Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 52 Table of contents

“Miss, you need to do it slower and more gently.”

“I am doing it.” “Look, useless maid, I’m doing it just like you said.”

“No, not like that. Here, let me show you.”

“I don’t get it.” “Is that the best you can explain, you fool? Try doing it properly.”

“Wait a moment. Um, so…”

My personal maid was standing beside me, looking into the mirror, trying to teach me how to fix my hair, but my hands were still clumsy.

It was so much harder to do something myself that I usually left to my maid.

Why does the academy have this rule that everyone must be treated equally, regardless of rank, and that no one is allowed to have servants?

It’s obvious that such a rule wouldn’t be followed.

After all, once you graduate from the academy, you go right back under the social hierarchy, so who in their right mind would uphold this idea of equality?

If it weren’t for that rule, I wouldn’t have to do something as tedious as brushing my own hair.

Damn it.

I complained inwardly, but whining wasn’t going to change reality.

Grumbling, I followed the maid’s instructions, and eventually, I managed to make my hair look decent.

To me, it looked good enough, but the maid’s expression said otherwise—it wasn’t satisfactory from a professional’s point of view.

Is there really anything more that needs to be done? It looks just like how I usually have it.

As I waited for the maid to speak, she slowly nodded her head.

“This should be sufficient.”

“Right?” “See? It’s much better than when you did it, useless maid.”

“Of course, Miss.”

Over the past few months, the maid had changed a lot.

When we first met, she used to tremble whenever I moved my hands, but now, nothing seemed to faze her.

I wonder what Lucy did to break someone down so completely.

“Are you ready, Miss?”

After finishing my appearance and stepping out of the dormitory, Carl was waiting for us at the entrance.

I told him to stop standing by the door like a creep, so now he was stationed at the dorm’s entrance instead.

Does this guy think an ideal knight is someone who stalks their master?

I was about to say something, but I realized it would be pointless since he’d just laugh it off, so I sighed and let it go.

“Let’s go. Everyone is on the move.”

“Yes, let’s.” “I know, useless knight. Don’t rush me.”

As Carl and I started walking, the maid remained standing in place.

Curious, I turned to see her holding the ends of her skirt and bowing her head.

“Have a safe trip, Miss Lucy. I’ll be waiting for your return at the mansion.”

Saying goodbye here?

We’re going to see each other again in just a few months—what’s with all the fuss?

I fully turned around and stood in front of the maid.

“I’ll be back, Erin.” “I’ll be back, useless Erin. Just wait for me.”

“...Yes, Miss.”

The entrance to the academy was teeming with people.

Last time, it was just students and servants, which was manageable, but now, with parents included, it was hard to imagine getting through the crowd.

But my worry was unfounded.

As I approached the entrance, people moved out of the way on their own.

It was as if a giant cockroach had appeared, and people split to avoid me, making me chuckle.

That’s right. I had been holed up in the mansion for the past few months and almost forgot that this is how I was treated.

As I received those stares mixed with fear and unease, a sigh escaped me.

No matter how you look at it, Lucy really did a lot of damage over a wide range.

If Lucy had just confined her antics to the mansion, she wouldn’t be so widely avoided.

Is it even possible to overturn this reputation?

At this point, it seems easier to just accept it.

Think positively. At least you’re getting inside without being crushed by the crowd. ‘Grandfather, could you stay positive in this situation?’ Better than having people crowding around you. Do you know how awful it is when people start gathering just because you’re there?

Grandfather began telling stories of when he was a hero, recounting how he and his companions would attract crowds that made it impossible to move.

After an incident caused by the crowd, he had to hide his identity as much as possible.

Even having a good reputation has its downsides, huh?

As with anything, moderation is best.

With that thought, I walked down the wide-open path.

Yeah, it’s better than being swarmed by people.

When Carl and I tried to enter the academy, the gatekeeper stopped us.

“I’m sorry, Lady Allen, but you cannot bring a servant inside.”

“Carl is…” “This useless person isn’t entering as a servant.”

“Pardon? Then…”

“He’s here to work.” “He’s here to work, useless gatekeeper. Don’t you know anything?”

It was only nominal, but the fact that a knight of the Allen family was employed at Soul Academy had a lot to do with the incident during the entrance exam.

Back when the incident occurred during the academy entrance exam, Benedict had sent a serious complaint to the academy.

The academy apologized and offered compensation, but Benedict rejected all their proposals.

Instead, he said this:

‘We don’t need that kind of compensation. Instead, let one of our knights enter the academy.’

It was a blatant expression of distrust, essentially saying, “I don’t trust you, so I’m sending a knight to protect my daughter.”

The academy had nothing to say in response.

The incident during the entrance exam was entirely their fault, and considering Benedict’s status, it was a relatively minor request.

However, the academy’s rule of not allowing servants remained, so they couldn’t just let Carl in.

Thus, the academy offered employment as a solution.

This was the most the academy could offer, so Benedict accepted it without complaint.

And so, Carl became a professor at Soul Academy through a backdoor deal.

This situation worked out well for me, too.

It meant I had someone absolutely on my side within the academy.

