The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 117 Table of contents


What is this? A surprised Deborah quickly put the diamond back into her pocket.

Even for someone like her, who wasn’t accustomed to luxury, she could tell that something was seriously wrong. That this should never be revealed to anyone.

“Why aren’t you taking off your coat?”

Beth asked her with a puzzled look, seeing that Deborah, who had mentioned she’d take off her coat, hadn’t moved at all. Surprised, Deborah gasped and replied with visible panic:

“I, I think it’ll be fine since we’ll arrive soon!”

“I see.”

Well, there’s nothing one can do if she doesn’t want to. Taking off a coat isn’t that significant an issue.

Although Deborah’s behavior was strange and her stuttering wasn’t a one-time thing, Beth didn’t find her actions too suspicious and nodded in understanding.

Before the carriage arrived at the mansion, Deborah secretly hid the diamond inside her dress, making sure Beth couldn’t see.

She moistened her dry lips, promising herself that no matter what had happened, she would return the diamond without anyone finding out.

* * *

– It wasn’t for nothing; it was to create an opportunity to meet again. Aren’t you curious why a servant of the Duke is accompanying a woman imitating the Lady?

Of course, that would arouse curiosity! Luna recalled what Antes had said earlier and gritted her teeth slightly.

But that doesn’t justify stealing someone’s diamond and putting it in one’s pocket.

Of course, if it were lost, compensation would be provided, but a word of explanation would have been nice.

‘…Although it wasn’t the right situation to have a proper conversation.’

Thanks to this, she had to hastily explain to customers asking about the missing displayed diamond.

The situation got complicated. If only Antes had acted properly, this wouldn’t have happened.

And to say all that and then leave, saying they’d meet at the mansion. Such a scoundrel.

As these thoughts ran through her mind, and she clenched her fist, Viscount Clea, who was just about to greet her, widened his eyes in surprise.

“Lady Peils?”

“…Ah! Viscount Clea.”

Luna greeted the Viscount, managing to conceal her previous anger. No matter how angry she was, she had to separate personal and official matters.

“I only realized after arriving that you are the owner of the jewelry store. However, thanks to our mansion contract, we meet often, so I’m not too disappointed. Hahaha!”

The Viscount laughed heartily, as if suggesting they should get along better from now on. If it had been anyone else, she would have cursed under her breath for wagging his tail now, but not Viscount Clea.

From the beginning, he treated her with respect and without prejudice.

“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

And since he dealt with luxury furniture and mansions, being on good terms would be beneficial.

Right. Focus on the main job for now. Talking and getting angry with Antes could come later. With that in mind, Luna warmly greeted the Viscount and other guests who came to congratulate her on her new business.

* * *

“Ah, I feel like I’m on the brink of death.”

After finishing her work, Luna returned to the mansion, and she barely managed to move to the terrace and collapsed on the table.

Having moved from dawn to dusk in sharp heels and a dress, she was exhausted. She needed to rest for a few days.

Concerned, Emma hurried over with a cold drink, her expression one of sympathy.

“If I knew you’d be this tired, I might have come with you.”

“No, it’s good you didn’t. When things calm down, we’ll go together. Ah! I have something for you.”

Saying this, Luna signaled to Laura, who then placed a box on the table.

“I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I had these made. I’ll customize them further for you later.”

Made? What? Customize? Confused, she urged Emma to open the box.

Emma, puzzled, opened the box to find several beautiful necklaces intricately crafted from gold and diamonds.

“It’s a gift. The largest ones are for Laura and Emma, and the rest are for the servants.”


Laura, who had just brought the box and didn’t know its contents, blinked in surprise and asked.

Emma was equally stunned, trying to process what Luna was saying.

“You always give to others, but never take care of your own. I’ve worked hard to make it, so please accept. We have plenty of diamonds, so don’t worry. Understand?”

There was a firmness in Luna’s voice, indicating she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Seeing this, Emma stared at the necklace for a while and then, with tears forming, nodded in gratitude.

