Seoul Object Story
Chapter 45 Table of contents

Morning, the beginning of a new day.

A sudden blackout engulfed Seoul.

It was an event accompanied by a widespread failure of electronic devices and localized communication outages.

The cause was quickly identified.

A Magnetic Sphere had suddenly appeared in the heart of Gangnam.

Once an Object that had instilled fear like the Iron Tower and caused severe damage across the Korean Peninsula, it no longer held the same terror.

The Object, whose characteristics and containment methods were well known, was quickly re-contained by agents equipped with specialized containment devices.

However, the containment failure of the Magnetic Sphere hinted at another incident.

An Object leak had occurred at the Object Expo!

The news spread rapidly.

Footage captured to verify the situation at the expo revealed a scene of devastation.

Objects packed tightly together were struggling to escape.

It was clear that most of the Objects on display at the expo had escaped from their containment facilities.

Given that the expo was meant to showcase the safe containment of high-risk Objects, massive damage was anticipated.

[Who exactly organized this expo?]

[How could they exhibit an Object like the Gray Reaper in such a venue? We must clearly establish responsibility and administer punishment.]

[Whoever thought it was a good idea to display <The Thief Who Doesn’t Steal> should be charged with murder!]

[<The Thief Who Doesn’t Steal>** was a government-controlled Object due to its high potential for criminal misuse. What were they thinking, bringing it out for display?]**

TV panels unanimously demanded that those responsible be punished.

When the incident was first reported, experts estimated that the likelihood of everyone inside the expo hall having died was over 90%.

This was largely due to the unusually high number of dangerous Objects included in the exhibit.

Fortunately, drone footage of the expo hall revealed that the number of fatalities was minimal.

However, the sight of small, gray Reaper-shaped Objects walking around and dripping blood near the few deceased individuals caused widespread unease.

Additionally, the fact that everyone inside the expo hall appeared to be asleep only added to the mystery.

What exactly had transpired within the expo hall?

Despite the public outcry, the government’s response was limited to surrounding the expo hall with military forces.

Many people questioned this decision, but the government provided the following explanation:

<At this time, we cannot send the military into the expo hall.>

<The density of Objects at the outskirts of the expo is too high, and some Objects cannot be neutralized with firearms alone.>

<Given that no additional casualties have occurred, a hasty entry could lead to even greater damage, so we are proceeding cautiously.>

<While we cannot specify the exact timing, we will thoroughly prepare and equip our forces before entering the expo hall after securing the list of Objects on display.>

Although the explanation made sense, it also gave the impression that they were deliberately stalling.

An elderly man, walking with a steady gait, emerged confidently in front of a quiet courthouse.

It was Oh Muryong, the chairman who had just been acquitted.

The trial of Oh Muryong had garnered significant media attention.

But now, the public’s focus had shifted elsewhere.

The high-risk Objects displayed at the expo.

The containment failure at the expo.

The blackout in Gangnam.

The lukewarm response from the military.

These pressing issues had taken center stage.

As Oh Muryong climbed into a prepared vehicle, it departed without delay.

"Sir, you're truly remarkable. With this much chaos, the trial won’t even be mentioned."

"There were too few casualties."

Oh Muryong clicked his tongue and spoke.

"Try to drag this out as long as possible. More blood needs to be spilled."

"But with all the attention already drawn, is there really a need to prolong it further?"



Though the middle-aged man showed some initial hesitation, he quickly composed himself under Oh Muryong’s cold gaze and answered calmly.

The sound of a tree snapping echoed, but it soon reverted to its original state, as if time had rewound.

For a tree, this Object had an exceptional level of regenerative ability.

[Humans must overcome the tree’s nightmare.]

I had already confirmed this condition, but just in case, I tried chopping the golden tree into pieces. As expected, it had no effect.

Objects that couldn't be destroyed by ordinary means often came with vague conditions, while those that could be easily destroyed had more straightforward hints.

[It will die if you sever its head and body!]

Hints like this, stating the obvious, would be provided.

In other words, the golden tree wouldn’t be easy to destroy by conventional means.

So, as the hint suggested, I needed to help someone overcome the nightmare, but how?

I tried splashing water on a nearby person and kicking them, but there was no sign of them waking up.

Instead, the golden Reaper attached to the person got furious and attacked me.

Thud, thud.

I waited for the tiny Reaper to calm down while gently stroking it as it hit me with its small fists.

Thankfully, the Reaper’s anger subsided quickly, and it returned to its original position.

Pondering deeply, I slowly wandered around the expo hall.

Thud, thud.

How could I help a human overcome the tree’s nightmare?

Should I fall asleep myself?

Time wasn’t on my side.

The dark night had already turned into morning.

The time for the one-day-lifespan golden Reapers was running out.

It was best to resolve this before the Reapers’ protection ended.


As I walked further away from the tree, I stumbled upon a shocking murder scene.


I screamed silently.

The body was torn to shreds.

A Tyrannosaurus lay dead, horribly mutilated.

Of course.

The dinosaur, being foolish, must have tried to eat a human and got torn apart by the golden Reapers.

With a heavy heart, I continued on my way.

I wandered around the expo hall, thinking about how to destroy the tree, but couldn’t find any clear solution.

Waiting for someone to overcome the nightmare seemed highly unlikely.

[Humans must overcome the tree’s nightmare.]

When I touched the golden tree, I could feel a pulsating power.

A pulse aimed at putting humans to sleep.

Since it was targeted at humans, the pulse had no effect on me as an Object.

But what if I didn’t resist the pulse? Could I fall asleep too?

I was a "former human," so maybe entering the dream and breaking it from within would count as overcoming it?

With that thought, I let the pulse wash over me.

Instantly, my vision went dark, and my mind began to fade.


Despite the disbandment of the Central Research Institute due to public outcry, those in the know understood its necessity.

A research institute capable of containing Objects that could become intangible.

A research institute that could contain dangerous Objects without significant risk.

Although the institute was marred by corruption and distrust, it was still a necessary facility.

‘The discovery of Agu’s concealment.’

‘The cover-up of an employee’s death.’

‘The cause of the Songpa-gu collapse.’

Even so, public sentiment was too negative to simply revive the Central Research Institute.

So the decision was made.

To secretly rebuild the Central Research Institute.

And I was offered the position of deputy director at this new secret Central Research Institute.

Despite being imprisoned simply for serving as deputy director of the original Central Research Institute, here I was.

Standing in front of the new Central Research Institute.

In my hand was a certificate of appointment.

A letter appointing someone as the director of the Central Research Institute.

A letter appointing as director the man who had died 30 years ago during the Agu incident.

By summoning the Object resembling that man to the institute, the Central Research Institute would be complete.


The sound of the stamp sealing the appointment echoed loudly.

With this, that man would be locked in the director’s office, endlessly writing incomprehensible documents.

But when I entered the director’s office, something unexpected occurred.


The office was still empty.

The director had vanished.

‘Ah, so that’s why.’

I now understood why the position of deputy director had been offered to me.

The director couldn’t be appointed.

“Ha, hahahaha.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

I wiped the smile off my face with my fingers.

“That man has come back to life.”

Perhaps because I was his son, I had a feeling this was the case.

Although I had spent my life hating that man, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Those who offered me the position of deputy director probably expected a different outcome because I was the son appointing the director.

But their expectations were in vain.

So, what happens now?

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