I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 57 Table of contents

I found myself staring at the stars that had started to decorate the night sky, breaking into a cold sweat.

When did the time pass like this? I had only planned to relax a little before getting back to work.

No, I did take a bit more rest than I originally intended. A little more, just a little more, and before I knew it, I had ended up taking the full course massage, enjoying ice cream and coffee for dessert, and when I heard there was a sauna, I just had to check it out... or rather, just experience it a little.

I can't believe so much time has passed from doing just a little of that. It's unbelievable.


...Should I just take the whole day off?

I had planned for a whole week of vacation, just in case something happened, so it's okay if I don't start today, right?

Just one day—taking just one day off shouldn’t be a problem.

Not more, not less, just a single day.

If I rest well for just one day, I’ll be fine. Yeah. Definitely.

Now that I think about it, there’s also a swimming pool here. Maybe I should check it out...

"Has the boss said anything recently?"

"Nope. Just told us to keep waiting."

"Huh, what’s going through their head...?"

"Do you think I’d know? There must be a plan."

Having come to this luxurious hotel, I decided that if I was going to relax, I might as well enjoy it properly. Just as I made up my mind and was about to head to the pool, I heard some familiar voices coming from the main hall.

"Well, I guess it’s not too bad for us, right? We can just keep relaxing here."

"True. The service here is nice."


I stared at the two faces. They were strangers to me.

They looked like ordinary guests, chatting casually in their light clothing. But I knew exactly who they were. They were the ones who attacked the academy. I was sure of it.

Although they were a bit of a distance away, and their conversation was somewhat drowned out by the surrounding noise, I was certain.

I might not recognize their faces, but there was no way I could forget those voices and that way of speaking.

"That woman is staring at us."

"Yeah. What’s up with that?"

"...We need to check her out."

In the game, the extra characters' appearances were often reused with simple illustrations. So, remembering every extra's face was impossible. Since this is reality, it’s natural that everyone has a different face.

But what about voices?

In games with fully voiced dialogue, even extras have voice actors. And having played the game countless times, I could never forget those voices. Eventually, I got so familiar with them that I would skip through the lines, but those voices were still ingrained in my memory.

No matter the unfamiliar appearance or attire, a voice is something you can’t easily disguise.

I was certain that these were the extras from the terrorist group.

"Excuse me, have we done something wrong...?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I’m sorry. It's just that..."

The two of them were staring right at me.

I’m not used to combat, so I couldn’t tell what they were focusing on, but I could sense that suspicion was beginning to cloud their eyes.

It’s only natural. They’re currently in hiding, so just being watched by someone is enough to raise suspicion.

As I fumbled with my words, their gazes shifted into something more overt, the kind of look you give to a suspicious person.

If they were higher-ups with confidence that their identities wouldn’t be exposed, they might have brushed it off, but these guys didn’t have that kind of information.

So they probably suspect anyone who approaches them like this.

It's not good to be suspicious of everything like that.

It only makes people think there's something to hide.

...Well, in this case, they’re right to be suspicious.

But even if they’re suspicious, there’s nothing they can do now.

From the moment we made eye contact, it was already over.

"I’d like to visit the room you’re staying in."


The two of them, now with unfocused eyes, began walking, and I let out a sigh as I followed them.

I thought I was going to take the day off, but what is this?

I can’t afford to miss such a perfect opportunity just because I wanted to relax.

I guess the swimming pool will have to wait for another time.

"Why aren’t those guys back yet?"

"Who knows? Maybe they’re just hanging out somewhere in the hotel."

"Tsk... I told them to be here before the meeting, but they never listen."

The room, adorned with luxurious decorations but with the lights off, had a gloomy atmosphere. A few men were waiting for someone in that dim room.

"You have to understand, those guys were pretty motivated at first."

"...Yeah, you’re right."

"It’s been over a month since they were ordered to wait without doing anything. They’re probably pretty disheartened by now."


