Seoul Object Story
Chapter 44 Table of contents

The golden wave spread out.

The sight of the small golden Reapers spreading out all at once resembled a ripple with concentric circles.

They sometimes bumped into each other and fell over or rolled around after getting caught on something.

Using their ghost form intermittently, they would disappear and reappear as they spread out in all directions.

However, they seemed unaccustomed to ghost form, as each time they shifted, they would roll across the ground.

They would run on their tiny feet, vanish like ghosts when encountering obstacles, and reappear on the other side, only to lose balance and roll again.

Upon spotting a human, they would enthusiastically sprint over and embrace them.

The first Reaper to cling to a human lifted its tiny hands in triumph, wearing a victor’s smile.

As if marking their territory, only one Reaper attached itself to each person.

If another Reaper tried to approach, it would glare them away with its eyes.

Before the golden Reapers appeared, the expo was like a buffet for Objects hostile to humans.

A buffet with prey lying unconscious all around.

But the Objects intending to feast were forced to stop in their tracks with the appearance of the golden Reapers.

To the Objects, the golden Reapers emanated an ominous aura.

And with their overwhelming numbers, they felt even more intimidating.

The air, which had been charged with hostility towards humans, suddenly became calm.

However, the tranquil atmosphere created by the golden Reapers did not last for even ten minutes.

The less patient Objects began ignoring the golden Reapers and recklessly charging at the unconscious humans.

The seemingly harmless behavior of the golden Reapers also played a role.

Since the Reapers showed no interest in the Objects and simply clung to the humans, other Objects began to feel emboldened.

Perhaps these golden Reapers were actually passive and harmless? This hope gave the Objects courage.

The Objects that had been observing the golden Reapers and waiting for an opportunity began to show their fangs towards their prey once more.

It started with a lizard as large as a tiger.

Dinosaurs from the past, resurrected in the present.

The impatient dinosaurs charged towards the sleeping humans.

At that moment, the golden Reapers' eyes glinted as they lifted their heads.

The dinosaurs, faced with the glare of dozens of eyes, should have hesitated.

But unfortunately, these dinosaurs weren’t intelligent enough to heed such a warning.

The price for ignoring the golden Reapers’ warning was dire.

They died, bleeding profusely, with dozens of small Reaper-shaped holes pierced through them.

The golden Reapers, which had been shining brightly, were now stained red with blood.

These cute yet gruesome scenes occurred throughout the expo.

Until there were no more Objects left to threaten humans.

At that time, when everyone in the expo was asleep and Objects were running amok, making a mess of everything,

the door to Bucheon Research Institute’s control room opened.

A man in a neat suit, a lab coat, and holding an ornate cane led the way.

Behind him followed the researchers, moving like subordinates.

With a confident stride, the institute director walked across the expo hall, where everyone was asleep.

They had a clear goal as they headed towards one particular booth.

The director’s target was the Sejong Research Institute’s expo booth.

Inside was the Object on display, <Unbreakable Cube.>

The director arrived at the Sejong Research Institute booth and easily acquired the Object he sought.

The isolation room door was already open, and the security personnel were all asleep.

The CCTV and other electrical systems had been silent for some time.

The director smiled in satisfaction as he looked at the description attached to the Object.

<Unbreakable Cube.>

“With this, I’ve obtained the necessary Object.”

Holding the cube in his left hand and the cane in his right, the director looked around.

As he left the isolation room after completing his task, the atmosphere in the expo had slightly changed.

Where once only unconscious people lay, there were now tiny creatures scattered throughout the hall.

Golden Objects that closely resembled the Gray Reaper.

They stood on the chests of the unconscious people, craning their necks to stare at the director.

With dozens of these creatures staring at him, it somehow felt like being watched by a mob of meerkats.

“Is this the Gray Reaper’s ability? It’s a power I’ve never seen before. How is that possible?”

