Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 45 Table of contents

The door opened and Judy Alber, the principal of Soul Academy, appeared, her dark circles evident under her eyes.


This is just a guess, but I think she must have been busy dealing with yesterday’s events.


“Hello, old principal.”


Is old the way to address a principal?


Her hair has turned white, and her face is wrinkled, so she definitely looks old, but she’s still the principal of the academy.


Isn’t adding old to the name too much?!


I thought to myself, but I couldn’t take back the words that came out of my mouth.


Fortunately, Judy just laughed it off when she heard the name old.


Was it okay for Judy, who has a good personality, to be called old?


Or was she just being a victim and letting it go?


Either way, it was fortunate that she didn’t seem too offended.


‘I came to complain.’


“I came to complain about what happened at this shabby academy.”


Judy smiled bitterly at the mention of the words of protest.


“Young Lady Allen has the right to do so. It seems like it will be a long story, but would you like to come inside?”


“Trying to drag me in. It’s suspicious, but I’ll let it go for now.”


“Hehe. How could I harm Young Lady Allen?”


The principal’s office of Soul Academy was exactly as I had seen it in the game.


The bookshelf with various old books on it.


The old staff leaning against it.


The parrot that made a loud noise along with the BGM in the game.


If this place was exactly like the game, the secret passage behind the bookshelf would be the same, right?


While sitting on the sofa and admiring the cozy principal’s office, Judy spoke first.


“Are you okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine.”


“So, you were able to walk all the way here, right?”


“Yes, it’s fortunate.”


It’s true that I almost died if I made a mistake, but I’m fine.


Judy let out a sigh of relief when I nodded.


“First of all, I’d like to thank you. According to the testimony of Joy Partran and Jacob who woke up last night, they were able to escape from there without any damage because Young Lady Allen took the lead. If it hadn’t been for your wit, there could have been casualties due to our Academy’s negligence. I sincerely thank you for stopping him.”








“At the same time, I’d like to apologize. You were put in great danger because we didn’t prepare properly. I know that an apology in words is meaningless. If there’s anything you want, please let me know. If it’s possible for us to do so, we’ll do our best to cooperate.”


Judy lowered her head, which was very embarrassing because she hadn’t expected the situation to turn out like this.


To the point where I was at a loss for words for a moment.


Let’s calm down.


The fact that they admitted their mistake means things are going in my favour.


‘Uh. So. What I want is…’


“What I want is simple. One of the magical tools that this shabby academy is keeping, Kerta’s Crystal Ball. If you give me that, I’ll forgive yesterday’s mistake with great generosity.”


Judy let out a sigh when I mentioned the magical tool for learning the Fountain of Magic.


Kerta’s Crystal Ball was considered a valuable item among the many magical tools in Soul Academy.


It was only natural that she would be worried since I was asking for something like that.


“How do you know about that magical tool?”


‘Is that important?’


“Are you trying to interrogate me? I feel bad, old principal.”


Now things are going a little the way I had expected.


Now, if Judy were to reject my offer, I would do as I had planned.


“That’s not the case, but… Okay.”


Mentioning Judy’s weakness and threatening her…




What did you say?


“Please wait a moment.”


After saying that, Judy got up from her seat, apologized to me, and left for a moment.


I couldn’t understand what was going on.


Did Judy just go to get Kerta’s crystal ball?


She decided to just hand it over without any negotiation or persuasion?!


<What’s the problem? Didn’t it turn out just the way you wanted it to?>


‘That’s true.’


But if Judy gives Kerta’s crystal ball like this, what will become of me who tried to blackmail her?!


This only makes me the bad guy!


Judy why are you nodding so easily!


In the game, you only get Kerta’s crystal ball as a reward after clearing all sorts of annoying quests!


But you’re willing to give it to me like this!


If you think about it, it was a good thing.


It was a good thing, but I couldn’t help feeling a sense of inferiority because I could feel the gap between the other person’s personality and mine.


Judy, this person is a good person even in this world.


Unlike that old man who stays locked up in Mace and nags at me all the time.


<Girl, are you having strange thoughts?>



Not at all?


Judy, who returned to the room shortly after, held out a purple crystal ball in front of me.


“Is this what you are looking for?”


I could see a lake of magical power spreading out beneath the translucent purple crystal.


Judging from its appearance, this was definitely Kerta’s crystal ball.


“Is this Kerta’s crystal ball?”


“That’s right. It’s a ghost created by the great wizard Kerta by collating his knowledge.”


It’s such a shame that I can’t feel the specs like in the game.


If this were a game, I would be able to tell right away whether this was real or fake.


For now, do I have no choice but to trust Judy’s personality?


“Don’t worry, how could I give a false item to the young lady of the Allen family?”


She must have noticed my suspicions.


Judy opened her mouth to reassure me.


“And by the way. I’m not just giving this to you. This is a bribe.”


