Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 46 Table of contents

The priest was speechless, stared at my face, then quickly came to his senses and smiled.


“Young Lady, it would be bad if you made fun of me.”


“Are you saying I lied?”




He denied it, but it was obvious that he didn’t believe me at all.


Is this how the boy who cried wolf feels?


But why do I have to experience it because of a lie I didn’t tell?


It’s so unfair.




<Girl, is it true that you were chosen as an apostle of Lord Armadi?!>


While I was wondering how to convince the priest, the old man started to get excited.


‘Didn’t I tell you?’


<No! You only said that you were saved by Lord Armadi!>


Now that I think about it, I was so out of it yesterday that I completely forgot to talk.


‘Yesterday, when Lord Armadi saved me, he said he would make me an apostle.’


<You forgot such an important thing until now.>


Grandpa swallowed his words as if he was frustrated and tried to spit out his usual nagging.


<No. Now is not the time to talk about that.>


‘Why are you doing that?’


<First, hide the fact that you became an apostle. Since that guy thinks it’s a lie, let’s take advantage of that.>


Are you telling me to hide the fact that I became an apostle of God?




In the world of Soul Academy, being an apostle of God is by no means a flaw.


Rather, it would be strange not to brag about it.


Why would you hide it when the great transcendent being in heaven highly values someone’s potential and makes them his apostle?


Even the apostles of God that appeared in the game would announce that they had become an apostle of God unless they were serving an evil god.


So why would Grandpa want me to hide the fact that I became an apostle?


It was hard to understand, but Grandpa’s tone was so serious that I said I understood.


Grandpa has never told me to do anything that would harm me.


‘Think whatever you want.’


“Believe it or not, do whatever you want. You sloppy priest.”


“Yes, I understand. But do you really want to be baptized?”




“I will do it, but why?”


“Is there a problem?”


“You know, being baptized…”


The priest went on and on about boring stories that everyone already knew.


Being baptized means becoming a new person.


He kept babbling.


I let it go in one ear and out the other.


When the priest seemed to have forgotten the story about the apostles, the old man let out a sigh of relief.


<Good job, girl. But if there’s something important like this, you should have told me in advance!>


‘I’m sorry I forgot. But why do I have to hide the fact that I’ve become an apostle?’


<Of course it’s because Armadi doesn’t have apostles.>


The old man told me a story that he said was from the Bible of the church.


The content was quite exaggerated because it was from the Bible, but to summarize, it was like this.


Armadi cannot favour anyone because he has to protect the center of the gods.


That is why he does not make anyone an apostle, even if he gives small help and mercy.


Personally, I felt that the story that Grandpa told was the result of the lazy and incompetent Lord trying to defend himself, but I did not say it out loud.


I thought I would hear another scolding from Grandpa if I did.


<Do you understand? An Apostle of Armadi should not exist.>


‘But I became an apostle.’


<It doesn’t matter whether what you say is true or not. What matters is that the moment you are proven to be the Apostle of Armadi, the authority of the church will be shaken.>


What if the Bible was lying?


What if there was another reason why the Apostle of Armadi did not appear?


I didn’t have to worry about this until now.


The Apostle of Armadi did not appear as the Bible said.


But the moment the Apostle of Armadi appeared, this premise collapsed.


<I don’t know how the current church is run. However, if things are not much different from when I was there, there will be nothing good for you to reveal that you are an apostle of Armadi.>


Usually, churches welcome the appearance of God’s apostles, but it was different for the Lord’s Church.


The sudden appearance of the Apostle of Armadi, who had not appeared for hundreds of years, meant that what the Lord’s Church had built up until now would be shaken.


The Lord’s Church would never welcome the Apostle of Armadi.


<If things go badly…>


Grandpa was holding back his words, perhaps because he didn’t want me to hear the dark side, but it wasn’t hard to imagine what would happen next.


In the worst-case scenario, the church might try to erase me.


The Lord’s Church isn’t a place that’s always clean.


After realizing that, cold sweat ran down my back.


It’s fortunate that Grandpa is here, but what would have happened if he hadn’t?


If I had just been blabbing about being the Apostle of Armadi without knowing anything… the outcome would have been dark.


You’re such a sloppy, petty, incompetent Lord!


Are you trying to assassinate me like this?!


If you got mad at the insults from me you should have just punished me, not try to bury me in such a dark way!


It’s a good thing I’m a liar.


If I had been a faithful person who wouldn’t lie in the name of God, what would have happened to me?


“Do you understand?”


As I was grumbling about my resentment toward the sloppy God, the priest asked me a question as if to confirm.


