Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 53 Table of contents

The monster that emerged from the ground was the Earth Dragon, along with the other creatures it commanded, just like in the game.

In Soul Academy, this served as a tutorial, so fighting the Earth Dragon was not possible.

It wasn’t a matter of being unable to fight with a level 1 character; the system simply didn’t allow players to engage with it.

Instead, players had to fight lesser minions and learn the gameplay mechanics.

Meanwhile, various key characters in the game would band together to defeat the Earth Dragon.

During those repeated tutorials, I often thought about how much I wanted to take down that Earth Dragon myself, and now, I finally had the chance.

And with much better stats than in the tutorial.

If I weren’t a character in the game, I would have been purely delighted.

As I passed by the panicked students fleeing in confusion, I spotted a student who had fallen and was unable to get up, with an earth golem preparing to attack him.

He wouldn’t get hurt even if I left him alone.

After all, the monsters currently moving were all being controlled by the academy.

But the reason I had drawn my weapon was to improve my reputation.

It’s better to make a good impression here.

If I can’t improve my reputation and end up being treated like a cockroach throughout my time at school, my fragile ego might not survive!

I quickened my pace, stepping in front of the student and blocking the golem’s punch with the shield I created using holy magic.

It was light.

Compared to the sword strikes I’d endured during my training sessions with Carl, this was nothing more than a cat’s playful swat.

After deflecting the punch with ease, I brought my mace down on the golem’s head.

As its head shattered and the golem lost its power source, it crumbled to the ground, and I turned my attention to the student.

“Run away.” “You weakling. If you can’t run on two legs, then crawl away.”

The student hurriedly scrambled to his feet and fled with the other students.

You’d think he’d at least say thanks for saving him.

Was my tone really that harsh?

Still, if that kid isn’t completely ungrateful, he’ll remember that I helped him and spread some good words about me later, right?

With that thought, I resumed my charge toward the Earth Dragon.

Several students were already surrounding the Earth Dragon.

They were brave souls trying to buy time for the other students to escape, but unfortunately, their skill didn’t match their courage.

Even though this Earth Dragon wasn’t fully grown, it was still a dragon.

Its basic stats were leagues above most monsters.

It wasn’t something newly enrolled students could handle.

The Earth Dragon was holding back its attacks, but if it had been serious from the start, those students would have been down long ago.

I stepped in front of the student who had resigned themselves to being crushed by the Earth Dragon’s raised claw.

As the Earth Dragon’s claw came crashing down, the Iron Wall skill activated.

Block it.

I responded by moving my shield.

Boom. The Earth Dragon’s claw slammed into my shield, and I was pushed back slightly.

Now, that’s some decent power.

It’s almost as strong as one of Fossil’s lighter punches.

But still.

Do you know how many times I’ve sparred with Fossil?

Do you know how many times I’ve been knocked to the ground by that person who has no concept of holding back?!

This is nothing.

Don’t even think about attacking. The Earth Dragon— Grandfather, do you really think I don’t know that?

As a veteran of Soul Academy, do you think I don’t know this thing’s traits?

You’re underestimating me too much.

I pushed the claw back and reset my stance.

The Earth Dragon was known for its exceptional defense, even among dragons.

If I went all out and attacked, I could deal damage, but that would leave me vulnerable.

If I were the only one fighting, I’d take the risk and swing my mace, but right now, there are plenty of damage dealers around, so there’s no need for me to take that chance.

Just as the Earth Dragon was about to lift its claw again, a fireball struck its head.

Wow, that seems stronger than what I saw last time.

“Lady Allen, hold on!”

It seems you’ve grown a lot since the entrance exam, Joy.

As the Earth Dragon, now focused on Joy, glared at her, a figure rushed in from the side, aiming for the dragon’s tail.

It was Freyr, the future Swordmaster. His sword bit into the Earth Dragon’s scales, slicing through its flesh, but it didn’t sever the tail completely.

As the Earth Dragon roared in pain and swung its tail wildly, Freyr clicked his tongue and retreated.

“Damn, that’s tough.”

The enraged Earth Dragon prepared to attack recklessly.

No, that won’t do.

How can you lose focus on the enemy in front of you and turn your attention away from me?

I have no choice. You’re like a distracted child.

Let me help you focus on your opponent.

“Hey, you little lizard♡”

As soon as I called out, the Earth Dragon’s gaze snapped back to me.

“Has living underground made your brain regress like a bug?♡ I know you’re dumb, but you should at least know your place♡ It’s pretty cheeky to take your eyes off me♡”

Look at me, you useless lizard.

Did the taunt work?

Feeling a rush of exhilaration, the Earth Dragon roared and swung its massive tail toward me.

Even as the huge mass came crashing down like a whip, I didn’t panic.

I was confident that this wouldn’t be enough to break me.

‘The servant of God will not fall before the onslaught of evil.’

Sturdy Sanctity.

A buff spell that boosts physical abilities during defense, and an exclusive skill for Holy Knights.

The tail struck just as the prayer ended and the blessing settled on me.


As the tail slammed into my shield, I instinctively gritted my teeth.

Even if it’s angry, isn’t this a bit too much?

If it weren’t me but an ordinary person, they’d be flattened into 2D by now!

While I struggled to hold back the massive weight pressing down on me, I suddenly felt a surge of power.

