The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 134 Table of contents

* * *

Returning to the mansion, Luna informed everyone of the trial’s outcome. Antes hesitated to bring it up, but before he could, Royer took the lead and spilled it out.

“What?! So, young lord Antes is becoming the Duke?!”

“No, I won’t. I don’t want to be called by the trashy name ‘Duke Rodrian’.”

Antes looked at Laura’s question with a straight face. Laura couldn’t refute his very valid response and mumbled, ‘It’s such a waste…’

“Don’t worry. There must be a way. A very good way.”

“No, there isn’t.”

Antes immediately denied Royer’s hopeful remark. The tone was as if even if there was such a method, he would discard it.

Only then did Royer realize that it wasn’t just the name ‘Rodrian’ Antes hated, but the title of ‘Duke’ itself. Royer let out a sigh of sympathy.

He once again felt that being beside Luna, rather than next to Antes who rejects incoming good fortune, was much better.

“Anyway, it’s a relief that all the nasty rumors about Lord Antes were proven to be the cowardly schemes of the Duke. It’s not like Lord Antes to hurt someone without reason.”

Emma put new food on the table and chuckled.

She used to be indifferent, but since Luna started meeting Antes, she occasionally heard the rumors about him. Yet, she never mentioned them, suspecting they were baseless just like the ones about Luna.

Checking Emma’s cheerful expression, Royer couldn’t hide his discomfort. Aside from the Duke’s schemes, Antes’s character was originally terrible. Glorifying him like this made Royer’s painful past seem pitiable.

“What are you talking about now…?! Who’s Rodrian? The Duke?!”

During their conversation, Rosemary appeared with impeccable timing, which was no longer surprising.

Since Rosemary had to know anyway, Luna explained everything in detail.

“You rejected that?! Are you mad?! No, you’ve been mad since you were young, but now you’ve gone completely crazy?! What kind of person does that?! Do you even think?!”

At the harsh criticism that followed, Royer nodded in satisfaction.

Regardless, Antes wasn’t interested. Plus, he knew a surefire way to shut Rosemary up.

“It’s surprising you didn’t know. I thought you’d be the first to hear. Like when Luna and I got the trial information before anyone else.”


Rosemary’s mouth snapped shut in disbelief. She froze, as if sentenced to death.

“Didn’t the man you’ve recently become close with tell you that much?”

“A man…?! Are you saying Lady Rosemary is seeing someone?!”

Could it be the high-ranking official of the imperial court palace? And it’s not a woman but a man?! Luna asked Rosemary in astonishment.

Royer felt the same. Always focused on work, studies, or rumors, the second prodigal child meeting a man was more interesting than anything.

Not just the two of them, everyone’s gaze was fixated on Rosemary, pressuring her to confirm Antes’s words.

Not wanting to get slapped for making a careless remark, the cornered Rosemary stuttered before thinking of a brilliant reply.

“That’s not the point! Why are you focusing on someone else’s life? Isn’t it more important when two people, who have been dating for over half a year, will get married?!”

She was referring to Luna and Antes. By pointing out their lack of progress, Rosemary hoped to divert attention.

However, the ones who reacted weren’t Luna and Antes, but Laura and Royer.

“Ro-Rosemary! Marriage?! She hasn’t even received a proposal yet!”

“I was planning to secretly do it in the garden tonight, but how can I if you ruin the surprise like this!”

Baffled by the two’s overreaction, Rosemary tried to grasp the situation and asked what they were talking about.

“I was talking about Miss Luna and her elder brother… those two, are they dating…?”

“…Did, did you not know?”

“Uh, yeah… should I have known earlier…?”

“No, it’s not that… it was a secret…”

Suddenly embarrassed, Royer scratched his cheek and replied. There could be nothing more awkward and embarrassing than this moment.

Luna, seeing Laura’s face turn red as if about to explode, smiled slightly and swiftly changed the subject.

“Well, let’s pretend we heard nothing. Okay? Let’s just discuss where a good venue would be if someone were to get married, and what kind of dress they should wear. Oh, and don’t forget to avoid the place before proposing.”


Seeing the upset Laura, everyone except Royer burst into laughter.

* * *

Despite it being a private trial, rumors began to circulate that some nobles and officials, including the Duke, were punished.

It wasn’t unreasonable, given some nobles had suddenly moved or lost contact. Some of the rumors were spread by Rosemary.

“Miss Luna! You have a visitor!”

“Really? Who is it?”

“It’s Marquis Vincent and the Marchioness!”

“…Huh? Who?”

Upon hearing that name after a long time, Luna quickly rushed downstairs. As Laura had said, Marquis Vincent and his wife were at the entrance, greeting Luna.

“We apologize for visiting so suddenly. We have a favor to ask of you…”

“Oh, it’s no problem! I was just taking a break. Please come in.”

The Marquis and Marchioness deeply bowed in gratitude at Luna’s polite invitation and then moved to the terrace.

They seemed to struggle to voice their request even after the refreshments were served. Luna had a feeling she knew why they came – probably because of Antes, given they lived with Rosemary, who spread the rumor.