“What do you mean a bribe?”


“When the wrath of the Iron-Blood Count reaches this academy, I want you to help calm him down. Count Allen is weak towards the young lady.”


I wondered why Benedict’s name was suddenly mentioned here, but after hearing Judy’s explanation, I understood.


Regardless of the circumstances, I almost died yesterday while taking the academy entrance exam.


How would Benedict react if he heard this news?


It was obvious what a person who loses his reason would do when it comes to his daughter.


He would pour out his rage on the academy.


That rage would certainly be huge and fierce.


So much so that ordinary people would not even dare to touch him.


However, I was the only exception here.


If I told him to be moderate, Benedict would definitely send someone to watch my every move.


It was the same when the incident with Karl happened last time.


So Kerta’s crystal ball was both a compensation and a bargaining item.


She would give it to me in exchange for calming Benedict’s rage.


Benedict must be a great person.


Judy, the headmaster of Soul Academy with a huge status, is even aware of it.


“Is the old headmaster aware of my family while being the headmaster? Okay, if my idiot father does something stupid, I’ll help you.”


Did things go smoothly thanks to that doting father?


I’ll have to thank you later.


Since I can’t say thank you because of the translation of Mesugaki, wouldn’t it be okay if I just act a little cute?


I felt guilty about having to call my father idiot father again, but it was okay.


My pride had already been somewhat put aside.


When I nodded, Judy’s stiff lips slightly relaxed.


“Thank you, my dear young lady. Oh, and can I ask you one more favour?”


“What do you want?”


“I’m sorry to bring up painful memories, but can I hear about what happened in the dungeon yesterday?”






You decided to listen to the story yourself instead of Luca?


It’s good.


I don’t want to talk to that human, Luca.


Judy, you can talk to me as much as you want.


I’ll tell you everything I can.


“I’ll do that much.”


Even though I got Kerta’s crystal ball, I didn’t use it right away.


I couldn’t do it because I remembered the time, I drank the elixir before.


If you use Kerta’s crystal ball, you get the ‘Fountain of Magic’ skill, which increases your maximum magic power and recovery power, right?


Then the situation will definitely be similar to when I drank the elixir.


I don’t want to roll around on the street enduring the pain, and I don’t want to lose the day by passing out from the pain.


So, I decided to use this magical tool after finishing my schedule and returning to the dorm.


After leaving the crystal ball with Karl, I left Soul Academy and headed toward the main church inside the academy.


I thought I’d get baptized while checking on Joy and Jacob.


What skills would that crappy god Armadi give his apostles?


If you become an apostle of a god in Soul Academy, you will be given skills that are appropriate for that person.


For example, if you are an apostle of the God of War, you will be given skills that are advantageous in group battles, if you are an apostle of the God of Art, you will be given skills related to charm or dexterity, and if you are an apostle of the God of Fire, you will be given a significant increase in fire resistance and proficiency in fire-based magic.


I know perfectly well what skills the apostles of gods get, but I didn’t know about the skills that the crappy god could give me.


That’s because Armadi never appeared in person in Soul Academy.


He was only mentioned by name, and he didn’t have any involvement in the lower world.


Thinking about it, Armadi was an incompetent and lazy guy even in the game.


Armadi may be a crappy and incompetent god, but he is still the center of all gods.


Considering that the skills of an apostle of a god are proportional to the power of the god, he will definitely give good skills.


My heart races.


Even I, who played Soul Academy for over ten thousand hours, am seeing these skills for the first time.


If possible, I would like it to be a skill that has wide utility and is fun.


If you give me a skill that is so amazing that I am surprised, I would be willing to call you by your name instead of a sloppy gord.


“Young Lady you came.”


The person guarding the entrance to the church was one of the priests who treated me yesterday.


He stepped back as soon as he saw my face, and then stopped walking when he realized that he was the only one who could respond to me.


I felt this way while receiving treatment at the church yesterday.


Lucy’s notoriety has spread everywhere, right?


Even the priests of the Lord’s Church in Soul Academy all avoided me.


The reason is obvious.


They know about the various atrocities Lucy committed at the church in the past.


Even though her favourability rating must have gone up to some extent because she had the Lord’s Church’s cross, seeing how I get looks like this, I really don’t want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten this cross.


“Why did you come here?”


‘Can’t I come here?’


“Sloppy priest, am I the devil? Can’t I even set foot in the church?”


“No, that’s not what I meant. That… So…”


When I furrowed my brow and asked him questioningly, the priest was visibly flustered and waved his hand.


His reaction was so funny that I wanted to tease him some more, but I had something to do right away, so I stopped.


‘I’m joking.’


“It’s a joke, so stop acting so sloppy. I came here to be baptized.”


“Huh? Baptism? Why?”


‘Because I became an apostle of Armadi.’


“I was chosen as an apostle of the Lord you believe in.”


“… Huh?!”


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