Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 47 Table of contents

Saint Phoebe of the Church of the Lord had heard many stories about a person named Lucy Allen.


It was inevitable because Lucy Allen was a very famous person in the Church of the Lord.


Although her reputation was not good.


When she appeared at the church, she denied the existence of God.


She destroyed church property.


She threw eggs at the statue.


She verbally and physically abused the priests.


She showed up during the service and ruined the service.


The stories told by those from the Church of the Lord were all shocking.


As Phoebe listened to these stories, she thought she wanted to meet Lucy once.


She wondered what kind of wounds she had inside that made her scream like that.


Phoebe believed that there were no evil people in the world from the moment they were born.


She thought that the various things they experienced while growing up made people evil, and that if they received proper help from those around them, they could return to their good nature.


Phoebe, who had saved countless people throughout her life, never doubted her own thoughts.


It would be great if she could meet her someday, hear her story, and help her move in the right direction.


Phoebe had such a wish in her heart, but she could not achieve it.


As a saint of the Church of the Lord, she was not given the freedom to do as she pleased.


Then, Phoebe heard the name Lucy again when news of her having cured Agra’s curse reached the Holy Land.


‘Lucy Allen discovered a hidden place in Evans’ dungeon under Armadi’s guidance.’


‘That was where the Paladin Ruel’s Mace was hidden.’


‘After overcoming her ordeal, Lucy Allen obtained Ruel’s Mace and a potion containing miracles.’


‘After receiving guidance, she happened to find a person dying from Agra’s curse in Evans and cured him with a potion.’


The report from the Church of Allen was full of things that could only be described as miracles.


If this had been a report from any ordinary person, it might have been treated as nonsense.


However, the person who wrote this report was none other than Bishop Johan.


The person closest to the next pope, and the person whose public and private life were so sharply divided that it seemed as if nothing existed but public life.


Since he would never report something unverified, it was clear that everything written there was true.


Bishop Johan’s report brought great confusion to the Holy Land.


How could the impious Young Lady of Allen be guided by Armadi?


Was it okay to entrust Ruel’s Mace to that scoundrel?


Ruel’s Mace, which had completely disappeared, appeared.


Wasn’t Johan mistaken?


Many people raised their voices, and most of those voices were not in a positive direction.


This story that had heated up the usually quiet Holy Land soon came to an end.


Because the current Pope of the Jushin Church put an end to all controversy with one word, “If Armadi wants to embrace the prodigal daughter, should we doubt his intentions?”


Phoebe had the same thoughts as the Pope.


The merciful Armadi would never do something meaningless.


Therefore, as someone who lives under him, it is right to trust Armadi’s intentions and leave her alone.


Two months later, Phoebe, who entered Soul Academy to take the entrance exam for the academy, heard Lucy’s name again.


This time, it was neither good nor bad.


It was because of an unfortunate incident that happened at Soul Academy.


At the time of the incident, Phoebe was taking a dungeon conquest exam, so she didn’t know what was going on outside.


It was after finishing the exam and going outside that she learned that something bad had happened.


As soon as Phoebe went outside the dungeon, the priest who was assisting her approached her, and the priest told her about the incident that had happened during the academy exam.


‘Agra intervened in the academy’s dungeon.’


‘Joy Partran, Lucy Allen and Jacob Leeds were involved…’




After hearing that her friend was injured, Phoebe ran straight to the church to check on Joy.


Fortunately, Joy was sleeping deeply and had almost no external injuries.


As a priest, Phoebe knew that there was no need to worry about Joy, but she couldn’t leave Joy’s side.


She was afraid that something might go wrong with her few friends.


And how much time had passed?


It was only when evening had come that Joy opened her eyes and Phoebe hugged her.


After waking up, Joy asked Phoebe many questions.


How was she rescued?


What happened to the people who went in with her?




After Phoebe answered all of her questions to the best of her knowledge, Joy let out a sigh of relief.


‘I’m glad everyone’s safe.’


That’s right.


Phoebe didn’t ask Joy what had happened inside.


She knew that question would bring back bad memories for Joy.


