The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 16 Table of contents

After all the hospital visits were over, I stepped out of the room and noticed Aile leaning against the wall by the entrance. I casually opened my mouth.

“Have you reflected on what happened?”

“…Yes, I have.”

“Let’s not let this happen again, Aile.”

Hearing that, Aile started mumbling nervously. She wanted to say something because she felt it was unfair, but she was too afraid that voicing her thoughts would earn her a scolding—a typical behavior of kids raised in repressive environments.

Encouraged to speak freely, she tilted her chin slightly and finally opened her mouth.

“Well, but… she was a hero, right? We’re the Evil Organization, and isn’t it okay to attack heroes?”

“So, because you’re in the Evil Organization, it’s fine to attack heroes?”

“Yeah! After all, she must have been prepared for this when she became a hero!”

“That’s wrong, Aile.”

“Wrong? What do you mean…?”

I sighed and looked at Aile. My sigh made her shoulders hunch slightly. It’s honestly absurd to explain this to someone who has been an executive in an evil organization for years, but I felt the need to clear up her misunderstandings.

“We’re an Evil Organization, not villains. Sure, people might say we’re all the same, but we have a distinct pride for being an Evil Organization.”


“Yeah. The boss announcing operations in advance and sending out organization members isn’t done for nothing.”

An Evil Organization isn’t just a group of people rebelling against society. Unlike other villains who became what they are by chance through crimes, we had a clear purpose, and using villainy was just the means to that end.

For instance— the Beastman King Galm is focused on fighting the strong.

For instance— Aile seeks connections with magical girls.

For instance— I want to survive in this world.

We were different from mindless villains who only stir chaos and madness.

“Act with pride as an Evil Magical Girl, Aile. I sorted things out for you this time, but it won’t happen again.”


“Don’t mope around too much. How about we grab something delicious to eat?”

Having educated Aile about the Evil Organization, I smiled lightly to change the mood. Aile looked caught off guard by this sudden shift, but her stomach was apparently honest.

“Then, how about tteokbokki…?”

“Sure, let’s go.”

At the restaurant we headed to, I learned just how much a female student’s fighting spirit increases in front of spicy food.


Niberna completed her treatment and returned. The Hero Association continued to function even during her absence. From a distance, it seemed like she was unnecessary, but in reality, the staff had been struggling.

The workload at the Hero Association is overwhelming. Because it involves lives, it’s even more stressful. Consequently, the employees were always bogged down with work, and quickly returning Niberna was akin to a savior for them.

“Niberna! Sorry to ask right after you’re back, but could you head out on a mission?”

“Sure. Where to?”

“It’s the Evil Organization again.”

Recalling the disheveled face of Galm, who had made a mess of her, Niberna nodded. She set out to the designated location right away.

Since showing up before the scheduled time often invited complaints from the Evil Corporation, Niberna spent her waiting time sipping Americano at a nearby café.

After a while, the anticipated attack from the Evil Organization began.

“─Ahahaha! I’m here!”

Galm’s voice, now filled with vitality compared to a few months ago, echoed throughout the city. Simultaneously, evacuation alerts rang out from phones and street speakers.

Hearing the alarm, Niberna set her coffee cup on the table and dashed out. A few heroes sent alongside her followed suit.

“That’s enough! Evil Organization!”

“We won’t let your evil deeds slide!”

“Ah, did you come?”

Not too long ago— just a couple of months, in fact— Galm would send combatants first to get knocked out before he would enter the fray. But now, having regained his former strength, he was moving as if he didn’t want to waste a single moment.

After all, ordinary combatants wouldn’t be able to hold back an A-Rank Hero, so instead of exhausting them, he directly rose to fight the heroes.

“Did you warm up before coming? Last time, that pink-haired one was weak. Were you on your period back then?”

“─Formation 5!”

“Let’s go as we practiced!”

“That’s a good stance. No need to talk to the enemy.”

With those words, Galm began exchanging blows with the heroes. Punching, kicking, and brawling—a brutally simple fight, characteristic of beastmen. Yet, it was enough to take down A-Rank heroes.

Just strength. Just speed. Just skill.

Overwhelming the abilities humans are born with.


“Hahaha! No improvement, no improvement! You unconsciously focus on your weak spots when you’re defending!”

“You crazy brawler! You want to coach me while we fight?!”

The heroes were fuming, frustrated by Galm’s casual commentary while he fought them. But Galm didn’t seem to care and continued to mutter.

Perhaps it was just Galm’s great condition today, or maybe the heroes weren’t feeling their best, but before long, all of them— except Niberna— were left rolling on the ground.

Seeing this, Galm scratched his chin, looking quite disappointed.

“Is it already over…? Hmm, should I request another round today?”

As he pondered whether he needed to destroy a few buildings for more heroes to show up, Niberna glared at him.