I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you were talking about, so it’s hard to answer.


<Just say you understand. I don’t think you heard it properly anyway.>


Well, this kind of explanation is like a kind of agreement to terms and conditions.


Neither the person explaining nor the person listening would care much.




“Sloppy priest, what do you think of me?”


When I shamelessly nodded, the priest tried to smile.


“It’s a procedure, I hope you understand.”


After that, the priest took me to a room inside the church.


It seemed more like a place to entertain guests than a place for baptism.


“Please wait here for a moment. I’ll bring someone to baptize Young Lady Allen.”




First you want to bring someone.


But since you’re a priest, can’t you baptize me?


Since I’m a noble, do I need someone of high rank to come out?


After sitting on the chair in the reception room for a while, the door opened wide, and someone came in.


The first thing I saw were her golden eyes.


Soft eyes that looked like the moon in the night sky was set on pure white glass.


White hair that seemed to have seeped into the long snow that reached down to her waist.


Skin that was so white that it could almost be described as pale.


And a pure white nun’s habit without a speck of dust.


The beautiful girl, who seemed to be like if the colour white were to take the form of a human, smiled as if even the devil would be purified as soon as she saw me.


“Hello, Lady Allen. I’m Phoebe of the Jushin Church. I’m someone who is undeservingly called a saint.”


Among the characters in Soul Academy, she was considered the best in terms of personality.


She was always ranked high in terms of appearance.


There, as the title of saint suggests, she is the best among the healer characters and has captured the hearts of even the most skilled.


Some people have slandered her as being too kind and uninteresting, but even the authors who spread those false rumours embraced her for her own abilities.


One of my favourite characters!


Why is the saint here?




The saint must have taken the entrance exam to Soul Academy, so it’s not strange for her to be here, but why did you come to see me?!


I was speechless at her beautiful and noble appearance.


When I saw Phoebe on the other side of the monitor, I couldn’t sympathize with the descriptions of noble or holy.


The word holy didn’t suit a woman who had a voluptuous body even under her baggy nun’s habit.


But now, those words hit me so well.




How could I have had such wicked thoughts in front of her when I was playing the game?


You pervert!


Get away!


This is not the place for you!


“Nice to meet you, Sloppy Saintess.”


I was impressed by the holiness of Phoebe and greeted her without thinking, bu the Mesugaki Translation caught me off guard.






Mesugaki Skill, can’t you sense the holiness of that person?


Even in that pure white place where all things in the world are touched, you’re saying sloppy things.


What a vicious demon you are!


I resented Mesugaki Skill, but on the other hand, I let out a sigh of relief.


A sloppy saintess isn’t the worst.


If Phoebe had been called a nickname by the community like they did with Joy, would Phoebe have been able to keep her smile after hearing the title of pervert saintess?


Should I say it was fortunate?


Should I say it was natural?


Phoebe just smiled even after hearing the sloppy word.


“Hehe. Thank you for treating me so well, Young Lady.”


Even after hearing the word sloppy, she said thank you.


As expected, she’s a saintess.


“What are you doing here?”


“First of all, I came to thank you. Thank you for protecting Joy. Thanks to you, Joy was able to return safely.”


Looking at Phoebe, who was bowing her head, I recalled the setting that Joy and Phoebe had been friends since childhood.


“How’s the Foolish Young lady? Is she okay?”


“Hehe. Foolish Young lady? You really call her that?”


Perhaps she found her friend’s nickname funny.


Phoebe turned her head away and laughed, barely calming herself down before answering that Joy was fine.


She had a slight injury, but she had healed it all.


That she was healthy.


“She’s not here right now because the Partran Duke took her away this morning.”


‘Then what about Jacob?’


“Then what about that little noble?”


“Little noble?.. If you mean Jacob, he’s fine too. Don’t worry.”


Fortunately, neither of them had any aftereffects.


“It seems like you call no one by their name.”


“That’s not true, Sloppy Saintess.”


Although the word “sloppy” is added in front, there are people I call by name, like Possell.


I don’t know the conditions for that yet.


“Is that so? I’d like to hear it once.”


“More than that, does the Sloppy Saintess’ business end here?”


“No, there’s one more thing. I heard that Lady Allen is going to be baptized today.”




No way.


“I’ll be in charge of that baptism. If you don’t want to, I can call someone else.”


‘No! It’s okay!’


“It doesn’t matter. Whether the Sloppy Saintess or the priest does it.”


“Ahaha. Then that’s fortunate.”


Oh my!


The day has come for me to be baptized by the saint!


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