After the Succubus Became a Fake Young Master Tha…
Chapter 26 Table of contents

Chi Jing frowned: “Do you know what you’re saying?”

Mu Jingshan calmed his emotions.

“Of course I know. At first, I didn’t believe it either, but you really look a lot like your dad!”

Chi Jing: “Where are they?”

“In my car. I’m almost at your house.” He was apparently driving, impatiently honking the horn.

The sudden honking noise irritated Chi Jing, causing him to pull the phone away from his ear. After ensuring there was no more noise, he continued the call.

“Did they mention their names?”

Mu Jingshan: “I forgot to ask…”

Chi Jing: …

He felt a throbbing pain in his temples and raised his hand to his forehead in exasperation.

Mu Jingshan, feeling somewhat guilty, added, “I was too shocked. I only remember there was a man with him who called him Chi Yu. Oh, and you seem to have a brother.”

Nonsense. He only had a succubus dad and had never seen any brother.

He rarely felt the urge to curse, but he also felt it was unbecoming of a succubus.

“Forget it,” he said, since he would see them soon anyway.

He hung up the phone, letting it slide from his hand to his lap.

The car stopped at a red light, and Jiang Yucheng took the opportunity to look at him.

“Someone’s coming to see you, claiming to be your biological father?”

Chi Jing hadn’t avoided Jiang Yuchenh when taking the call and now nodded tiredly.

The happy mood from drinking milk tea collapsed instantly.

Chi Yu…

Although he didn’t know what character “Yu” it was, his dad’s name was also called Chi Yu.

Was his dad here too? Did he disappear from the Dark Palace back then because he came to this world?

Too many questions bombarded him. Previously overlooked details began to surface in his mind.

He had never understood why he suddenly came to this world.

He had been living well in the Dark Palace, where it was dark and lonely but extremely safe.

Before coming to this world, he hadn’t gone to any forbidden places, nor had he touched any prohibited magic. So why did he suddenly end up in the human world overnight?

But if his dad had cast some kind of forbidden spell on him from a young age, it would make sense.

However, he believed his dad wouldn’t do anything to harm him.

“Let’s go home. Mu Jingshan is taking them to the villa.” He rubbed his head, filled with so much information it felt like it would explode.

Jiang Yucheng stepped on the gas, speeding up the car.

Although Chi Jing had mentally prepared himself, when he saw Chi Yu standing unharmed in the yard, he couldn’t contain his emotions and rushed over.

“Dad!” He threw himself into his arms, disbelief in his voice.

He spread his arms wide, causing Chi Yu to step back a bit, but the smile on Chi Yu’s face only deepened.

“Long time no see.” He gently patted hi back. “Our Jing has grown up.”

It was early afternoon, and sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled light on the embracing pair.

Chi Jing’s hair was ruffled by Chi Yu, and he childishly grumbled, “I spent a long time doing my hair.”

“Alright, alright.” Chi Yu, obviously familiar with his temperament, withdrew his hand indulgently.

In the sweltering afternoon heat of July, the stifling weather made it hard to stay outside for long. Jiang Yucheng seized the moment and spoke up, “Let’s go inside.”

Upon hearing hjs suggestion, Chi Jing straightened up and shifted his gaze to the two people behind Chi Yu.

“Dad?” He asked, “Who are they?”

Chi Yu, smiling, pulled the older man forward to introduce him to Chi Jing, “Baby, this is your father!”

Chi Jing, confused, met the man’s gaze, “My father?”

“Yes.” Chi Yu then waved to the other person, bringing him closer to Chi Jing, “This is your brother, his name is Tang Shen.”

The situation felt surreal. Chi Jing frowned, “But you never mentioned this before.”

“Ah, it’s a bit complicated. I’ll explain later,” Chi Yu said, then suddenly frowned and raised his eyebrows, “I’ve heard about the online issues recently. Dad will get revenge for you!”

Chi Jing waved it off indifferently, “I don’t care about those things. Dad, you have to explain why I suddenly have a brother.”

The sudden appearance of a father was unexpected but somewhat understandable.

After all, his dad couldn’t reproduce asexually.

But the sudden appearance of an older brother felt like a horror story.

He glanced around and finally looked at Mu Jingshan.

Mu Jingshan’s emotional intelligence kicked in, and he said, “I won’t intrude on your family matters. I need to handle some things at the company. Call me if you need anything.”

After a moment of silence, Chi Jing said, “Let’s go inside; it’s too hot.”

He walked a few steps, then turned back to pull Jiang Yucheng along.

“You come too.”

Chi Yu, already at the door, was surprised and turned to look at him.

Jiang Yucheng nodded politely and followed Chi Jing inside.

In the well-lit living room, Chi Jing sat with Chi Yu. Opposite them sat the father and brother he had just met.

Chi Yu said, “This is a bit complicated.”

Chi Jing: “Keep it short.”

Chi Yu: “I learned a forbidden spell during my mature phase and came to the human world. I met your father and had your brother and you. But your brother is an ordinary human, while you are a succubus. You couldn’t survive your childhood in the human world, so I had to take you back to the Western Fantasy world.”