“…You’re so laid back.”

“Hmm? Have you lost your mind? A hero shouldn’t be speaking to a villain like that…”

“You must’ve boasted about your insane strength since childhood. Unmatched, powerful strength. Brilliant talent. You probably felt like the main character of the world.”

Not too long ago, she had envied such geniuses. Jealous of the main characters. While belittling what they possessed, she also wished to be like them.

But now? Nothing much had changed. Niberna still wanted to be the main character.

The absolute being receiving everyone’s attention and love.

“─And yet, you chose to be a villain despite such power and talent.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying you’re pathetic.”

With that, seeing someone like Galm waste his talent made her unable to suppress her anger. In the past, even if she had felt overwhelmed, there wasn’t much she could do but stew in her loser’s inferiority complex.

But now, it was different.

[Are You Ready-!?]

“I will enlighten you.”


A new suit enveloped Niberna atop her existing one.

Standing tall as a hero born from the overlap of two suits in front of the Evil Executive.

“─Like a true hero.”

“I don’t know what kind of toy you brought, but that—”

Just as he was about to continue, Galm flinched at the sight of Niberna charging at him. Though slightly caught off guard, he lost sight of her for a moment.

When Galm finally reacquired his focus, Niberna was already right next to him. She wasn’t a weak hero; she was a determined one who grasped her opportunity. Niberna’s fist struck Galm’s abdomen.


Sent flying from the punch, Galm crashed through a building on the other side, emerging from the debris later while patting his stomach.

“Ha, hahaha! You’re strong!”

“…That wasn’t enough to take you down in one go, huh?”

“Such arrogance! You tried to take me down in one hit?”

However, despite his words, Galm’s face was filled with glee. Grinning, he approached Niberna, readying his fists.

“─But that’s fine. Arrogance and pride are virtues of the strong!”

“Is that so? Right now, I feel like I could take you down anytime.”

“Ha, if that’s the case, I’ll gladly surrender to you! Hero!”

And in the next moment, the fists of the Beastman King and the Hero collided.

The clash of these two super beings would last all day, with neither falling until the fight came to an end.

That day, Niberna returned to the Hero Association as an S-Rank Hero.

For the very first time in her life, she took a step into the realm of the main character.


My teammates were making way too much noise. Mainly that hairy beast teammate. Normally we’re not that close, but this muscle beast barged in like it was his house and burst into laughter.

The fact that I couldn’t shut his big mouth was the most troublesome…  Science? What’s the point of researching that when facing a beast with three-digit biceps? I might as well be a hairless monkey next to him.

“Hahaha! Scientist! I thought of you after a long time and came to visit!”

“Ah… Yes.”

“I met someone interesting! She put on a suit and became way stronger! There’s probably a genius like you on that side too!”

“Is that so…?”

I stated a soulless reply, realizing that the one Galm was referring to in his suit was Niberna. It seemed my efforts to create it for her hadn’t gone to waste.

Galm was one of our organization’s top forces, a monster who also bore the title of Beastman King reserved for a few of the strongest heroes among beastmen.

If someone could face off against Galm, then surely Niberna wouldn’t be overlooked in her pursuit of dreams.

‘Gotta keep this a secret from that guy…’

I glanced at Galm, who was already guzzling down a bottle of alcohol. What kind of request would the brawler who knows nothing but fighting make if he found out that I created Niberna’s suit?

He’d probably start whining to have me make a machine that could beat him. Sure, I could make one, but it would be a massive hassle. I’d need a ridiculous amount of infrastructure to create something like that. Sure, I could build it, but we’d be talking hundreds of millions, if not billions, of funds…

Even the boss of a global conglomerate wouldn’t be able to scrape up that kind of cash. Even if he could, it would be nonsensical to spend it on an Evil Organization that’s merely a hobby. Who wants to go bankrupt over making one thing?

Plus, if I created such a device and someone snatched it away, that could spell disaster. I mustn’t forget we live in a world where powers like machine manipulation or mechanical hypnosis exist.

‘What if someone suddenly appears with those kinds of abilities and takes my machine for themselves…?’

If the top muscle of our organization, Galm, were to be subdued by such a machine? No idea how it’ll be used, but I don’t think this world will see good days ahead. That’s one of the reasons I refrained from making weapons that are excessively powerful and beyond my control.

“Hey! Scientist! Do you do any exercise!? You’ve got just two digits for those biceps!”

“…Humans usually look like this.”

“Not happening. Let’s go work out.”

“Um, I’m not really…”

“─Let’s go.”

Watching as Galm dragged me kick and scream to the gym, I regretted not boosting Niberna’s suit performance even further.

I might have just ended it there and captured this beast…

But reality ended with a stalemate, and as a price, I became subject to an eternal Sisyphean punishment of lifting weights non-stop.

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