Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 54 Table of contents

At the moment when I tried to block the Earth Dragon's attack with my shield, a barrier made of divine power intervened, stopping the dragon instead.

"Lady Allen."

It was Phoebe.

Despite the fact that I had just called her names like 'loser,' she still came to help me!

As expected of the saint! She's truly radiant!

"Do you realize that everyone's watching us?"

With Jacal and Freyr furiously charging at the Earth Dragon, I had a moment to glance around at the students.

The panic and screams from earlier had disappeared, and they were now watching us with expressions as if they were about to start munching on popcorn.

It wasn’t just the students watching us.

The professors standing in front of them and the golems surrounding us were also watching with the same interest.

It seems everyone has figured out what’s going on by now.

Well, given all the clues, the only ones who probably haven't caught on are Jacal and Freyr, who are too busy harassing the dragon.

"So, this attack was indeed prepared by the Academy?"

"That’s likely."

"It's probably just the loser academy pulling another stupid stunt."

I replied to Phoebe and then dashed toward the Earth Dragon, smashing its claws with my mace.

Cracks began to spread across the claws, and soon they shattered and fell to the ground.

The Earth Dragon’s raid was nearing its end.

It’s certainly convenient when you have reliable damage dealers on your side.

All I had to do was tank at the front, and the victory came naturally.

This is too easy.

I wish I could always form a party and work together like this.

Though I've prepared myself to operate solo, it’s much more comfortable having comrades.

Given my current reputation, it seems impossible, but who knows what the future holds?

In the end, the Earth Dragon couldn’t withstand our relentless attacks.

Its claws broke.

Its tail was severed.

Its wings were slashed.

The Earth Dragon, with its eyes pierced, let out a pitiful final roar, nothing like its initial, powerful cry, and collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, those watching us began to clap.

This feels like I’ve become a gladiator in an arena.


"What’s going on?"

The two who had shown no interest in what was happening looked puzzled as they noticed the applause.

Feeling a bit sorry for them, I bypassed Phoebe, who was about to explain the situation, put away my weapon, and headed toward the group of students.


On the way, the pitiable prince spoke to me.

Why is this guy, who usually shows no interest in anyone except those he's been close to since childhood, suddenly paying attention to me?

"You certainly have the qualities to take the top spot from me."

So it’s because of the entrance exam!

Declining the position of representative wasn’t the end of it after all?!

I should have known! The top 20 scores from the Soul Academy entrance exam are publicly announced!

I figured that once people saw me at the top, it would affect things in some way!

But isn’t it a bit too soon for that now?

How does this guy know the results before the entrance ceremony is even over?

"Though you likely already know, let me introduce myself again. I am Arthur Soladin, the third prince of the Soladin Kingdom."

Even though etiquette demanded I respond to the prince's greeting, I couldn’t bring myself to open my mouth.

I couldn’t figure out how to address Arthur.

Joy is the Airhead Lady. Lucy is the Loser Saint.

So what should Arthur be called?

His nickname, Pitiable Prince? Or Loser Prince?

Either way, the outcome would be disastrous!

That would be treason! Treason!

Even if I’m a noble from a powerful count family, there’s no way I could get away with calling a prince something like that!

"Lady Allen?"

Is there no answer to this?!

I desperately racked my brain, but no matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t find a way out.

As long as the Mesugaki Skill exists, I can't escape this compulsion.

There’s no choice.

This is a challenge I’ll have to face while attending the academy with this guy anyway.

I might as well take the hit now and get it over with.

I steeled myself and looked straight at Arthur.


"Why ask when you already know? I’m Lucy Allen, Pitiable Prince."


Arthur’s eyes widened in disbelief, and only one word came to my mind.

Screwed. I’m completely screwed.

This wasn’t the kind of situation where I could even think about trying to smooth things over.

I had just called the person who hates being pitied the most the 'Pitiable Prince.'

"Could you repeat that, Lady Allen?"

Arthur’s lips curled into a smile, but his eyes weren’t smiling at all.

Seeing him stare into my frozen eyes, I felt a hiccup rising.

"I want to make sure I didn’t hear you wrong..."


Just as I was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say, a voice interrupted us.

It came from one of the golems that had been part of the Earth Dragon's retinue.

A human voice was coming from there.

This voice... It must be Luka.

"Thank you for your efforts in dealing with the Earth Dragon. It was a remarkable fight, something not expected from an academy freshman."

'Thank you.'

"Did you come all this way just to say that?"

"No, I also wanted to inform you that the academy entrance ceremony is about to resume. If it’s difficult for you to move, I can have this golem carry you."