“Thank you, Miss. I’ll pass it down through generations.”

“Me too…!”

Going overboard. I should prepare an even bigger gift later to make her cry. Thinking that, Luna nodded.

Suddenly, a familiar face who wouldn’t be surprising even if he appeared out of the blue interrupted the touching scene.

“Where’s my gift?”

“Why are you ranting about gifts when you need to do well?”

Even if you hit me with a diamond, it wouldn’t help. In response to Luna’s sharp reaction, Antes calmly sat down opposite her and replied.

“You seem to have calmed down a bit since you’re speaking politely again.”

“I’m a rational person. I don’t randomly steal others’ things like the young lord does.”

“In that case, it’s a bit disappointing. I quite liked it when you scolded me informally.”

“…Are you seriously saying that now?”

What on earth is he talking about? Luna downed the drink in front of her in one gulp.

The reason she didn’t grab Antes by the collar like before was simple. She realized that there was a reason he had been annoyingly talking to Deborah all day.

As ridiculous as it was, she had to admit it. Until then, her head had hurt and her heart had been on edge, but strangely, all that melted away when she heard there was a reason.

“By the way, Miss! Have you had dinner yet? Have you eaten, lord Antes?”

“No, don’t tell me you’ve prepared my share too?”

“Of course! I thought you’d come with us. I’ll bring it right away. It’s cool outside, so it might be nice to eat here.”

Emma added that she will wear the necklace after she finishes work, and hurried to the kitchen.

Laura disappeared into the mansion with a box, saying she would hand out necklaces to the servants.

No one thought they had fought since it was a common scene.

The servants were more interested in the necklace Luna had prepared than in the couple’s bickering.

“Now tell me everything in detail. Phantom thief Antes,” Luna said, crossing her arms.

She seemed ready to grab him by the collar again if unsatisfied.

Meanwhile, Antes, who had taken a sip of the wine a servant brought before dinner, began to explain.

“That Deborah woman isn’t nobility. She didn’t tell me her family name. From her speech and behavior, it’s evident. But she was being referred to as ‘Miss’ and accompanied by a servant from the Duke Rodrian family.”

She even tried to imitate Luna’s face by filling in the differences with makeup. Luna blinked at the added comment.

“She doesn’t look like me?”

“…? Yes.”

Antes’s response was a bit slow.

“But you said she resembles me?”

“I did? I never said that. I said she tried to imitate the Lady.”

Indeed, Antes never explicitly mentioned that Deborah and Luna looked alike.

“For instance, the unique upward curve of your eyes, or the length of your lower eyelashes. The roundness of the nose or the thickness of the lips-“

“Hey, hold on!”

Luna hid her face with her palms as Antes listed her features in detail. When had he observed her so closely? What’s he even talking about?

Seeing her ears turning bright red, Antes laughed joyfully.

Everything about her was just too adorable, even the hand that had grabbed his collar.

“So, she imitated these subtle differences. I wondered what was going on, so I talked to her unnecessarily. Is the misunderstanding cleared up now?”

Luna nodded hurriedly, her face still buried in her hands. She felt so embarrassed and wished he’d stop.

“Miss? Why are you like that? Oh my, why are your ears so red? Are you hurt?”

During this, Emma and other servants brought out dinner. Seeing Luna’s bright red ears, Emma expressed her concern.

Since Luna’s hair was black, her red ears stood out more. Realizing this, Luna quickly pulled her hair forward to cover her ears.

“No! I’m fine!”

But her voice was too loud, and her face was redder than her ears.

What’s wrong? It was always strange, but today it was even stranger.

Emma was about to suggest calling a doctor, thinking she might really be ill, but Antes, looking amused, gently held Emma’s wrist and shook his head.

Realizing why Luna’s face had turned so red, Emma sighed softly and smiled warmly. At times like this, it was best to quickly put down the food and disappear.


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