I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 56 Table of contents

"···So, I won't be around starting next Monday, so please take care of the counseling office for me."

"I don't want to."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. I'll bring you something tasty! Just make sure to lock up properly. You can even eat all the snacks in the office!"

"Do I look like a kid to you? ...Do whatever you want."


After entrusting Orca with the counseling office, I started packing my things.

Let's see, as for my luggage... I won't be gone for long, so I guess I don't need much.

Just pack lightly, lightly.

I packed my bag as if I were going on a trip, but thinking about it, I'm actually going for work, aren't I?

Even if no one ordered me to do this, it's still not a vacation.

"So? Where are you going?"

"Not too far. Here?"

"...That's pretty close. Are you going on a trip?"

When I pointed out the place I was headed on the map, Orca raised an eyebrow.

I suppose she's wondering why I'm going to such a nearby location.

Well, even if I wanted to explain, I couldn't.

This isn't something I can tell anyone.

"No, no. There's a hotel nearby that's been popular recently. I've been wanting to check it out. There's a famous hotel there, you know?"

"You're talking about the Estelli Hotel, right? It's not bad."

"Ah, Stella. When did you get here?"

"Just now. I was wondering why you called, and it turns out you're going on vacation?"

"Yes, I’ll be gone for about... ten days or so."

"Ten days, huh."

A fleeting look of concern crossed Stella's face.

Understandable. She's currently under threat.

Though I hesitate to say it, she's been relying on me quite a bit lately.

Even though the Observer is in a cooperative relationship with her, they're still a key figure in a hostile organization.

For someone like her, with no real backing, I'm probably the person she feels most comfortable with.

She soon smiled and said to me,

"Alright. Have a good trip. I'll inform the Observer."

"...Thank you."

"What’s with that expression?"

"Oh, nothing. Just feeling grateful."


It seemed Stella guessed that I had my own reasons and didn’t try to stop me from leaving.

Despite being under threat from a terrorist organization that hasn’t even fully revealed itself yet, and after contacting the royal family for help only to have them send an assassin instead, she's still choosing to trust me.

It made me feel a bit... no, very thankful.

"There's plenty to enjoy at the Estelli Hotel. Make sure to have a good time."

"Um... sure."

"Your reaction is a bit awkward. Aren’t you looking forward to it?"

"Honestly, this will be my first time staying at a hotel, so even though there’s a lot to enjoy... I'm not sure."

"Ah, that. I felt the same way at first."

Even though I'm not going there for fun but for work, I can’t deny that I’m a bit curious.

After all, a hotel is just a place to stay. How much could there really be to enjoy?

"I used to think it was just a place to sleep... but it’s more than that."


"You’ll understand when you get there. I'll be waiting to hear your thoughts afterward."

Stella smiled, so I returned her smile, but then Orca suddenly started poking my neck.

"...What are you doing?"

"Nothing. It's nothing."


It definitely didn't seem like nothing.

She had a face full of discontent. Why was she acting like that?

I tried to get her to tell me why she was suddenly upset, but in the end, I left the academy without getting an answer.

"Hello, this is the Estelli Hotel. How may I assist you?"

"I have a reservation under the name Ophelia."

"One moment, please. ...You're booked for room 1303 for a week, correct?"


Even while checking in at the hotel, I couldn’t help but glance around.

I didn't realize it from the photos and videos, but the ornate decorations really captured my attention.

"Is this your first time here?"

"Oh... yes."

Did the receptionist notice my distraction?

She smiled lightly and started a conversation, causing my face to flush with embarrassment.

"In that case, how about trying a massage?"


"Yes. Our guests highly recommend it, and it's so good that even we, the staff, indulge occasionally. It's really amazing."

She added that there are female masseuses available for female guests, and that it’s a very comfortable experience.


"It's a complimentary service for our hotel guests. If you have some free time..."

A massage, huh...

Come to think of it, my body has felt a bit heavy lately.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try it out.