Though it’s a bit scary to think he might start guarding my dorm room... surely, he wouldn’t go that far?

When Carl pulled out a letter and showed it to the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper, flustered, saluted Carl.

“You’re here as a professor! Please, go right in!”

Having entered Soul Academy, I parted ways with Carl and headed to the location of the entrance ceremony.

Being a newly appointed professor, Carl had a lot of work to do, unlike me, a mere student.

The walk to the entrance ceremony was extremely smooth.

Even with parents around, the path opened up for me; with only students around, it was even more so.

“Lady Allen.”

I guess making friends here is out of the question!

As I was inwardly lamenting my certain future of loneliness at the academy, someone called my name.

“Joy.” “Miss Clueless. Long time no see.”

It was Joy.

Wearing the Soul Academy uniform, she looked less intimidating than when she wore her usual black dress.

Of course, that’s only compared to before; she still looked like the villainous lady she was.

When I frowned at being called “Miss Clueless,” her sharp gaze was no joke.

Those eyes could kill.

“Could you call me by my name instead of ‘Miss Clueless’?”

Joy seemed tired of the nickname and made her request, but that was impossible.

I had already been calling her by her name in my head.

Unless the Mesugaki Skill allowed it, I couldn’t call her by her name out loud.

“I’m sorry.” “Why should I, Miss Clueless?”

“...Fine. Do as you like. It’s not like it’ll last much longer anyway.”

I guess Joy doesn’t know yet that I almost became the freshman representative?

I wonder what her expression will be like when she sees my name at the top of the list.

In the game, her face when she was flustered by her clueless antics was priceless—seeing it in real life would be amazing!

I’m kind of looking forward to it.

“But more importantly, Lady Allen.”

“Yes?” “What is it?”

“Thank you for last time. Thanks to you, I’m still alive. I’ll make sure to repay this debt someday.”

Joy said this, bowed her head, and then walked over to the group that seemed to be her entourage.

Oh. I didn’t expect her to thank me again in front of everyone.

It seems your efforts paid off. Indeed.

It felt awkward to receive thanks for something I had done to clean up my own mess.

But maybe—just maybe—if she’s that grateful, could I become friends with Joy if I behave well from now on?

Perhaps my time at the academy won’t be as bleak as I imagined!

With those hopeful thoughts, I headed toward the entrance ceremony.

But reality quickly reminded me of my situation.

As soon as people assigned to the seats around me saw my face, they reacted as if they had seen something they shouldn’t have, their expressions filled with terror.

I bet they wouldn’t even flinch like that if they saw a cursed painting that kills you after three looks.

Seeing the students around me looking so frightened made me feel sorry for them.

I’m sorry, unfortunate people.

Despite your fears, I’m actually a completely harmless person, so nothing bad will happen.

Just think of it as one of life’s many oddities and bear with it.

Anyway, if I just keep my mouth shut, don’t I look like a cute young lady? Consider it a visual treat.

As time passed, more people gathered for the entrance ceremony.

Among them were many characters I knew well.

Freyr Kent, the future Swordmaster.

Toby, a commoner who entered the academy solely based on his exceptional martial talent.

Phoebe, the saint said to possess the highest talent among all saints in history.

From afar, she made eye contact with me and gave a polite nod.

As expected of the saint. Despite hearing me call her useless, she still greets me first!

If only my mind hadn’t been so preoccupied with the useless god last time, I could have talked to her more.

It’s such a shame.

And there was Arthur Soladin, the third prince, often called the “Pitiable Prince” by players…

Wait, why is he here?

Didn’t I refuse the representative position, so he should be the one giving the speech?

“Now, we shall begin the academy entrance ceremony. Students, please…”

As I was pondering this, Vice Principal Molly stepped onto the stage, signaling the start of the ceremony.

The person who took on the freshman representative role was Jacal Barrow, the Inferior Prince.

He seemed pleased to be the representative, reading his speech with a triumphant expression.

He was a guy who had overall talent but was always outshone by the Pitiable Prince in intellect and by Freyr and Toby in martial prowess, never able to be the best.

A man doomed never to come in first place.

Why is he up there?

It’s strange. There’s no way he could have beaten the Pitiable Prince.

In the game, he was always getting beaten and whining about it.

His nickname “Inferior Prince” wasn’t for nothing.

I really don’t get it.

What on earth is going on at Soul Academy?

Watching the guy who used to cry out, “Next time, I’ll win for sure!” with a happy face gave me mixed feelings.

Yeah, you should get to be happy at least once.

After his speech ended, Judy Albert took the stage.

Her appearance meant the time had come.

I gripped the mace I had kept small for convenience.

Why are you suddenly holding a weapon? It’s about time. What do you mean, ‘it’s about time’? “Ahhhh!”

Just as Grandfather asked, a scream erupted from behind us.

The ground trembled.

Looking in that direction, I saw a monster emerging from a hole in the earth.

Here it is—the classic academy monster attack.

Of course, the entrance ceremony wouldn’t be complete without some chaos.

As the crowd around me panicked, I enlarged my mace and summoned a shield using holy magic.

Well then, let’s get started.

It’s time to improve my reputation by behaving like a true tank.

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