The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 13 Table of contents

[─Thus, I confirmed that if I could concentrate computational power above a certain threshold, I could realize a super  artificial intelligence, which I shall call the Kuroi Law…]

[Dr. Kuroi! To achieve that computational power, you’d need an enormous facility, right? Recently, no such facility has been built, so I assume you’re using that item from Evil Corp?]

“Cough, no comment on that.”

[Are you aware that people owning that item are reporting criminal damage!? There are suspicions you might be the culprit…]

“I purchased it through legal means. Let’s leave it at that. Now, regarding the empirical problem of my theory, I have brought an android that utilizes the super  AI, feel free to ask questions─


At Dr. Kuroi’s press conference announcing the development of the super AI, I couldn’t help but exclaim in disbelief while watching the viral video.

It was absurd to think he used the circuits from my Nemu Buster to create a super AI. Of course, the absurdity was not from the anger of those who had their toys snatched away.

In fact, it was the opposite. I was flabbergasted that this guy could create a super AI from mere toy circuits.

‘What the… how did he even make a super AI with such toys?’

The circuits in toy robots are literally child-level circuits. The kind you play with as a kid. Yet, he claimed to have completed a super AI just with that.

It’s as ridiculous as saying you built a computer by stacking up abacuses. Honestly, replicating a computer in Minecraft using red blocks would be more sophisticated.

‘For that to be possible, it must either require sickening amounts of manual work or a genius idea… Even if it could be done, it wouldn’t mean anything practical.’

After all, since the AI was simply a circuit stacked together, its potential for advancement was zero. It couldn’t evolve beyond the performance limits of the circuit. In Earth terms, it would be a video that a wealthy science YouTuber might try for a laugh, only to regret it later when their views didn’t match the effort put in.

So, in my view, that meant it was a complete waste of money, time, and effort.

“I really need to take a proper science course…”

At that moment, I felt a lowly sense of superiority, wanting to shove new knowledge into these backward scientists. Yet, I forced myself to calm down and put my smartphone down.

Was it really worth my time teaching science to people in this world? It was possible. If I played the part of a genius scientist just once a century and casually spilled knowledge, that would suffice.

But what would that even mean? Those insights weren’t even knowledge I painstakingly created, and besides, I wouldn’t want to hide my knowledge for a lifetime.

‘Anyway, even if I slowly tried to elevate science, it’d be an arduous task to bring it to Earth-like levels… Probably impossible before I kick the bucket.’

If that’s the case, I’d have to live my life feeling frustrated with everyone. The moment I couldn’t hold back that impulse, a major incident would happen. So, it would be better not to teach at all from the start.

And even if I became a genius scientist, so what? I’d gain pointless attention from people and be targeted by villains while being half-confining myself to a lab, doing research daily, all while earning way less than the money-flinging business folks.

That would be no better than my current life.

“Ah, but maybe I should at least get myself a decent identity.”

Thinking of Levi-tang, I pondered that I should have a useful job in society. I couldn’t just introduce myself with, “Nice to meet you. I’m the Evil Scientist.”

Having thought that, I pulled out my phone and contacted the boss. Probably thinking I had caused some commotion again, she answered quickly.

─… Scientist? What’s going on?

“Uh, boss. I have something to discuss… Is this a good time?”

─Sure. Come to the chairman’s office….

Arriving at the top floor of Evil Corp, I stepped into the corporate head’s office. The secretaries and bodyguards blocking the entrance stepped aside as if they had been informed in advance upon seeing my face.

Knock-knock. After knocking and receiving permission, I stepped inside to find Regalia reading a newspaper. The front page featured articles about recent events.

[Thank you for showing great interest in our products, however, they are just toys─] A statement that stirred great controversy─

[“If you can take them, take them” Evil Corp has no intention to file a patent…]

“─You’ve arrived.”

Upon noticing me, Regalia folded her newspaper and placed it on her desk. Looking at her face, I could see she had been worn down by this issue.

They had stuffed such circuits into a mere ten-dollar toy. It must have caused an uproar not just among customers but also among corporate insiders.

“What on Earth made such a thing? And now they’ve revealed that a super  AI can be made using toy circuits, so all kinds of countries, cities, and corporations will be after you.”

“You look exhausted.”

“Ah, well, it’s not that I can’t endure it. Not with this.”

Regalia said as she shook a cup filled with a yellow liquid. It was initially hard to tell what it was, but I soon realized it was Evil Corp’s energy drink.

I was concerned about how tired she must be to be carrying that around at such a young age. “You know drinking that won’t help you grow, right?”

“Puh-! Cough, cough! Wait, is that true!? Why am I just hearing this now!?”

“Really? That’s basic knowledge. If you drink that, you won’t be able to sleep at night. If a kid doesn’t sleep well at night, they won’t grow.”