Salome, a senior member of the organization, sighed.

It had been over a month since they were told to wait because the timing wasn’t right.

The members of the organization staying in this place were all growing weary.

Toppling the corrupt royal family and the hypocritical church to create a new world—that was the mission of the organization.

But to see them so disheartened just because they’ve been idle for a month...

"I also want to turn this rotten society upside down right now, but we need to be patient."

He understood how they felt.

Most of the members had lost family or loved ones during the war.

These guys probably lost their families too.

They must have had high hopes that they would finally be able to vent their accumulated hatred, only to be kept waiting for over a month, so it’s understandable that they want to do something.

But now is the time to wait.

"Just one more time. If we pull off one more big move, then our name will be known throughout the world."

The reason they didn’t reveal their identity during the academy attack was to make a bigger impact later.

If they had issued a statement after committing the terror attack, it would have made the news for a bit, but that would have been it.

It wouldn’t have lasted more than a month before being forgotten.

So they were waiting for the right moment.

They wanted to pull off an even bigger incident and then claim responsibility for the previous attacks as well.

People are more fascinated by unsolved mysteries than by fully explained events.

As proof, even though a month had passed, the news was still talking about their actions.

An unknown terrorist group, with no clear name, motive, or direction.

The media loves sensational stories like that.

People had been speculating and arguing about who they were, eager to uncover the mystery.

And when this story started to die down, they would strike again, ensuring that everyone would remember their name.

People might even start spreading conspiracy theories, attributing other unsolved crimes to them.

"Salome, it seems like they’ve arrived."

"...They’re late. Let them in."

"Yes, but... there’s a... a woman with them."

"A woman?"

Salome’s eyebrows twitched.

A woman...?

No one had discovered this hideout yet, not the detestable royal family or the church’s minions.

Could they have brought in a prostitute?

"Does she have any magic power?"

"No, she’s a civilian."

"Then let her in. Looks like they brought a plaything."

"Understood. ...Wow, she’s pretty."

It didn’t matter who the plaything was.

As long as it relieved some of the guys’ stress, that was enough.

For the sake of their grand plan, they were willing to do anything.


"...? What are you, a prostitute? I don’t need one, so go play with the others."

"Hmm... I don’t think I’m a prostitute."

"Then you’re just a civilian? Doesn’t matter. Hey, get her out of my sight. ...Hey, can’t you hear me?"

Salome, irritated, turned to his subordinate, who had been talking to him earlier.

But as soon as he saw the blank look in the subordinate’s eyes, Salome realized that something had gone very wrong.

He quickly turned his gaze back to the woman—or rather, the unknown intruder—and made a swift judgment. This woman had clearly done something.

He drew a dagger from his coat and lunged at her.


In an instant, the room, once filled with beautiful decorations, was now drenched in blood, the scent of iron heavy in the air.

The woman who had been smiling confidently was now clutching at the gushing blood, trying desperately to stop it, unable to even cry out in pain, only letting out a hoarse gasp.

"Ku, ugh..."

"I don’t know how you found our location, but no one would waste time talking to a woman with no identity. Foolish woman."

Salome didn’t know how she had turned his subordinate into that state, but he prioritized eliminating the threat over pointless conversation.

When you’re fighting, talk is a luxury.

"Where the hell did those guys go? Bringing in some strange woman like this... I’ll have to—"

"Hey now, calling someone strange is a bit harsh."


Salome was stunned.

How was she still alive? By now, she should have either passed out from blood loss or died.

At the very least, she shouldn’t be able to speak so calmly.

In a panic, Salome slashed at her wound again, this time severing her throat completely.

...Surely, she was dead now.

"Well, you see, something like this doesn’t really kill me."

"...W-What the hell is this?"

Something had gone horribly wrong.

Salome, drenched in cold sweat, took a step back from this incomprehensible being.

A corpse, with its throat slit, was smiling and talking to him.

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