Turning (WN)
Chapter 709 Table of contents

"You've arrived."

Nathan Zuckerman, in his inconspicuous attire, gestured to Yuder.

"Please, follow me."

"Follow me," he beckoned, leading the way to a tree near the back door of the mansion. In a moment, exploiting a gap when no pedestrians were around, Nathan swiftly climbed the tree and leaped onto the roof of the adjacent building. It was a movement too quick to catch with the naked eye.

Yuder easily followed suit, using the power of the wind to mimic Nathan's movements. Upon reaching the rooftop, the reason for Nathan's choice of location became immediately clear to Yuder.

'A blind spot between the chimneys,' he realized, spotting a cleverly hidden area invisible from the ground below, perfect for concealment and offering a clear view of most of Baron Conche's estate.

'How did he find such a spot so quickly?' Yuder pondered. Merely having a keen eye seemed insufficient for discovering such a place; it required experience in stealth and surveillance. Yuder had his past life's experiences, but Nathan, an adjutant and knight of Kishiar, seemed unusually skilled in such clandestine activities, intriguing Yuder with his hidden talents.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nathan asked, noticing Yuder's gaze.

"It's just... I'm impressed by how quickly you found this place," Yuder responded.

"It's nothing special. Working under a lord who enjoys exploring and observing his surroundings every night, you naturally develop these skills," Nathan replied nonchalantly, signaling Yuder to hide.

Without a word, Yuder laid down beside him, both men keeping their voices low as they focused their attention on Baron Conche's residence.

"Did you notice anything unusual while observing earlier?" Yuder inquired.

"A few things," Nathan began. "Earlier, a maid with her face covered came out and burned something in the corner of that garden. The trash she burned looked too large and heavy for one person. It seemed too rushed, even for a place short on staff. From this distance, it's hard to tell what was burned."

Yuder observed the charred remains piled up in the garden corner, noting the absence of anyone checking on the hastily burned debris.

"Also, over there seems to be the stables, which have been quite noisy inside. It's quieter now though..."

Yuder's gaze then shifted to a small stable near the burned trash. Although the roof obscured a full view, the hole-in-the-wall windows and large entrance revealed a few horses inside.

"We should investigate both," Yuder decided, subtly exerting his powers of wind and earth, focusing intently. The pile of trash in the garden suddenly spilled open, scattering its contents. Amongst the indistinguishable charred remnants, a partially burned object caught Yuder's sharp eyes.

'Is that... a horse saddle?' he thought, recognizing the basic structure despite its scorched and partially destroyed state. It was undoubtedly a luxury saddle, designed for a large horse, crafted from dyed top-quality leather with protective enchantments. 'Too intact to be discarded,' Yuder mused, sensing the gravity of their discovery.

It was clear at a glance that the saddle was of great value. Such expensive saddles were usually fitted for horses of noble bloodlines, and only the wealthiest of nobles could afford to ride such steeds.

Yuder surmised that the saddle had survived the fire due to the faint power of a protective enchantment embedded within it. It was rare for an item still imbued with magic energy to be discarded in such a manner. Only those with little regard for money would do such a thing.

'The current Baron Conche, however, would never treat such an expensive saddle so carelessly,' Yuder thought. He recalled Kishiar mentioning the Baron's penchant for squandering his wealth on pleasures.

Yuder's gaze shifted from the saddle to the stables in the distance. Although not visible to them, the horses there must have experienced a sudden chill and the ground shaking beneath them.


Moments later, a commotion arose from within the stables, a sound only perceptible to the two men, gifted with heightened senses and the power of the wind.

"What did you do?" Nathan asked.

"I examined the contents of the trash and gave the horses a slight disturbance. That should bring someone out to calm them down soon enough."

No sooner had Yuder finished speaking than a figure dashed out of the mansion. Even from this distance, the youth's Southern descent was evident. Shortly after he entered the stables, the horses quieted down.

'A Southerner, calming several agitated horses so effortlessly. There's much to ponder here.'

Following the youth, several other figures emerged from the mansion, their faces and skin covered with cloth.

'That attire...!' Yuder recognized it from his previous encounter in Tainu. It was similar to what the Southern merchants wore when they stayed at inns.

After a while, those at the stables emerged. They searched the surroundings, suspecting something amiss, scrutinizing walls and bushes. But they were unable to detect Yuder, who had skillfully used his powers from a distance that would be unimaginable for an ordinary Awakener.

Finding nothing, they returned to the mansion, and it fell silent once more.


Deciding there was nothing more to see, Yuder swiftly rose to his feet, and Nathan Zuckerman followed suit without a word.

"You've seen everything, I presume?"

"Yes," Nathan replied, his response heavy with unspoken implications.

"There are Southerners in the Baron Conche's estate. The ones with covered faces are surely those we've been pursuing from the West, and the first one who emerged is likely a servant of the deceased Second Prince. If we retrieve and examine the partially burned saddle, we'll have more certainty."

"If retrieving the saddle is sufficient, I can go alone," Nathan offered. However, Yuder shook his head.

"No. Let's use this opportunity to capture them."

It was a bold statement that would have surprised his fellow Cavalry members, familiar with Yuder's temperament. But the loyal Southern knight showed no surprise. He studied Yuder's face, as if contemplating, then spoke.

"If we intrude, it could lead to complications. Perhaps we should retreat after retrieving the saddle and report back before taking further action."

"Hmm. I'd rather not lose a trail we've finally caught," Yuder disagreed.

Certainly, Nathan Zuckerman could proceed as he suggested. However, if those scoundrels caught wind and fled again in the meantime, it would only delay the Cavalry's return to normal operations. Yuder had no desire to take such a roundabout route when he was confident of success on a more direct path.