Without saying a word, Luna waited for them to speak. After a brief pause, the Marchioness, who had been holding her tea, finally spoke up.

“It may sound presumptuous, but the reason we visited today is to ask if you can arrange a meeting between us and Antes. It’s probably too late, but…”

“It’s never too late. What’s important is sincere apology between a parent and a child.”

It was true that the two hurt Antes, but Luna thought maybe there was some misunderstanding. Maybe some dark scheme by a novelist, or a nasty trick by the villainous Duke of Rodrian, or circumstances beyond their control.

She wasn’t sure as she hadn’t witnessed the events firsthand, but Luna, too, had been misunderstood in the past, so it was a plausible assumption.

“I’ll arrange a meeting soon. Don’t worry.”

Upon hearing her positive response, the Marquis and Marchioness looked relieved.

Seeing their faces, Luna once again felt they must have had a reason to send their son away. As she was about to discuss further details, Antes unexpectedly showed up at the terrace.

“I have nothing to say.”

Without waiting for the question of why he was there, it turned out Antes had been visiting Luna’s house daily.

He wasn’t particularly productive but enjoyed casual chats and, like other lovers, wanted to be with Luna every moment.

So, without any prior planning, Antes had walked in himself.

Caught off guard by their son’s sudden appearance, the Marquis and Marchioness looked stiff. But Luna, sensing an opportunity, grabbed Antes’s arm and said with an unusually bright smile:

“I was just thinking of you. It’s so good to see you. Why don’t we sit down and have some tea?”

She rubbed her cheek against the arm she had grabbed, considering it a bonus.

Luna had never acted this way before, causing a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth. 

Antes, who was momentarily staring at her, silently took a seat, so she pretended to be unaffected.

“Want a cookie? They’re freshly baked and soft.”

Luna held out a soft cookie to Antes’s mouth. It was a line that wouldn’t be amusing even if said a thousand times, but Antes accepted and ate the cookie without a word.

“I’d also like some fruit.”

Moreover, he shamelessly asked her to place fruit in his mouth.

Normally, she would’ve lightly smacked his back, but now she had to pacify him.

Smiling warmly, Luna complied with his request and put fruit into Antes’s mouth.

She continued to feed him various things, and even wiped his mouth with a napkin. Only after being satisfied did he turn to the couple sitting opposite him.

“What business do you have asking for a seat?”

His tone was cold.

It was a form of respectful address she’d never imagined him using before. It felt as if he was speaking to a stranger rather than family, which hurt the hearts of the couple.

However, they couldn’t miss this rare opportunity. The Marchioness gathered her courage to address the main issue she had been unable to convey for a long time.

“… Actually, I wanted to formally apologize to you about the past-“

“I don’t need i-“

Before she could finish, Luna quickly shoved another piece of fruit into Antes’s mouth.

There was a brief silence, but since he started chewing the fruit quietly, Luna gestured to the Marquis and Marchioness to continue speaking.

“…Even though it may sound like an excuse now, I thought sending you to the Vincent estate was the best option when the whole world seemed to be against you. At least until things calmed down.”

The Marchioness slowly spoke, while Luna continuously fed Antes cookies and fruit to keep him quiet.

“We should’ve protected and defended you against everyone… I’m truly sorry. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand why I couldn’t stand up for you then. Maybe I was the crazy one.”

The Marchioness wiped her tears with a handkerchief as she recalled the negative perceptions.

“Don’t talk about making amends now. Just know we genuinely regret our past actions and wish to apologize.”

“We don’t expect forgiveness, so don’t feel pressured. If you don’t want to see us again, then let it be.”


With the Marquis’s last statement, the conversation ended. For a conversation that took so much courage to initiate, it was surprisingly short.

Antes, who Luna thought would ask them to leave now that the matter was resolved, remained silent even though she wasn’t feeding him anymore.

Luna silently took Antes’s hand, feeling the sincerity of the parents.

Reconciliation might take some time, but considering the genuine feelings of the Marquis and Marchioness and Antes being a deep and warm-hearted man, it was possible.

Though no one spoke, the atmosphere was lighter than expected. Luna held Antes’s hand tighter and smiled softly at the Marquis and Marchioness.

Just when the day seemed to be wrapping up warmly, a second unexpected visitor came to Luna’s mansion.

“Miss! Someone from the imperial palace has come! Ah, to be precise, a letter!”

“The imperial palace? A letter?”

Wondering what had happened now, Luna went to the entrance to receive the letter, with Antes following her like a magnet.

The one who brought the letter was Callion’s aide. He politely greeted Luna and Antes.

“I apologize for the sudden visit. I was puzzled why His Highness asked me to deliver a letter at the Rose Mansion, but you’re both here.”

The Crown Prince’s aide personally delivering a letter? Luna and Antes, puzzled by the occurrence, were handed their respective letters.

Since he seemed to want confirmation that they read it, both of them opened and began reading their letters.

A moment later, Luna, with an incredulous expression, dropped her letter. Antes, with an extremely displeased look, crumpled him.

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