's first real virtual reality game <THE MIST> was announced, where even those with physical disabilities could play in healthy bodies.

By chance, Kang Mu-heon encountered it and began a new life as the mage Kapros, facing unexpected meetings, reunions, and days of change....


"Why was someone like you born into this world to make me so miserable? Do you understand when I say it like this?! You were born with talent for the sword, a bright personality, everything - you must have been laughing at me always lagging behind! Did you even know how pathetic I felt because of your stupid hypocrisy? A genius? What does any of that matter!"

Seung-jo's cries stabbed at his heart, wailing as if he were crying even though he wasn't, but there was no time to think further. He quickly clutched my stomach, got up, and ran towards him.

He looked surprised for a moment, but he was desperate.

Just as the car was about to reach us, he shoved Seung-jo hard. Right after Seung-jo fell and rolled away with wide, startled eyes—


Bang! With an impact that felt like his whole body was being shattered, he flew through the air.

And in that brief yet long moment of floating in space, he remembered his reflection in Seung-jo's eyes for the last time.......


[ Then in THE MIST, may you become the master of infinite possibilities. ]


When his vision returned after everything went white, he was standing in the middle of a bustling town. Amidst the clamor, countless people were busily going about their business here and there.

He looked down at himself, standing dazed and wearing clothes of unknown origin. When he touched the sleeve, he felt the texture of fabric as real as reality. His hair felt the same, and even when he touched the wall of a nearby house, he could clearly feel the solid, cold surface.

Is this... VT?

It seemed like a joke. It truly felt as if he had come to another world and was touching everything.

As he stood there unable to think due to the shock, he suddenly remembered the biggest reason he had decided to play this game, and snapped back to attention. His two legs were still as they had been when he first stood.

'Can I really walk?'

He first stepped out with his left foot, then very slowly put strength into his heavy right foot. It felt like cold sweat was running down his spine.

And then,

He lifted it,

Moved it,

And took another step to touch the ground again.

So easily. As if there had never been any problem with this leg from the beginning.


At that moment, something that was neither joy nor emotion shot up his spine. Suddenly feeling a lump in his throat, he lowered his head and leaned against the wall. His right foot, bearing his weight, was doing its job perfectly.


Holding back the tightness in his throat, he took another step.

It didn't hurt. It wasn't heavy. His leg was no longer a useless piece of wood that ached.

Damn it, to be able to walk so easily like this.

To be able to run so easily like this.

He had wished even in his dreams for the day to come when he could walk and run like this again.

And so he walked again, kept walking, slowly getting faster, until finally he started running like a madman through the entire town.


"Kap. ...There seems to be a misunderstanding. That's not what I meant."

Just as he was thinking he should throw a punch, Yu-wan sighed with a troubled look and said.

A misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding when he said with his own mouth that he didn't think of me as a friend?

"I didn't expect to receive such a question suddenly, so my explanation was probably too brief. Let me rephrase."

Yu-wan reached out his hand, his face completely changed from before - intense yet resolute - as he stared at him. As he didn't reject the hand suddenly approaching his face and kept his gaze fixed, his cool large hand touched his cheek completely.

A shiver ran down his spine at that moment.

"I'm sorry to say this to you, but I don't see you only as a friend. ...This is the complete answer."

Check out the new project 2:

[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

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