The discovery that the Gray Reaper possessed an ability unknown to him was a shocking revelation for the director, who had spent a long time observing and studying the Reaper.

While he was currently researching how to deal with "No Name," he resolved to capture the Gray Reaper and study him thoroughly in the future.

The Mini Reapers did not lose sight of the departing director, continuing to watch him closely.

The Mini Reapers seemed to exude an inexplicable sense of hostility toward the director.

This puzzled the director.

Why are these Mini Reapers hostile towards me?

No matter how much he pondered, he couldn’t determine the cause of this inexplicable animosity.

With a flick of his hand, the director summoned the researchers into his shadow.

Tap, tap.

With two taps of his cane on the ground, the director and the researchers disappeared without a trace.

The golden Reapers I created scattered in all directions.

They rolled around, collided with each other, and caused a commotion.

The Objects that had been threatening humans seemed disoriented by the sudden appearance of the golden Reapers.

Well, if something tiny like that started darting around out of nowhere, anyone would be confused.

Now that Yerin seemed relatively safe, I left her on the ground and climbed up a utility pole to survey the situation.

From above, the behavior of the golden Reapers was easy to summarize.

‘...These little guys really love humans, don’t they?’

That was my impression from watching them from above.

Golden Reapers that seemed to love humans without any particular reason.

The first thing that caught my eye was the sight of a golden Reaper piercing through the heart of a yeti.

It was a combination of three different Object abilities.

Seeing the tiny creature I created covered in blood made me feel a bit strange.

Squatting atop the utility pole, I continued to observe, and the golden Reapers’ behavior patterns became clear.

No interest in Objects whatsoever.

If an Object threatened a human, they would turn ferocious and attack.

They seemed to place great importance on protecting the humans they were attached to.

There didn’t seem to be any criteria for choosing which human to attach to.

Did they just like any human?

It seemed like they simply considered the first human they claimed as their own, which was a mindset I found difficult to understand.

Even now, one is clinging to my scalp, grabbing my hair with both tiny hands.

I’m an Object, not a human, so are they treating me as human because I’m their creator?

The Objects that posed a threat to humans were pushed to the outskirts of the expo hall by the ferocious golden Reapers.

Objects that didn’t directly harm humans were completely ignored by the golden Reapers.

Watching the Objects being driven to the outer edges of the expo hall, I noticed something strange.

This expo hall is designed like a kind of prison, isn’t it?

And it’s designed in such a way that it’s hard to notice it’s a prison unless you look closely.

The Objects that fled from the golden Reapers were trapped by the walls surrounding the outer edge of the expo hall, unable to move.

Well, the design of the expo hall isn’t my concern.

What I’m interested in is this sudden mass sleep phenomenon.

I need to find a way to solve this mass sleep crisis.

And the solution is probably with that giant golden tree.

Since the golden Reapers are protecting the people, I have the leeway to move.

Of course, the protection from the golden Reapers will only last a day, so I need to act quickly.

Leaving Yerin’s protection to the golden Reapers, I headed toward the giant tree.

The Bucheon Research Institute booth was strangely devoid of any researchers.

Other booths were filled with sleeping researchers.

Aside from a few spectators, there were no people who looked like researchers.

If they’re making it this obvious that “our institute is the culprit,” you’d have to be an idiot not to notice.

It’s clearly a crime committed by the Bucheon Research Institute!

What could they have hoped to achieve by putting everyone to sleep like this?

To prevent the establishment of the zoo... that doesn’t make sense, but now it’s even less likely the zoo will be approved.

So, another one of my dreams disappears...

I arrived in front of the golden tree, which was still emitting a strong light.

The tree stood tall in a wide open space.

I examined the conditions for destroying the tree that stood alone in the clearing.

[Humans must overcome the tree’s nightmare.]


Still, this hint was within the realm of comprehension.

Since everyone is asleep right now, they’re probably all having nightmares.

If someone wakes up here, the tree will be destroyed, right?

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