The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 118 Table of contents

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It began as a meal that made her face flush, but before long, Luna acquired a steel-like resolve in both body and mind.

It was all thanks to the wine. She guzzled wine endlessly due to embarrassment, anger, confusion, and many other reasons.

With her composure regained by the wine, Luna confidently faced Antes sitting opposite her. No, she went beyond confidence and began venting in various ways.


“Bringing someone pretending to be the young lady and not knowing what they’re up to, it would be apt to call that person crazy. They are from a family you shouldn’t associate with.”

“No, I mean you.”

…Suddenly? He was sure he had been explaining about Fersen and Deborah just moments ago.

With slightly relaxed eyes, Luna, even pointing her finger, fiercely attacked Antes.

Thanks to this, Antes, hit unexpectedly, leaned on the chair’s backrest and asked why she did so.


“Why on earth are you like this?”

As if urging her to continue, Antes waited for Luna’s words without replying.

“Why is it always so sudden? Should you give me a heads-up so I can get ready? I really can’t understand why the explanation comes only after I misunderstand and get angry.”

Why even speak, then? Just don’t say anything and live however you want, Luna sharply added.

“I should apologize for taking the diamond without permission. I wanted to tell the young lady first, but I wasn’t in a state to.”

Luna might have fled even before he could explain. Things took a sudden turn.

It wasn’t the first time. She had a history of running away, diverting topics, getting extremely flustered, and more.

So, being unilaterally blamed for not trying to reconcile felt somewhat unfair. Luna raised her hand, implying she wasn’t discussing that.

“Not that. You confessed that, and if you lose it, I was thinking of asking you to repay it tenfold.”

Luna sneered, as if challenging him to lose it all and see her take all his wealth.

“Then what’s the issue?”

When asked why she misunderstood and got angry, Luna, still seemingly irritated, responded.

“I thought the young lord fell for Deborah! Despite your personality, you were conversing at length.”

Antes was a bit taken aback by the directness. The power of alcohol was truly astonishing.

Now that the topic was broached, he might as well get the full answer. After facing unexpected swearing, he thought the day was ruined, but it was back on track.

“If I’m smitten, isn’t that good for you? I don’t understand why you misunderstood and got angry. You sang about breaking up. You even said to make friends with anyone.”

“That’s because…!”

At this, Luna, who had been sharply criticizing Antes, faltered. Even in her drunken state, it was hard to admit it was out of jealousy.

But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t reply. Luna, avoiding Antes’s expectant gaze, muttered her reply.

“…I take it back.”

“What? Take back what?”

“The part where I said let’s break up! …On second thought, there’s no need to break up just because a friend appears. Let’s just… stay as we are now. Let’s not break up.”

Luna turned her head as if to end the conversation. Her earlier boldness was gone, replaced by embarrassment.

But Antes wasn’t going to let the conversation end here.

“…So you mean continue dating indefinitely?”

“Is that… how it is…?”

Luna, seemingly hesitant, replied ambiguously. That response was enough. The rest was up to Antes.

“Then I should take back what I said before.”

“… Which statement?”

“The one where I said to use and dump while dating. No, I misspoke.”

Perhaps he could erase from memory an outrageous remark.

He should’ve prepared flowers. Or at least a gem shaped like a flower.

It was already his second regret.

However, that didn’t mean he could let this opportunity pass. He hadn’t received advice from anyone yet, so he wasn’t sure if acting like this was right, but feeling that if not now, when, Antes got up from his seat and approached her.

Only spouting incomprehensible words, Luna flinched her shoulders at the suddenly approaching Antes, but she didn’t back away.

Holding onto the armrest of the chair Luna sat in, he poured out his heart with a seriousness she had never seen before.

“I wish you’d stop this pretend relationship and officially go out with me. I’ll try not to be abandoned even after you’ve used me.”


At his words, Luna was so shocked she couldn’t even blink, becoming completely stunned. What is this man saying right now?

Suddenly, she felt sober. No, it wasn’t just the alcohol; it felt like someone had smacked her in the head.

She had known for a while that he was interested in her, but receiving an actual confession was a whole different matter.

“Well, well, well, are you saying you like me…?”

Thinking she might be hallucinating because she drank too much wine, when she asked, Antes answered with a regretful look.

“Yes, I like you. I regret confessing like this without any preparation.”


Upon his response, Luna’s heart dropped. No, more than that, it felt as if it would burst out, beating violently.

Seeing Luna’s lack of response, Antes opened his mouth as if to lessen her burden.

“If you don’t like it, you can say so.”

Of course, that didn’t mean he would cleanly give up. It literally meant it was okay if she said no.

If Luna rejected his confession here, he thought of seeking advice from others and confessing properly next time.

“Just a moment!”

However, Luna, who misunderstood it as him saying he would give up if she disliked it, unknowingly grabbed Antes’s arm. Feeling like he might suddenly leave without any response, she instinctively held onto him.

“G-Give me some time to think…! It’s too sudden…”

Then, holding tightly onto his arm, she said that asking for time itself was closer to an affirmation.

Her face, which had been in deep thought, had turned bright red, and the hand holding Antes’s arm was trembling.

Antes, who noticed this, widened his eyes briefly before calming down.

Although he wanted to hurry and ask for an answer, since Luna asked for time, he should grant it.

“…How long? Five minutes?”

“Fi…Five minutes?!”

“No, three minutes. Three minutes should be enough. Just yes or no.”

Of course, that didn’t mean he would wait long. Antes, who decided to give only three minutes, waited for Luna’s response.

If it was like usual, she would’ve said it was too short and asked for more time, but neither Luna nor Antes were in their right minds.

“One minute has passed.”


Antes hurried Luna again, saying a minute had passed when not even ten seconds had gone by. He didn’t even check the clock.

Feeling pressed, Luna bit her lip, unsure of what to do, but before she knew it, Antes said another minute passed, and she blurted out her response.

“Okay, I get it! I said I get it! Let’s officially date…!”

She was about to bow her head, unable to face Antes-


But Antes quickly reached out and hugged Luna tightly.

“Wait a minute!”

“I thought I could tolerate being rejected once or twice.”


So, you mean I could’ve rejected you?! Luna thought he was going to cleanly give up, so she agreed without thinking.

Luna felt somewhat wronged. Even so, the beating of his heart against her chest was fierce.

So, Luna’s wandering hands eventually embraced Antes’s back. Feeling embarrassed and shy was secondary; for some reason, she felt she needed to do so.


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