I've always wanted to try a massage at least once.

Back where I used to live, the only massage parlors were sketchy, so I was always hesitant.

But here, I didn’t have to worry about that.

This is an expensive hotel, so there’s no chance of any shady services, and I’m in a woman’s body now.

I'm not the target for such services! I don’t have to fear the authorities!

"Where should I go?"

"I'll guide you."

Even though I'm here for work, not to relax, taking a short break should be fine, right? After all, the official reason for being here is a vacation.

No one will complain if I take a short rest.

Yes, that's it. Definitely.

It's not like I'm slacking off.

I convinced myself of this as I followed the staff, trying to contain my excitement.

But I heard that your first massage can be really painful. What if it just ends up being painful and not relaxing at all?

My worries disappeared less than ten minutes into the massage.

"How is it?"

"It's amazing... Ah, there... Could you press a bit more there..."

"Your shoulders, right? Got it."

Ahh, this feels so good...

Soft, warm towels, lighting that soothes the eyes, and gentle music playing quietly in the background.

On top of that, the relaxing massage was just the cherry on top.

Far from being uncomfortable, it was so relaxing that I almost started making old-man-like noises, which was a bit embarrassing.

"You must be really tired."


"Your chest. It used to make me envious, but after becoming a masseuse, not anymore."


"People with large chests always have shoulder problems."

I can understand that.

I mean, I used to have a male body. I don’t dislike having a large chest.

In fact, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I can’t help but stare at it.

But just because other people like it doesn’t mean it's always great for the person who has it.

I’ve heard many times that having a large chest can strain your shoulders.

But I used to ignore that since it wasn’t my problem.

Who would have thought it would be this heavy?

"Today, I’ll make sure to relieve all your tension."

"Thank you..."

"No problem. If you need anything, just let me know."

Anything I need, huh?

I lay there, pondering.

...Hmm, taking a break without doing anything feels a bit wrong, doesn’t it?

"By the way, do long-term guests at this hotel also frequently use this service?"

"Of course. Part of the reason the Estelli Hotel is so expensive is that it offers these services for free. If you’re staying for a long time, it would be a waste not to take advantage of it, right?"


"The section for male guests is really busy these days. There’s been an increase in long-term guests, and they often come for massages."

"Well, with skills like this, I would too."

"Oh, you’re making me blush. ...But I’ve heard some of those guests can be a bit intimidating."


"Um... how should I put this? You know those people who make a lot of money using their bodies, like knights. ...There’s talk that they might be here on a mission."

"I see."

"If you end up staying long-term, you might run into them often. So don’t be too surprised."

"I won’t."

When I closed my eyes, signaling that I didn’t want to continue the conversation, the chatty staff member naturally fell silent and focused on massaging me.

...As expected, there’s no one better at spilling information than a talkative insider.

I took a shot in the dark, and it paid off with some relevant info. Lucky me.

Even though I’m enjoying some relaxation now, that’s not the reason I came here.

I’m here to prevent some major incidents that are about to happen.

Honestly, I would’ve liked to progress the main storyline, but that’s impossible now.

With the storylines of the playable characters converging and them starting to act together, if I try to handle all the incidents at once, I’m sure the kids won’t be able to handle it.

Some things can be accomplished through effort, but some things can’t.

If something seems impossible to handle, it’s a teacher’s job to nip it in the bud beforehand.


The staff member’s guess was half right and half wrong.

They were right about those people making money with their bodies.

But they were wrong about them being knights.

Recently, the world has been abuzz, trying to guess the identity of a certain group due to a series of terrorist incidents.

I’ve come to the place where they’re staying.

The reason is simple. They’re a nuisance.

While they usually show up just when things start to get dull and cause trouble, with the pace of incidents accelerating like this, they’ll just end up crashing into the middle of things, becoming nothing more than trash.

I need to deal with them in advance.

...But before that, I’ll just rest a little longer.

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