The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 1 Table of contents

Tap-tap-tap – the sound of heels resonates through the long corridor. While I’m happily humming to myself, showcasing my newly received heels, I spot two organization members in the distance. They stiffen up like they’ve just seen their superior on a casual stroll.

They immediately halt and raise their hands, shouting, “Hail Eblis! Good morning, Scientist!”

“Uh—good morning.”

As I nonchalantly wave, I can’t help but sigh as I watch the organization members dash past me at lightning speed. I don’t recall being treated like this when I first joined the organization…

What on earth happened to get to this point?

If there’s a problem, it must be that meeting the boss when I first fell into this world was the real issue.


When I first opened my eyes in this city, I honestly thought I had been kidnapped while sleeping. I mean, how could I not?

The buildings are so modern, lined up like something you’d see in New York City.

It was way too hasty of me to think I’d fallen into another world based on that.

That thought was turned upside down not long after.

[Stop, Beastman ahead.]

“Ha-ha! Try and catch me if you can!”

A police car blaring its siren struggles to chase down a person running on two legs. Yes, it’s a person.

A police car that could easily outpace common folks couldn’t even catch up to a single human being? If a person could do that, they wouldn’t be running away from the cops but winning Olympic gold medals instead.

As I watched in a daze, an emergency news bulletin flashed on a nearby digital billboard.

[Breaking News. A terror attack by a villain has occurred in G City. Citizens living in nearby areas are advised to move to shelters immediately…]

“…Villain? Terrorism?”

The screen displayed villains spewing explosions from their hands and heroes in tight suits grappling with them.

At that moment, I realized that I wasn’t kidnapped after all. Ah, one of my speculations turned out to be true.

They mentioned some American-style buildings, didn’t they? Yes, this is a superhero world you’d see in American comics where heroes and villains, superpowers, and hybrids actually exist…

And here I am, just an ordinary person with no abilities whatsoever.


In this American comic-like world, people were curious about my black hair and Asian features, but they never outright approached me to stare or anything weird. I mean, with non-human races around, it would be strange to discriminate against someone just because of a different skin color.

Thanks to that, I could wander around the city without any significant incidents. Yet, I realized one glaring fact: this was not the world I came from. Naturally, I couldn’t use any of my cash or cards.

Upon realizing this, I instinctively understood I needed to find a job immediately. I was acutely aware of how dangerous it was to be a penniless nobody with no home, money, or even an identity in modern society.

‘I can’t even seek help from the police…’

In this American comic-like world, they probably don’t have any IDs for people, but a decent administrative organization like the police would surely have a means to identify individuals.

It was lucky for me that language could cross bridges, but having no one to verify my identity in this world is a massive issue.

Would the police treat me kindly, being a person with no home or identity? No, if they found me, they’d likely throw me in jail for being an undocumented immigrant or deport me back.

‘Well, it’s not like there won’t be any jobs. There must be work since they need people.’

If worse comes to worst, I could always do manual labor – with that thought, I visited every store in search of a job. Whenever I mentioned I was looking for work, the shop owners greeted me warmly, offering me a glass of cool water.

“So, you want to work at our shop?”

“Yes! Just give me any tasks and I’ll handle them!”

“What abilities do you have?”

“…Uh? I don’t have any.”

“Get out.”

Sadly, instead of racial discrimination, there existed another type of discrimination deeply rooted in this world. The discrimination against incompetents. Falling into this world without superpowers, I was treated almost as lowly as an untouchable.

After being turned down at over a dozen shops, the sun was slowly setting. Twilight—the time between the dogs and the wolves. I couldn’t tell if any approaching figure was a kind citizen here to help me or a villain coming to harm me.

I sat in a dark corner of an alley where people’s footsteps weren’t reaching, trying to avoid both humanity and the cold.

‘This crazy world… what do they expect the incompetent to live off?’

Being an incompetant with no ID and no education, I could do nothing. Even manual labor was off the table. Apparently, regular folks without physical enhancements are considered useless or something.

In a city where everything existed for superpowered individuals, there was nothing for someone like me. The only thing left to do was huddle down and tremble in fear…

“─Sitting here all alone and looking pitiful.”


Just then, someone approached me without a sound and began to pat my head. A soft palm ruffled my hair, followed by a sweet scent of milk that tickled my nose.

I cautiously glanced up to see a child standing there. Not just any child, though. The suited bodyguards behind the girl confirmed she was anything but ordinary.

“…I’m sorry.”

I waved my hands dismissively, standing up as if to apologize. I knew all too well that getting involved with someone like her wouldn’t end well, so I tried to leave the scene quickly.