Chi Jing: “Then how did I come to the human world?”

Chi Yu: “I modified that forbidden spell, but something seemed to have gone wrong.”

Chi Jing was used to him being unreliable, but he didn’t expect him to be this unreliable.

Without a word, he stood up, forgetting to put down the pillow he was holding, and silently went upstairs to find a quiet space to collect his thoughts.

He climbed the stairs and, upon reaching the top, suddenly stopped.

“Jiang Yucheng.”

“Hmm, coming.”

Jiang Yucheng leisurely picked up some fruit from the dining room and didn’t forget to bring Chi Jing’s unfinished milk tea upstairs.

He knew the layout of the second floor well. After going up, he headed straight to the master bedroom, knocking before entering.

Chi Jing was sitting on the chaise lounge by the window, still holding the pillow he had brought up.

Jiang Yucheng placed the fruit and milk tea on the coffee table and went to the next room to fetch the three kittens.

The soft meows of the kittens finally elicited a response from Chi Jing, who adjusted his posture and picked up the nearest kitten.

Jiang Yucheng sat on the rocking chair opposite him.

“Can’t handle it?” His deep voice was particularly clear in the quiet room.

“Actually, it’s alright,” Chi Jing said. “I just wanted to come up and process everything. It’s a lot to take in.”

Jiang Yucheng sat quietly beside him, letting him absorb all the information.

After a while, Chi Jing suddenly reached out and poked his arm.

“Don’t you find it strange that I’m a creature from another world?”

“So what?”

“So… you should be more surprised or scared.”

With Jiang Yucheng’s acting skills, portraying surprise or fear would be easy.

But he merely leaned in, smoothing Chi Jing’s messy hair, and looked into his eyes seriously.

“Surprised, yes. But not scared.”

Chi Jing: “Really?”

“If I were scared, you would have ended up in a lab the night I found out you weren’t human.” Jiang Yucheng naturally placed his hands on his shoulders, causing the kitten to hiss angrily.

He looked down at the kitten nestled on Chi Jing’s lap, then lightly flicked its forehead.

The kitten grew even angrier, emitting a constant low growl from its throat.

Chi Jing burst into laughter.

“Cats don’t seem to like you.” Chi Jing soothed the kitten’s back, and soon the growling turned into a contented purr, the kitten closing its eyes in enjoyment.

This was Jiang Yucheng’s first experience of being so openly disliked.

“Ungrateful little thing.”

Chi Jing: “Let’s go down later. I don’t even know my father’s name yet.”

“Tang Zhengqing.”

Chi Jing, sucking on his milk tea straw, was surprised, “You know him?”

“A lot of people do.” Jiang Yucheng said, “Have you heard of the overseas company WAG?”

Chi Jing shook his head.

“Nope.” He was only interested in gossip, not business companies.

“Assets worth billions.” Jiang Yucheng ruffled his hair. “You’ll become a rich second generation.”

Chi Jing immediately straightened up: “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

Chi Jing: So I’m not sleepy anymore.

He began counting his wishes on his fingers: “I want a fancy car, endless delicious food, and a house-cleaning robot.”

“I also want a castle as big as the Dark Palace!”

After listing his wishes, he asked Jiang Yucheng expectantly, “Will you buy them for me?”

“Except for the robot, I can buy you the rest.”

Chi Jing: “Why not the robot?”

Jiang Yucheng: “Technology hasn’t advanced that far yet, but I can get you a vacuum robot.”

Chi Jing: “That works.”

Downstairs, Chi Yu leaned on Tang Zhengqing, resting his chin on his shoulder.

“Our Jing seems to have found his mature-phase food.”

Tang Zhengqing supported his back to prevent him from falling.

“I’ll investigate his background.”

Chi Yu shook his head: “Jing will be unhappy.”

Unlike the calm Chi Yu, Tang Shen was very nervous.

“Dad, is Jing… mad?”

Once he asked one question, more kept coming.

He rew more anxious: “Did we come too suddenly? Will we scare him? And—”

“No, no, no,” Chi Yu calmly answered all three of his questions in one breath. “Jing isn’t really mad.”

Tang Shen: “But he just now…”

“He was just briefly unhappy,” Chi Yu chuckled, “just like when he was a kid.”

Tang Shen: … Is there a difference between being unhappy and being mad?

He still had more concerns to voice when he heard a noise from the stairs.

He looked over and saw Chi Jing, who had shaken off his earlier mood, walking lightly down the stairs.

Chi Yu said, “Oh, Jing came down quickly this time.”

After adjusting his emotions, Chi Jing cheerfully pounced on him again.

The two collapsed onto the sofa, hugging each other.

“I was just chatting with Jiang Yucheng. He said he would give me a castle and a sports car!”

Chi Yu: ”?”

He pulled Chi Jing up to sit properly: “But dad also prepared those for you! Why doesn’t Jing praise dad!”

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