Instead, Phoebe asked Joy about her daily life.


Things that have been fun recently.


Stories about her family.


Stories about her friends.


Joy caught on to Phoebe’s intentions, but she went along with her.


Lucy’s name appeared frequently in her stories.


‘Well, that person came to Tierra Mars because of me and called me a foolish young lady?!’


‘How can she be so annoying when she talks to me!’


‘On top of that, she must have talent because she’s become a completely different person in the past few months.’


She said she didn’t like it.


She was annoying.


She was annoying, but in Joy’s opinion, that wasn’t what she really meant.


‘You like the young lady you know?’


‘That can’t be true!’




When Phoebe quietly called her name, Joy, who had been opening and closing her mouth, closed her mouth for a moment before wiping her face and speaking.



Honestly, if the young lady hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here.


She’s like my saviour.


Phoebe quietly listened to Joy’s lament that began with those words.


She thought she had cleared a dungeon, but a new dungeon appeared.


The story of being forced into that dungeon when the floor collapsed.


The story of almost dying after meeting a monster that was impossible to deal with.


Phoebe held Joy’s hand, who could not continue speaking.


And then, as if the fear from that time had come back to her, she stayed by Joy’s side until she calmed down.


The next day.


While talking to the bishop of the church in Soul Academy, Phoebe heard Lucy’s name again.


‘Lucy Allen wants to be baptized.’


After hearing this from the priest of the church, Phoebe said that she would personally baptize Lucy Allen.


The bishop, who knew of Lucy’s many bad rumours, desperately tried to stop Phoebe, fearing that Lucy might harm the saint, but Phoebe was stubborn.


She was curious about Lucy as an individual, and at the same time, she wanted to express her gratitude to the benefactor who saved her friend.


In the end, Phoebe succeeded in getting her opinion across.


Lucy Allen, whom I first met face to face, was such a cute girl.


With her deep pink hair and eyes as lively as spring fruit, she didn’t look like someone with many bad rumours no matter how I looked at her.


“Nice to meet you, Sloppy Saint.”


However, the moment she heard her name, Phoebe realized that there was a reason why such rumours had spread.


Sloppy Saint.


Phoebe, who had always kept people who treated her poorly, was shocked to hear that she was a sloppy person.


However, she didn’t show it on her face.


According to Joy, Lucy Allen was a tough person with a bad mouth but a kind heart.


It wasn’t because she had any ill intentions…


“So how does the baptism proceed? Sloppy Saint?”


Phoebe felt her lips gradually harden as she continued to hear Lucy call her a sloppy saint.


It was strange.


Despite all the things Phoebe had experienced, she had never felt the need to get angry at anyone.


As she was human, there were times when she felt hurt and times when she felt annoyed, but at no time did Phoebe express her feelings.


However, for some reason, Lucy’s words always seemed to poke at a certain part of Phoebe’s heart.


“Sloppy Saintess?”


“Oh. Yes. Just do as I ask, Lady Allen.”


“Huh. Okay.”


Lucy’s answer didn’t sound strange when you just heard it.


However, the gesture of covering her mouth.


The look in her eyes that seemed to say, “How can someone like you be a saint?”


The eyebrows that clearly looked down on her.


They kept poking Phoebe’s heart.


Phoebe forced a smile and decided to finish the baptism as quickly as possible and go back.


Because she thought there was something strange about her today.


“Let’s get started right away.”


Phoebe said that and put her hands together and recited a prayer in her mind.


Then, a magical power containing a sacred aura surrounded Lucy.


“Just stay still, Lady Allen.”


The baptism of the church of the Lord begins with standing under the sacred magical power.


Then, under the magical power, one confesses the sins one has committed to God, and after pledging to live a righteous life according to God’s will from now on, one ends by embracing the magical power surrounding oneself.


Having experienced this kind of baptism countless times, Phoebe thought that this time would proceed without any problems.


However, it was different.


The magical power surrounding Lucy was completely different from the magical power that usually appeared when Phoebe used the baptism magic.


The magical power that seemed to blur the surroundings because it contained a strong divine power was exactly like Armadi granting Lucy a miracle.


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