However, the young lady who sought me out seemed unwilling to let go of her newfound toy.

“Where do you think you’re going?”


With a playful tone, she grabbed the back of my neck and sat me back down on the ground. She bent slightly to match my eye level. Since she was already small, she didn’t have to bend much.

As our eyes met, I could sense an indescribable aura from her gaze. Even though I didn’t know her name or who she was, it felt like I was standing in front of someone akin to the President of the United States.

Gulp—I cautiously opened my mouth.

“…Wh-what’s the matter?”

“Isn’t it natural to be curious to see a dark-skinned young man crying all alone in a place like this?”

“I’m not crying…”

“Every girl notices.”

As the girl chuckled, she urged me to share my worries. The intimidating feeling I felt earlier vanished, replaced by a warm comfort that wrapped around me like a hug from my mother. The resistance to share my secrets with a stranger, let alone a kid, gradually faded away.

So, I began to talk about my secret.

“I… am from a world that isn’t this one.”

I’m just an incompetent without any abilities.

“I have no home, no money, no identity, and no one to be responsible for me.”

I am…

“─I see.”


It was only after hearing the girl’s voice that I realized I had completely spilled all my secrets. I hadn’t even noticed it happening.

Whether she believed me or not, my fate was grim. If she believed me, they might take me in as some sort of test subject; if she didn’t, I could easily end up in a police report as a mental case roaming the streets.

However, much to my relief, the girl said something completely unexpected.

“So you have nowhere to go, huh? Then let’s go to my house!”

“Eh? What does that mean…?”

“Don’t worry—there are plenty of empty rooms in my house! Use one! Don’t think about refusing!”

The girl smiled broadly, locking eyes with me.

“I have so many things I want to know about you.”

And so, I found myself heading to the house of this girl, whose name and identity were still a mystery…

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. My name is Regalia. You can call me Ria.”

Now, at least I know her name.


Name: Regalia

Ability: King’s Majesty

Description: Exhibits charisma akin to that of a king.


“This is….”

“This is my home!”

The mansion we arrived at, after riding in Ria’s car, was massive—something you wouldn’t easily see on Earth. It was eerie in a cinematic or dramatic way.

While I sensed she was no ordinary girl, I never expected her to live in such a place, so I regarded her with slightly surprised eyes.

“Hehe—Are you shocked? Didn’t I say there were plenty of spare rooms in my home!”

“N-No way it could be this big…”

“Kitty! Show him to his room. Ah—have you eaten yet?”

“…Not really.”

“I’ll have something simple for you to eat.”

With that, she waved goodbye and left. As I looked at the woman called Kitty and asked where Ria was going, her reply was beyond my imagination.

“The young lady has gone to sleep. Children need to be in bed before ten if they want to grow taller, you know.”

“Ah… may I ask how old the young lady is?”

“Why do you care? Don’t ask silly questions.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Follow me. I’ll bring dinner to your room.”

After a rather unnecessary scolding, I was led to my room. It was as extravagant as it appeared from the outside. The bed was as cozy as a cloud, and lovely scents wafted from the blanket.

A little while later, Kitty entered with a simple meal.

“It may not be a proper dinner as it’s a bit late.”

“No, this is more than enough.”

The cart she brought contained steak. She called it not a proper meal? Just how extravagant would a proper meal be then!?

After a moment of astonished admiration, I began to slice and taste my steak. Watching me struggle with my knife and fork, Kitty frowned heavily.

“─Today, thanks to the young lady’s generosity, you have a place to stay, but don’t think it’ll last long. Once the young lady loses interest, you’ll be right back to being a homeless person.”

“I know….”

“You can either prove you have abilities that are useful for the lady or keep coming up with interesting stories to keep her interest alive. I wish you the best in figuring out one of those options.”

With that stern statement, Kitty left the room. She wasn’t wrong; after all, the only reason I could lay here comfortably was solely due to Regalia’s kindness.

It was merely a temporary favor borne from her fleeting interest. To stay longer, I had to prove my worth to her.

In a world where incompetents are treated worse than untouchables, my situation was dire.

‘…Is that even possible?’

Fortunately, an opportunity showed itself quickly.

“─All done.”


Regalia gasped in excitement as she looked at the moving wind-up robot. Seeing Ria blissfully amazed at the toy, I couldn’t help but smile along.

I never thought something as simple as this could make her so happy.

‘Is it because she’s a kid?’

Who would have guessed that making a robot that just shoots beams from its eyes would bring such joy?

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