“Ah… so that’s what you meant.”

Watching her go from furious to suddenly relieved made me realize it was the right moment to present the business I had in mind.

“I’d like to start a small side project.”

“A side project?”

“Yeah. I need an identity to present when I meet people outside.”

“If you want, I could arrange for you to be the lab director.”

“Something that grand is a bit much.”

“Well, I suppose that makes sense.”

Creating a fake ID for an alien who fell into this world to run a small repair shop wouldn’t be too difficult for her. But it would be quite burdensome to forge an ID and academic credentials to crown me as a lab director.

If someone tried digging into our relationship, my fake  education and ID could become a liability—plus, being the scientist who just landed at Regalia’s lab would draw attention no matter where I went.

There was a crazy chance they could just deduce that I was the developer of those toy circuits. Human tenacity sometimes transcends logic.

“Alright then, what do you want?”

“A small shop where I can take in the fresh air. A quiet little place.”

“Hmm— a quiet little place….”

“How about a repair shop?”

“You’re not planning to cause an accident there, right?”

“Come on, it’s just fixing some things—how could that cause an accident?”

Regalia looked at me with a half-suspicious glance. After staring for a while, she sighed deeply and motioned for me to leave.

Riding the exclusive elevator to the chairman’s office, the secured walls transformed into transparent glass partway down. The scenery of City E greatly unfolded before my eyes.

It was a beautiful city. More so because it wasn’t polluted by smog or anything like that.

Now, I will truly become a resident of this city.

Not as an evil scientist, but as an owner of a little repair shop.


Dusting off…
Chunks of broken concrete crumbled to the ground with the dust.

The hero, Niberna, opened her eyes, staring blankly into the air, seemingly bewildered as to why she was there.

After a moment, a roaring sound echoed from a distance, jolting her back to reality.

─“Kha ha ha ha! I shall end it here for today! Next time, I’ll train harder and come back!”


Only then did Niberna recall being hit by Galm’s punch and flying far away, ultimately fainting from the force.

Embedded in the building, she managed to escape, climbing down to the ground. Taking shaky steps, she soon realized there was no strength left in her body, and the power of her hero suit had also run out.

‘Oh no, did I lose?’
Without power, she couldn’t even remove her suit alone. She would have to return to headquarters and rely on specialized equipment and scientists there for assistance.

The problem was that she didn’t have the strength to make it there. To make matters worse, her communication device must have been damaged when the suit broke, as she couldn’t contact headquarters.

Of course, if she didn’t return, they would promptly send someone to rescue her. But would she be able to last until then?

“Haa, haa…”

Struggling to breathe and feeling a tightness in her chest, she wanted nothing more than to rip off this suffocating suit. But unable to remove it herself, her condition worsened and could lead to a dire fate if she wasn’t careful. That would be the worst-case scenario.

Niberna leaned against a wall and staggered towards where people were likely to gather. Anyone who saw her, a clearly injured hero, would surely contact the police or fire department.

As she walked, she spotted a shop and abruptly halted. The door was ajar. She could feel activity inside. A person.

‘Quickly, help me….’

With halting steps, she entered the shop, and the person inside tilted their head to look at her.


“I’m the hero, Niberna. All my communication devices are down. Could you report for me that I’m here?”

“…A hero?”

The man paused at her words but soon nodded and whipped out his phone to make a call. Moments later, he finished the report and approached her.

“You look like you’re struggling. How about taking off your suit?”

“I’m sorry, but it’s malfunctioning…”

“Oh, I see.”

“And also— may I lie down for a moment?”

“Come this way.”

He guided her toward a bed in the back room. Normally, she wouldn’t have even considered lying on someone else’s bed in her filthy suit, but in her excruciating state, she had no luxury to think about such things.

As she lay down on the bed, she felt as if her entire body was sinking into the mattress before drifting off to sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she was welcomed by a familiar ceiling.

The Hero Association headquarters.

“Are you awake?”


“Glad to hear you’re up. Write up your report when you’re done and head home to rest.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

Spotting the director, Niberna spoke before pausing, realizing that her suit had been removed. They must have taken it off while she was out. In that case, they would also know it was broken.

She bowed her head in guilt toward the director for damaging her suit.

“I’m sorry, Director. I broke the suit…”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I said my suit is broken.”

“No, your suit seems perfectly fine.”


Niberna stared at the director in confusion, who scratched his cheek, looking apologetic.

“It seems you’re not in great shape. You can write your report tomorrow, so just head home and rest.”

“…I will do that.”

There was probably more she wanted to say, but Niberna bit her tongue.

In the end, having a moment of curiosity wasn’t worth more than clocking out early.

Clocking out early is the truth.

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