The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 133 Table of contents

Everyone failed to understand what Callion was saying, and an awkward silence fell.

The head of the Duke’s family goes to someone with a special power? Could there possibly be superpowers in this world?

After a moment of contemplation, Luna, frowning, tapped on Antes’s hand, seeking an answer. But it seemed like he, too, had no clue, as he simply shook his head.

“So, is that why you hated and tormented him for such a long time?”

“No, it’s not like that…!”

Everyone was puzzled, but Callion continued speaking.

“Actually, it was a good idea. If it had been his reputation not long ago, people would have supported you even if it was revealed that the Duke’s position should be returned to him. But not anymore.”

Callion, smirking, shifted his gaze from the despairing Duke to Antes.

“Antes Vincent.”

Luna instinctively held Antes’s hand. From the flow of the conversation, it seemed like the Duke was saying that he took away the title of Duke for Antes.

‘Does that even make sense? Such a sudden twist? Until recently, he was the ultimate villain.’

Luna wasn’t the only one who thought so; Antes silently waited for Callion’s next words.

“Why do you think there’s only one Duke’s family in an Empire with such a deep history?”

But instead of an exact answer, Callion posed a quiz. Antes, irritated, responded with a fierce look.

Knowing his temperament, Callion wasn’t offended and answered himself.

“The first Duke greatly assisted in founding the Empire. Other families helped too, but their contributions paled in comparison. Why? Because-“

The Empire’s history was so old that everyone had forgotten about it. It was almost a mythical founding story, so no one thought it essential.

“He possessed immense power. Enough to take on hundreds of enemies alone. That’s why it wasn’t expressed accurately in the founding myth.”

Because the imperial family could lose respect. It wouldn’t be strange to say that the Duke’s power was truly a blessing from God.

Nevertheless, instead of competing for the throne, the first Duke helped the Emperor build the Empire, swore loyalty and became the only Duke in the Empire.

However, this power was not inherent in all members of the Duke’s family. There were times when it wouldn’t appear for years, decades, or even a century.

“From then on, the one with that transcendent power became the head of the Duke’s family.”

It didn’t matter if someone else took on the title in the interim. As soon as the one with the power came of age, they inherited the Duke’s title.

Unfortunately, it was a forgotten fact as no one with power appeared after the Marquis Vincent family became independent from the Duke Rodrian family, but for generations, the heads of the Duke family were the first to learn this fact from the previous Duke when they became the head of the family.

“It’s a truth that wouldn’t have been revealed if we hadn’t investigated the Duke’s family this time.”

“So, are you saying that the extraordinary physique and power of the young lord, who can survive a three-story fall with just a few coughs, is inherited from the first Duke…? And that’s like a mark of the Duke?”

That’s why the Duke despised Antes so much, brainwashing Fersen…

‘Was he really defeated in the original work?’

No, he could take on hundreds of enemies alone. Could he have been truly defeated? The story ended with a half-crazed Antes jumping into the river.

‘No, there’s no way such a robust person would die from jumping into a river.’

Antes had a body that could probably survive even if stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Unable to bear Fersen and Seira any longer, he might have jumped into the river, leaving the world to live alone. They never found the body, so it made sense. Afterwards, the story only mentioned that Fersen and Seira lived happily after driving out evil.

‘What a trashy novel!’

Luna’s eyes glinted fiercely. Her prior defense of the novel was nowhere to be seen.

Of course, this was a storyline that emerged through holes the author hadn’t foreseen, but it was still infuriating. How could they give such a tragic end to a perfectly healthy(?) person?

While Luna was grappling with her emotions, Antes, who had been silent, finally spoke to Callion.


It was an unexpected reply, as if asking, ‘What does that have to do with me?’

Startled, Luna grabbed Antes’ arm.

“Y-Young lord?!”

“If I really have to take it despite not being interested, give it to Fersen.”

“Ah, Lord Antes?!”