It was different from the buff effect of the Mesugaki Skill.

Right now, there’s only one person among the Soul Academy students who could provide such a proper buff.

Perfect timing, Saintess.

With the help of the buff, I pushed the Earth Dragon’s tail back, causing it to lose its balance and stumble.

“Are you alright, Lady Allen?”

Phoebe approached me, trying to cast a healing spell, but I waved her off.

“I’m fine. Please take care of the others.” “Why don’t you heal your own eyes first, useless Saintess? I don’t need your help, so why don’t you go assist elsewhere?”

I noticed her smile falter slightly.

It seems even the Saintess isn’t immune to the provocations of the Mesugaki Skill!

“Lady Allen...” — Roooaaar!

“Saintess, please focus on buffing us from the back!” “Useless Saintess, just stay back and support us!”

Fearing I might actually see the Saintess’s smile break, I hurriedly charged at the Earth Dragon.

At this rate, I might become the first person the Saintess ever dislikes!

Joy watched Lucy push back the Earth Dragon’s tail and knock it over, feeling both relieved and amazed.

How does so much power come from such a small body?

Even with Phoebe’s blessing, it only amplifies the strength one already has.

If Lucy hadn’t been incredibly strong to begin with, she wouldn’t have been able to pull that off.

She had wondered about this before, seeing Lucy fight with all her might in that hellish dungeon—how did this person become so strong?

A year ago, she couldn’t even climb stairs properly.

Is she really the daughter of the Allen family, which has produced countless legendary heroes?

As soon as the Earth Dragon lost its balance and collapsed, the young lord from the Burrow Duchy charged at it.

With a spear in hand, he attacked the Earth Dragon’s head, clearly determined to claim some glory.

Whatever his intentions were, his reckless charge was an annoyance to Joy.

She had to hurriedly cancel the spell she was preparing for fear he would get caught in it.

I didn’t have to worry about things like this when I was fighting alongside Lady Allen.

As Joy began preparing a new spell, Prince Arthur Soladin leisurely approached her.

“Your magic has improved a lot, Joy.”

“Your Highness, is now really the time to be making such casual remarks?”

Joy scolded him, and Arthur chuckled.

The two had known each other since childhood.

Arthur knew well that Joy’s stern tone was more of a complaint than actual scolding.

“If anything, I should be asking you. Why the rush, Joy?”

“The Earth Dragon and its minions are attacking the students.”

“Joy, this is why they call you Miss Clueless.”

Joy frowned at Arthur’s joke.

“What did you say?”

Her expression was filled with determination, as if she was ready to get revenge, but Arthur didn’t seem the least bit intimidated.

“Look around, Miss Clueless. Despite this sudden attack, there are no injuries.”

“Why are you calling me Miss Clueless too, Your Highness… Wait, what?”

Joy finally noticed that there were no injured or suffering students anywhere.

This was definitely strange.

Even if the academy’s entrants were skilled, they were still facing an Earth Dragon.

Normally, there should have been numerous injuries and chaos, yet the situation was unusually calm.

“Miss Clueless, that’s not the only strange thing. Look around. The Earth Dragon’s minions are just standing there, watching the fight.”

Indeed. The minions, who at first seemed poised to attack the students, were now just standing idly by, watching the battle.

Why are they just watching their leader fight?

“More importantly, none of the professors are joining the battle.”

At Arthur’s words, Joy shifted her gaze to where the professors were.

Given that an incident had occurred during the academy’s entrance ceremony, the professors should have been the first to jump into the fray, yet they were merely observing the fight.

They were only helping maintain order and aiding students in their escape, despite being within a range where they could easily intervene.


“The answer is obvious. Even you, Miss Clueless, can figure it out.”

Arthur was right. With a bit of calm thinking, the answer was easy to deduce.

“The academy orchestrated this attack.”

“And their intention?”

“To test the abilities of the new students.”

“Exactly, Joy. You’re actually quite sharp when you’re calm.”

“...You make it sound like I’m strange when I’m not calm.”

“Well, when you’re not calm, you are Miss Clueless.”

Joy’s displeasure was evident, and Arthur couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer.

The more he laughed, the more Joy’s expression darkened, but Arthur wasn’t worried in the slightest.

There was no way this timid lady would do anything drastic.

Arthur moved past the sullen Joy and observed Lucy, who was holding off the Earth Dragon.

As expected of the Allen family’s daughter, she’s certainly skilled.

Her movements are excellent, and her quick decision-making is impressive.

There’s nothing to criticize.

“Well, with skills like that, it’s no wonder she took first place in the entrance exam.”


Joy made an uncharacteristically loud noise for a duchess in response to Arthur’s muttered words.

“Joy, what’s the matter?”

“Your Highness, is what you just said true?”

Confused by Joy’s trembling voice, Arthur nodded.

“You mean Lady Allen took first place in the entrance exam? Yes, that’s true.”

“That’s impossible. That’s a lie. You’re lying, right? Please, tell me you’re lying, Your Highness.”

“I wish it were a lie.”

If it were, he wouldn’t have been humiliated.

Arthur’s firm response left Joy staring blankly at him.

Seeing her expression, Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle.

I may not know much about Lady Allen yet, but she sure is good at giving nicknames.

Miss Clueless… It suits you perfectly.

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