"Do you think just the two of us can manage it? I am aware of Sir Aile's exceptional skills, but..."

"You are being remarkably humble. It is certainly possible with just us two. You need not belittle yourself or worry about me."


Nathan Zuckerman fell silent, as if Yuder's words had struck a chord.

"The issue of unauthorized entry arises only if we fail to achieve any results. And in my opinion, there is no chance of that happening. If that saddle truly belongs to the Second Prince, the likelihood that his horse is still alive in the stables is quite high. Securing just these two things and capturing a few of the fellows we saw earlier will make our task much easier."


Yuder lifted the corners of his lips slightly, looking at the silent Nathan Zuckerman.

"Of course, I understand your concerns. If you are not confident, I can handle it alone. Just watch over the area to prevent any disruptions or escapes. Should any problems arise, I will take full responsibility."

"That won't be necessary."

Finally, Nathan Zuckerman withdrew his gaze from Yuder and nodded.

"I will accompany you."

"Then let's head down right away."

They leaped down from the rooftop and headed naturally towards Baron Conche's estate.

"This is certainly the first time I've teamed up with Sir Aile for such a task... It makes me wonder how much you actually know about me," Nathan Zuckerman murmured as they scaled a wall. Yuder remained silent.

[BL] Bermuda

Leonardo Blaine, the true war hero of the Raina Logia Empire and the commander of the Armsilver 11th Squad, is dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders during the final battle that could have led the Empire to victory in the territorial war. People criticize and point fingers at him, and after being released on parole from prison, he disappears without a trace.

Three years later, his name has been forgotten by the world. The Council has been persistently pursuing him, but he has proven difficult to capture. Frustrated by this, Hugo Agrizendro, the commander of the Council's army, decides to personally apprehend him.

"Since when have you been watching me?"

Leonardo was calculative and astute, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had been observing Hugo for some time now. However, Leonardo's answer was something that even Hugo had not anticipated.

"From the very beginning."

[BL] The Mist (Same author as Turning)

In the autumn of his 18th year, after winning the high school kendo championship finals, an unexpected accident occurred.

Due to that incident, Kang Mu-heon lost one of his legs, his closest friend, and his promising future. He closed off his heart and shut himself away alone.

A few years later, the world's first real virtual reality game <THE MIST> was announced, where even those with physical disabilities could play in healthy bodies.

By chance, Kang Mu-heon encountered it and began a new life as the mage Kapros, facing unexpected meetings, reunions, and days of change....


"Why was someone like you born into this world to make me so miserable? Do you understand when I say it like this?! You were born with talent for the sword, a bright personality, everything - you must have been laughing at me always lagging behind! Did you even know how pathetic I felt because of your stupid hypocrisy? A genius? What does any of that matter!"

Seung-jo's cries stabbed at his heart, wailing as if he were crying even though he wasn't, but there was no time to think further. He quickly clutched my stomach, got up, and ran towards him.

He looked surprised for a moment, but he was desperate.

Just as the car was about to reach us, he shoved Seung-jo hard. Right after Seung-jo fell and rolled away with wide, startled eyes—


Bang! With an impact that felt like his whole body was being shattered, he flew through the air.

And in that brief yet long moment of floating in space, he remembered his reflection in Seung-jo's eyes for the last time.......


[ Then in THE MIST, may you become the master of infinite possibilities. ]


When his vision returned after everything went white, he was standing in the middle of a bustling town. Amidst the clamor, countless people were busily going about their business here and there.

He looked down at himself, standing dazed and wearing clothes of unknown origin. When he touched the sleeve, he felt the texture of fabric as real as reality. His hair felt the same, and even when he touched the wall of a nearby house, he could clearly feel the solid, cold surface.

Is this... VT?

It seemed like a joke. It truly felt as if he had come to another world and was touching everything.

As he stood there unable to think due to the shock, he suddenly remembered the biggest reason he had decided to play this game, and snapped back to attention. His two legs were still as they had been when he first stood.

'Can I really walk?'

He first stepped out with his left foot, then very slowly put strength into his heavy right foot. It felt like cold sweat was running down his spine.

And then,

He lifted it,

Moved it,

And took another step to touch the ground again.

So easily. As if there had never been any problem with this leg from the beginning.


At that moment, something that was neither joy nor emotion shot up his spine. Suddenly feeling a lump in his throat, he lowered his head and leaned against the wall. His right foot, bearing his weight, was doing its job perfectly.


Holding back the tightness in his throat, he took another step.

It didn't hurt. It wasn't heavy. His leg was no longer a useless piece of wood that ached.

Damn it, to be able to walk so easily like this.

To be able to run so easily like this.

He had wished even in his dreams for the day to come when he could walk and run like this again.

And so he walked again, kept walking, slowly getting faster, until finally he started running like a madman through the entire town.


"Kap. ...There seems to be a misunderstanding. That's not what I meant."

Just as he was thinking he should throw a punch, Yu-wan sighed with a troubled look and said.

A misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding when he said with his own mouth that he didn't think of me as a friend?

"I didn't expect to receive such a question suddenly, so my explanation was probably too brief. Let me rephrase."

Yu-wan reached out his hand, his face completely changed from before - intense yet resolute - as he stared at him. As he didn't reject the hand suddenly approaching his face and kept his gaze fixed, his cool large hand touched his cheek completely.

A shiver ran down his spine at that moment.

"I'm sorry to say this to you, but I don't see you only as a friend. ...This is the complete answer."

Check out the new project 2:

[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

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