This time, Royer who had been watching the trial with a tense face grabbed Antes’s opposite arm.

“Hmm, okay. Let’s wait and see if that happens.”

As Callion, seemingly unsurprised, gave a meaningful reply with a cheerful smile, the Emperor paid no attention to Antes’s disapproving comment and continued to speak his mind.

“Then, young lord Vincent, see you later in the imperial palace.”

With that, the trial was over. The Emperor and Crown Prince exited with orders to take the convict away.

During the time when the defeated Duke and the criminals were being dragged away by the guards, Luna shook Antes’s arm and asked,

“Are you serious? You really don’t care?”

“I don’t.”

“It’s a Duke! The only one in the Empire!”

Everyone was certain to regret their past criticism of Antes and to praise his strength. Yet, Antes’s reply was firm.

“I dislike it. I’m already busy. Do I now need to receive the title of Duke? Do I have time to visit any territories?”

“…Then what am I supposed to do when you answer like that?”

I guess I’ll look like the most materialistic person ever. But Antes truly seemed uninterested in the title of Duke.

For someone already so content, there was no reason to force them to become a Duke.

“Besides, if I accept the title, I’d have to change my name to Rordrian. Are you really okay with that?”


Apparently, that was what Antes disliked most, and Luna seemed to agree wholeheartedly.

Antes Rordrian! Calling Antes the Duke of Rordrian was unbearable.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. You should definitely not accept the title.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

On the other side, Royer seemed a bit disappointed by their conversation.

Just as their talk seemed to end, the Duchess, who had only been waiting for the trial to finish, approached Luna and Antes and thanked them.

“Thank you for your help. I heard you found the evidence as well. I’m not sure how to express my gratitude…”

One might have been annoyed had she left without any thanks, but she had taken the effort to come over and express gratitude.

“I also owe gratitude to a person named Beth who bought us time to get the evidence. Although using Deborah did weigh on my conscience.”

“No, it’s me who should be thanking you! After all, my greed brought about this crisis…”

It wouldn’t be fair to only blame the Duchess; she had helped a lot. Thanks to her, they could avoid certain unpleasant events, and Luna got to meet some people.

After Deborah, expressing gratitude, hesitated for a moment, the Duchess carefully began to speak.

“I feel like I’ve done something terrible and want to repay you somehow…”

There was no need for hospital bills due to Luna’s free clinic, and a portion of the Duke’s assets were expected to be received as compensation, so no money was needed.

So, as the Duchess anxiously asked what she could offer, after some consideration, Deborah spoke up slowly.

“I have no more personal needs, but there are still many who barely get a meal a day. Instead of helping me, please help them.”

It seemed she was suggesting something like free meals. Deborah looked down, possibly feeling she was asking too much.

“I’d be happy to help with that. It’s a good idea, right, madam?”

Luna, admiring the suggestion, supported Deborah’s idea.

The Duchess had been inclined to help from the start. With Luna’s support, there was no way she could refuse.

“Okay. It sounds like a good idea. I’ll do that. Deborah, if there’s anything else I can assist with, let me know.”

The Duchess, hiding her surprise, followed Luna’s cheerful agreement.

“Ah! Are you going to stay in the capital? I have an unused mansion. If you need it, I can give it to you. I plan to leave the capital once my divorce is finalized.”

“A mansion?”

“Of course, it’s quite small, perfect for you and your mother. How about we go and see it now? While we travel, I’d like to hear more details about Deborah’s suggestion.”

Contrary to her fragile appearance, the Duchess was very proactive. She took Deborah by the hand, urging her to go see the mansion together.


As Deborah hesitantly stepped forward, Luna waved and turned her attention back to Antes.

“Shall we head back and have a party? Everyone must be waiting.”

Extending her hand first, Luna was immediately met by Antes, who took her hand without hesitation. Finally, everything was settled, marking the start of peaceful days.

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