'I'm fine.'

"Has controlling golems turned your brain into one? Do I look like I'm struggling?"

"Haha, I’m glad to hear you’re fine."

I never thought there would come a day when I’d be happy to see Luka’s face.

Thank you! You’ve given me a reason to get out of this situation!

I’ll remember this favor when I deal with you later, and I’ll make sure it’s done cleanly!

Sorry, but there's no option where you don’t get dealt with!

You’re a troublemaker, after all!

'I apologize, Your Highness...'

"This loser academy really has no sense. I’d love to continue this conversation, but I have to go. Farewell, Pitiable Prince."

In my rush, I accidentally called him 'Prince' one more time.

When I cautiously lifted my head, I saw the prince’s face, now devoid of even the slightest hint of a smile.

Ugh. I’m so screwed.

My mind went completely blank, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say, so I hurriedly headed toward the group of students.

<He's glaring at you from behind.> 'I didn’t need to know that!'

When I returned to the group of students, they instinctively made space for me.

The fear in their eyes was still there.

In fact, it seemed even more intense than before.

Perhaps it’s because they realized that the delinquent they thought was just nasty also has real power.

Normally, this realization would have made me feel down, but this time, it was fine.

I was already at rock bottom emotionally, so there’s nowhere left to fall!

"I imagine you were all shocked by what just happened."

Judy’s voice snapped me back to reality, and I absentmindedly looked at the platform.

"As you may have guessed, this attack was orchestrated by the academy. Why did we prepare such an event? It was to see how you would respond to a crisis situation."

"As you all know, there was an unfortunate incident during our entrance exam."

When Judy mentioned the incident, all eyes turned toward me.

"Fortunately, it was resolved without any casualties, but if things had gone wrong, some lives might have been lost."

"Even in the well-controlled dungeons of the academy, such dangers can arise."

"So, what about when you enter a real dungeon?"

Judy paused, looking around at the students.

It seemed like she was giving them time to think.

"Dungeons are full of variables."

"No matter how experienced an adventurer you are, it’s impossible to predict everything that will happen inside a dungeon."

"What do you think would happen if chaos like today’s broke out in the face of an unexpected crisis?"

"Speaking as someone who has worked in the field, you would all die."

Judy’s words brought a heavy silence over the students.

She never used to be this grim during her speeches in the game.

Is this a reaction to the incident during the exam?

"You are all future dungeon raiders."

"While the locations may differ, you will all enter dungeons."

"The chaos you cause in those moments will endanger everyone’s lives."

After surveying the heavy atmosphere among the students, Judy smiled.

"But there’s no need to worry. We will now teach you how to prepare for such situations."

"From today, the academy will teach you how to survive."

"We will teach you how to respond to any crisis."

"By the time you graduate from Soul Academy, you will be ready to tackle any dungeon."

"We will make sure of it."

After saying that, Judy bowed to the students, and then, as if her previous serious tone had been an act, she spoke cheerfully.

"Now, that concludes the entrance ceremony. You can check your class assignments at the entrance of the academy..."

If you were to ask Arthur what word he hated the most in the world, he would say 'pitiable.'

Born from a one-night mistake by the king,

Born the son of a baroness far removed from power,

Losing his mother in a mysterious accident at the age of five,

And completely losing the king’s attention along with her, Arthur was indeed a pitiable prince.

Everyone thought so.

However, Arthur hated the word 'pitiable' and the looks of pity it brought.

Because once he became pitiable, he wouldn’t be able to keep the promise he made to his mother on her deathbed.

Arthur did his best to avoid being pitied.

Instead, he worked hard to become someone admired by all, someone so great that the word 'pitiable' would never be associated with him.

He wanted to become the kind of person who could confidently tell the king, who had called him a 'pitiable child' at his mother’s funeral, that he was not pitiable.

Arthur’s efforts paid off.

Now, no one pitied him.

They called him a genius.

They admired him as someone extraordinary.

No one told Arthur he was pitiable anymore.

Until now.

"Pitiable Prince."

The scornful laughter and the mocking eyes directed at him.

Even after quite some time had passed since he parted ways with Lucy, Arthur couldn’t erase that scene from his mind.

They say she enjoys angering people by ridiculing and insulting them regardless of their status.

It seems the rumors weren’t entirely wrong.

Pitiable Prince.

Ha. Damn it.

I’m in no position to mock Joy.

I was zoning out, watching the students head toward the academy building when the sound of a message window appearing snapped me back to my senses.

[Quest Clear!] [You have successfully enrolled in the academy!] [Rewards will be given accordingly!]

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